Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Complete (Rebooted) Mega Man RS Universe Timeline Part 7 (Finale!)

New Earth Era: The Rebirth (1 - 2000 ER):

With Earth destroyed and humanity wiped out, The Guardian of Earth, Hymn, creates 2 Gods of Creation to help rebuild the Earth. They are Geetz and Gatz, who restore Earth's beauty, though the layout is much different.

With that done, Life is soon created. After this, The Gods of Creation and Goddesses of Destruction are put to sleep, only to re-awaken if there is another War.

Time has reset, but a new age is born - ER (earth reborn). 

In 5 AR, Animals come into existence, starting with Dinosaurs.  

In 100 ER, The first Humans are born, called Carbosapians. Unlike with the extinct Humans, Carbosapiens evolve much faster.

In 1000 ER, Dinosaurs go extinct, but leave behind a legacy with descendants. 

In 1700 ER, Civilizations begin to emerge on the various continents. Mankind is thriving.

In 2000 ER, The first Towns are created, as are the first hospitals and stores.


New Earth Era: The Carbosapians (2500 - 3000 ER):

From 2500 - 2900 ER, Mankind has grown and are thriving. The next Evolution happens and Soon, the first primitive City is created.

In 3000 ER, 2 Nations go to war over racial issues. But before any life had been taken, Hymn appears before the Entire World to warn about the Horrors of War and Hate. He also warns that if they are foolish enough to wage war, His Goddesses of Destruction will awaken and annihilate everyone. 

The Carbodapians heed Hymn's Words and make peace.

Note: BTW, Hymn is a RS Version of The Master from Mega Man Legends 2, except with shorter hair and a beard. And he's a Celestial, not a Human.

Soon a New Age begins - The Halcyon Age, an Age of Peace and Evolution.


The World Evolution Era (1 - 1799 HD):

Halcyon Days Age is here!!

From 1 - 200 HD, the first wave of Technology is created, sure it's ancient, but it's fair for the time. Wars are settled with Sporting events. 

In 300 HD, new islands are formed and many people and animals migrate to them. 

In 400 HD, More Cities emerge and the 1st Martial Art is created. 

In 500 HD, Carbosapiens establish a Transportation System, again,very primitive, but fair for the time.

In 600 HD, The 1st Card Game is created.

In 1000 HD, fearing that the Carbosapians may not be strong leaders, Hymn sends his "Son, a Celestial named Juno to Lead the World.

Note: Juno is a Non-Robotic, RS-ised version of Mega Man Juno.

For Hundreds of years, Mankind has continue to evolve and, thanks to the guidance of Juno, peace is kept.

Over time civilizations have died out and were replaced by more "Modern" countries. 


The Halcyon Era: The Dig-Outers: (1860 - 1996 HD):   

From 1860 - 1900 HD, technology advances to the point where vehicles are a thing.

In 1921 HD, As Ancient Civilizations become nothing more than history, Archeologists, called Dig-Outers, aim to preserve that history. Unfortunately, they also deal with Pirates. The biggest Pirate group, The Bonnes, lead by Connie "Con" Bonne (22) and her Brother, Ron Bonne (17).  

A 17-year-old boy would prove himself to be an ace Dig-Outer. His name is Chuck Voulnut, an adventurous sort. Helping him is his mentor, 23-year-old, Thomas Caskett.

An early version of the Telephone is invented.

In the 1930's, Connie and her lover gave birth to a baby boy, who She names Lonny aka Lon.  Chuck Voulnutt and his wife give birth to a Son, Eugine Voulnutt.

Thomas Caskett has a child with his Wife, a boy named Barret "Barrel" Caskett.

A New Industrial Revolution arrives. As do Plains and Flying Ships. Radio too.

In the 1940's the first Great World War happens, Greedy Comnazi"s vs. The Heroic Super Allience. The Comnazi's want World Conquest, and the Allience wants to stop them. 

The War is waged via Wrestling Contests. Which the Comnazi's lose. Defeated, the Bad Guys disband and give up their ambitions.

TV is invented.

In the late 1950's, Lon Bonne has a Son with his lover, a boy named Don. Barret Caskett and his wife give birth to Twins, Winston and Matilda. 

Eugine Voulnutt and his wife give birth to a Son, Thomas.

In the 1960's, The Bonnes upgrade their tech to become more formatable. The Dig-Outers also upgrade their tech.

In the 70's, Reaverbots, Robots to help Mankind are created. In the mid 70's, The Bonne Family grows with the birth of Don and Bonny Bonnes 1st child, Teisel. 

Explorers,Xavier and Matilda Caskett give birth to their first born, a son named Bruce.

In the Late 70's, The Voulnutts,who are also explorers, give birth to a Son, Robert "Rock" Voulnut. Just 1 month later, The Casketts welcome their 2nd Child, Roll. And 3 3/4 weeks later, the Bonnes give birth to their 2nd Child, a girl named Tron.

In the 80's, Cybernetics are invented. And Tron displays her niche as a mechanical prodigy. Roll also displays this to.

The Casketts and Voulnuts are lost in an exhibition and are presumed dead. Rock, Blues, and Roll are taken care of by Barrel. 

In '89,Barrel loses his left eye during a Dig-Outer mission and gets it replaced with a cybernetic one. The Loathe Crime Family rises, but are countered by the Global Police Force, lead by Commissioner Cliff Marmalade and his daughter Chief Sandra Marmalade.

In 1990,The 2nd Child of the Marmalades, Denise, soon joins.

Note: The RS versions of the Marmalade clan are black. Just thought you'd like to know.

In 1991,The Bonnes create their first Airship, The Gesellschaft. Mr. Regal, a multi-millionaire and former Dig-Outer, starts Regal Industries, a Tech Company. Regal plots to take over the World though monopolisation.

In 1992, Robert "Rock" Voulnutt aims to be a master adventurer. The Casketts create their first Airship,The Flutter. 

In 1993, Bruce runs away to be a dig-outer and make his fortune. The Bonnes Parents go off on an adventure, but not before giving birth to a 3rd child, a boy named Bon.

Teisel is left in charge of the Bonne Pirates.

In 1994, The Bonnes create Mech-Suits called Bonne Armor. They also create a line of Ride Armors called The Steiner Series, with Tron's personal Ride Armor called The Gustaff.

In 1995, Tron creates The Servebots, aka The Kobun-100 series, a series of robots of all shapes and sizes, though all share the same basic design (the legends design).

Lightanium is discovered, though in limited supply. Roll creates Data, a robotic monkey.

In 1996, the Bonnes and Casketts meet for the first time during an Dig-Outer exhibition.

The 2 families become Rivals - Adventurous Heroes v. Pirates.

Bon Bonne is given a Mech-Suit for his 3rd Birthday.


The Halcyon Era: A World of Adventure (1997 - ???? HD):

In Early 1997, Rock Voulnutt is hit by a truck. He could've died, but thanks to being outfitted with Cybernetics/Bionics, he not only survived, but also gained enhanced abilities. 

As a Bionic Super Human, Voulnutt is able to do his Dig-Outer jobs much more efficient.

In Mid-1997, The Voulnutt Team have their first big adventure, where they search for the Mother Load, a treasure made up of rare metals and stones, worth Billions. The Bonnes also are after it and that leads to confrontations between the 2 sides.

In a Non-Canon Event, The Bonne's go back in time to get Lightanium Rods for Lex Loathe, but Team Voulnutt gets wind of this plan and goes back in time to stop them...which that did. 

In Late-1997, Mr. Regal sends his 2 Henchmen, Hans and Frans, to steal from The Dig-Outers And the Bonnes, becoming a problem for Both. 

In 1998, The Bonnes and Team Voulnutt vacation on the 5 Islands. But their vacation turns to adventure when they learn that a rare Energy Fractals hidden in the lost ruins the islands. Both sides want to get them. And, as always, Mr. Regal also wants them.

In Late-1998, Tron is kidnapped by Lex Loathe's assistant, Glyde, who wants Tron as his lover, as well as get the Bonne's fortune and tech. Teisel and The Volnutt's are forced to team up to save Tron from Glyde and his army of Toribots. The mission is a success and Glyde is arrested.

In 1999, Roll and Rock get a mysterious package, containing video logs from their parents, documenting their Adventures and Expeditions. The Logs end as soon as they talk about landing in The Kalinka Mountains on Kalinka Island. 

This makes Rock and Roll wonder if their parents may still be alive. So, Team Voulnutt head for the Kalinka Mountains and finds the Sky Ship, but no sign of their parents. They Do find a pre-recorded transmission from a panicked Matilda Caskett, asking for help and that the Gremlin, the Kalinken Government Soldiers, are after them. 

Team Voulnutt head to Kossack Kosak, the Government Building of Kalinka, to ask for the freedom of The Voulnutts and the Casketts. The President of Kalinka explains that the Explorers were trespassing on their land and that they secretly locked-them up for life.

Team Voulnutt is allowed to visit them. Matilda reveals to them that reveal that were lost in the mountains for a year, then secretly captured by the Kalinkan Government for trespassing. In the next cell is The Bonnes, who were arrested for theft.

Team Voulnutt wants the Voulnutts and the Casketts Freed. They also take pitty on the Bonnes, so they ask for their freedom too.

The Kalinkan President,Vlad Drakoviski, decides to let the 3 Families go free...If Team Voulnutt wins a Dig-Outer contest against Kalinka's best Dig-Outers. But should they loose,they will be imprisoned too.

And so,the Contests begin,it's close, but Team Voulnutt manages to win. Drakoviski is forced to free The Voulnutt's, The Casketts and The Bonnes. 

In Late-1999, The Casketts and Voulnuts decide to leave for another Great Adventure.

In 2000,Bruce Caskett returns with his Own renegade Dig-Outer team,known as The Ruin Raiders,who causes trouble for The Bonnes, The Regal Duo, And the Casketts. 

Bruce's gang is made up of a team of Robots called The Break-Bots (small robors who resemble breakman), His girlfriend, Aero, and his weasel sidekick,Tinker. There's also Shade, Aero's pet Bathog (hedgehog/bat hybrid). 

In Late 2000,the Rock-Roll-Tron Love Triangle begins.

The Adventures of Team Voulnutt, The Bonnes, And The Ruin Raiders continue on the Peaceful Earth. In space, however.....Peace seems like a Fairy Tale.


The Great Conflict In Space (???? - ???? HD):

Rucifel, Great Satan of the Universe, is ready to secure each Planet for himself. He send his Arremers, Gargoyle-like Aliens with various Powers and Abilities to do that.

Note: Rucifel is a RS-Version of Lucifer/Loki/Rushifell from The Ghosts and Goblins/Ghouls and Ghost Franchise. And The Arremers are alien versions of Firebrand from that same series.

The Cosmic Enforcers answer the call. Leading them is a young Android Space Ranger with limitless potential, She is Selene aka Mega Woman Cosmos. Armed with the Cosmo Buster, Selene is ready to dish out some justice.  

Mega Woman Cosmos proves to be essential to the Enforcers, as she single handedly defeats The Arreamers and even copies their Powers. She's also the first "Mortal" to Defeat Rusifel in battle. 

Mega Man Shadow reemerges and tries to corrupt the Celestials into destroying the Universe. He fails...miserably, due to the Celestials being of a higher species than humans. Mega Shadow escapes before the Celestials "erase" him.

Impressed with Shadow's previous work,summons him for a face-to-face. Rucifel meets with Mega Man Shadow and offers him a position as His Enforcer. Mega Man Shadow agrees and Rucifel gives him a physical form. 

Rucifel tries his plan again, only this time with More Arremers and Mega Man Shadow. Selene has more trouble this time, thanks to Mega Man Shadow.

Seeing that they need help fast,and realizing that the only one capable of beating Mega Man Shadow was Rock "Mega Man" Light. After using a digital seance to summon Rock's "spirit" from the Cyber-Afterlife (fka androd-hell), Duo and the Cosmic Enforcers build a powerful body for him.

Rock, in his new body, helps Selene destroy the Arremers and goes one-on-one with Mega Man Shadow. Fighting Shadow makes rock realize that Shadow himself was his greatest opponent all along, and Not Zero.

Rock senses that within Mega Man Shadow, is the spark of his previous life,fighting for control. That spark is The Original Mega Man RS. Because of this, Mega Man Shadow begins to struggle. Eventually, the Mega Men fight to a stalemate. Rucifel is defeated by Selene. 

Rock promises to free the Original Mega Man RS.

Rucifel creates a Super Arremer and sends both him and Mega Man shadow to destroy Cosmic Enforcer HQ.

As Selene is fighting the Super Arremer, Rock faces Mega Man Shadow. As they fight, Mega Man Shadow begins to struggle again,all thanks to the remaining spark of The Original RS Mega Man left inside him.

Rock urges His Original counterpart to fight and take back the body that was stolen from him. This almost works, but Shadow is able to suppress the "spark" and continue fighting.

The Battle is, once again, a stalemate. Though, Selene manages to destroy the Super Arremer. Mega Man Shadow escapes, but not before destroying Cosmic Enforcer HQ, killing everyone within..including Duo and Luka.

Rock decides to take the fight to Rucifel, just to see how powerful he is. Rock challenges,fights, and defeats the Great Satan. Satisfied with the challenging fight, Rock leaves. Watching from afar is/was Mega Man Shadow.

As Selene and Rock are morning the deaths of their Enforcer friends and colleges, Rucifel and Mega Man Shadow are arguing about what to do next. Rucifel wants to continue terrorizing the Universe, while Mega Man Shadow wants to destroy it.

After a heated debate, Mega Man Shadow fights and kills Rucifel. He then transforms into the New Great Satan. Mega Man Shadow is now known as Mega Man Satan. What little existence of the Original RS Mega Man is now gone, Mega Man Satan is now 100% Fully-Evolved Wily Virus.

Mega Man Shadow/Mega Man Satan wastes no time in assaulting Selene and Rock. Rock is shocked to find that the "spark" of his counterpart within Mega Man Shadow is gone now. 

With his new power, Mega Man Shadow/Satan crushes both Rock and Selene. The 2 heroes are forced to retreat. Mega Shadow/Satan makes plans to not only destroy this Universe, but find a way to destroy the Entire Mega Man/Rockman Multiverse.

Rock is saddened by the loss of his Original Counterpart and wishes things were different, wishes that there was a way to bring him back. The reason is obvious - So that he can fight Mega Man RS and get the Ultimate Battle.

Rock believes that if Mega Man Shadow was a Good Guy, he'd get a way better fight out of him. And that he Always believed that Heroic Fighters were way better than Evil ones.

Rock and Selene are soon visited by Band, the Guardian of the Mega Man/Rockman Multiverse, who heard Rock's cry. Band tells them that Mega Man Shadow/Satan has grew way too powerful and that he's now as strong as the Celestials...maybe even stronger.

He then tells our Heroes that the only way to stop Mega Man Shadow/Satan now is to eradicate him from existence. And, he knows how to do just that. And that if this plan works, not only would Mega Man Shadow/Satan be erased from existence, but the Original RS Mega Man will return too. But warns Rock that his plan also means erasure of this Universe And it's residents too...including Rock. 

Rock is hesitant, and decides against it, because he wants to survive to fight the Original RS Mega Man.  Band calls Rock selfish, but will see if the Mistress of the Omniverse will grant him special immunity, as a reward for saving his World countless times..for selfish reasons or no.

Meanwhile, Mega Man Shadow/Satan confronts and assaults the Celestials, believing that they have the power to travel the Multiverse and that he wants to copy those powers. He senses Band and decides to copy His powers instead.

Using Inter-dimensional Tech,Band and Rock construct a Machine that can travel though Space-Time (which is illegal and an afront to the Omniverse code). This Machine combines Time Travel with Multiverse Travel.

Mega Man Shadow/Satan arrives Rock fights off Mega Man Shadow/Satan, as Band and Selene complete the Machine. The Machine is soon completed.

As the 2 Mega Man fight, Band and Selene travel though Space-Time to the year the Original RS Dr. Wily Created the Virus. Mega Man Shadow finds out what the 2 Heroes are planning to do and tries to stop them..but it's too late, they're already in the Space-Time stream.


The Previous RS Universe - The Wily Era - Year 5 (2098): 

Dr.Wily is busy creating a new type of Android,which will be powered by Zeronium. He begins work on a new virus that corrupts machines.

Band and Selene arrive stealthily by using special belts that make them invisible. Band uses a special "Mind Wipe" touch to make Wily forget about the virus.

He then deletes the Evil Energy, which is the base for the Virus, from existence using his "Evil Energy Destruction Fist", which destroys Low-Level Evil Energy and Evil Viruses. Selene finds the unfinished Erasuretron and destroys it.

With their job done, Band and Selene return to their Time-Space vehicle and leave the Timeline/Universe. 

This sets off a chain of events that deletes Mega Man Shadow/Satan and by extension,the Rebooted Universe.

Dr. Wily returns to his normal life, with no recollection of the Virus Or the Evil Energy. 


In the Rebooted Universe,Mega Man Shadow has beaten Rock and is about to finish him, when he screams out in extreme pain and starts fading out of existence.

Rock is happy that the Band and Selene succeeded, but since they did - This Universe is about to be deleted.

Rock is deleted, followed by The current Universe.

Soon, The Old Multiverse is restored. 


Rock finds himself in a mysterious realm, confront of the Ruler of the Omniverse. By his side are Band and Selene.

The Ruler of the Omniverse welcomes the three to the Realm between Multiverses. She explains that She has given Band her blessing to Alter Space-Time, due to Mega Man Shadow being too powerful for his own good.

She also explains that now that the "Old" Rockman Reality had been altered in a big way, such as preventing Dr. Wily's Evil Virus, the "Current" Rockman Reality ceased existing and that the "Old" Rockman Reality was restored - a Reality where Mega Man Shadow never existed.

She then laments that the "Inafune/Capcom" Original Rockman Reality has been restored too. Again, thanks to Mega Man Shadow Not Existing Anymore.

She thrn explains that she has spared Rock and Selene from deletion, because she has new purposes for them.

As a reward for protecting Earth in the past, she has decided to make him Band's Assistant and will remain with him for training. She then promises Rock that he Will eventually get his big battle with his Original Counterpart.

She then tells Selene that because of her infinite potential, it would've been a waste to let her be deleted with her Universe. So The Omniverse Ruler makes Selene a XenoCop, A Law Enforcement Officer that protects the Multiverse from malicious outside forces.

After granting them their new positions, The Omniverse Ruler sends the Heroic Trio on their separate ways. 



With the "Old" Rockman Universes restored, all of the damage that Mega Man Shadow has done to the Prime Universe, has now been undone. Rock, Roll, and Blues still live their happy lives and Dr. Wily still plots to take over the world.

As for the Future of that Universe? It goes on as Capcom intended (unfortunately!) 

Selene proves herself to be an awesome XenoCop, saving the various Mega Man/Rockman Multiverses by taking down any and all wicked invaders. 

Band is still watching over the Mega Man/Rockman Multiverse.

Rock is doing well as Band's assistant, though he's kinda restless. And he Still is awaiting his battle with his Counterpart, the Original RS Mega Man.

RS Dr. Wily never did attempt to recreate the Virus, thus leaving Zero without it.

And as for RS Mega Man?...He continues to fight for Justice, along side his Sister Roll and His Wonder Dog Rush.    

The End! 

Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Complete (Rebooted) Mega Man RS Universe Timeline Part 6

The Darkest Era: World War Ultimate (2217 - 2222 AD):  

In 2217, France is bombed out of existence by the US. Mega Man Shadow convinces the other World Leaders to go to War with one another for the right to Rule in Weil's place.Almost Every nation is fighting each other. It's the Ultimate Global War. Both Humans and Reploids take part.

The X-Underground and the Light Siblings All take part to try to stop the War. They fail. 

The War is harsh and damning, lasting Years and taking almost 73.1 million Lives (both human and reploid).

But Finally, in Late-2221, The surviving World Leaders come together for a Peace Treaty. The Treaty is signed and the War is over. X, his 3 Daughters,2 Sons, and Zero help with the recovery effort. During this time Ciel and Zero develop feelings for each other.

In 2222,The Leaders have a Year-Long conference to decide what to do next? Ciel and Zero begin dating. Leviathan begins working with Ciel and X on research.  

Mega Man Shadow, remains in hiding, watching, waiting for his next chance to strike.

Human evolution continues. Now they can accept cybernetics without any negative consequences.


The Darkest Era: Reconstruction (2223 - 2225 AD): 

In 2223, Leviathan decides to break out on her own and do her own research and development. She sets up Her Own Lab, named Levi Labs. Global clean-up and reconstruction continues.

After a Full Year of deliberation,The World Body decides to split the World into 4 Equal Giga Zones, each with their Own Leader. It takes another 8 months to find those leaders. They then disband All of Dr. Weil's institutions.

In 2224, Leviathan finds success as a Researcher, though unlike her Father and Grandfather, Leviathan is a bit Morally Questionable. It takes way longer than planned, but The Global Leaders Finally find their 4 Leaders.

They are - Thomas Wright, a man of Ingenuity and Total Moral Dubiousness, takes Giga Zone 1 (north, south, and central america. plus samoa and other south pacific nations. plus every land in the western atlantic, like jamaca).

The Crafty, Dishonest, and Sneaky, Albert Williams is given Giga Zone 2 (all of western europe and africa). 

The Wise Mikhail Kopek is made Leader of Giga Zone 3 (eastern europe,all of arabia,pakistan, and western china). He's the most Moral of the 4.

And finally The lone female, the Cunning and Devious, Noel Regal, distant descendant of Dr. Regal, and Mistress of Giga Zone 4 (east china, india, hong,kong,thailand and all south asian countries, both koreas, japan and australia. new zealand too).

(Note, with the exception of Noel, who is based off of Dr. Noel Lalinde from the Mega Man Archie Comics, the 4 Great Masters are based on the 3 Sages from Mega Man ZX). 

In 2225, The 4 Great Masters begin their work leading the World. 

Ciel and Zero get engaged. Within Phantom Ninja Academy, Mega Man Shadow possesses Phantom and after killing Phantom's Ninja Clan and Girlfriend (mitsu), he hunts down the rest of the Light Family.

He finds Fenrir at a Fighters Tournament.  After a confrontation and battle, Phantom/Mega Man Shadow kills him. 

He then hunts down Harpuia, who is on patrol. After a confrontation, the 2 battle. Harpuia knows that Mega Man Shadow is possessing Phantom and tries not to kill her bro.

With the added power of Mega Man Shadow, Phantom kills Harpuia. Phantom tries to fight, but the Evil Digital Spirit is too powerful.

X, Zero and Ciel are visiting Levi Labs and Leviathan. Mega Man Shadow, in Phantom's Body arrives. X sences Mega Shadow in his Son's body and demands him to leave.

After some taunting and mocking, the possessed Phantom attacks. Mega Shadow reveals that he's just doing what he"s doing/did because he hates happy families and he wanted to have fun.

The Possess Phanton is defeated,but before Mega Man Shadow leaves Phantom's body, he kills him with his own weapon.

X promises that Mega Man Shadow will Pay.

X and Leviathan hold a huge funeral service for Harpuia, Fefnir, and Phantom. With Ciel and Zero attending.


The 4 Masters Era: Beginning Anew (2226 - 2233 AD):

In 2226, Ciel and Zero get married. Cielium X continues to be The Worlds main energy source, though neither X, nor Ciel are given credit. X establishes X-Tech,his own Research Organization. 

The reconstruction of the World is complete and a new era of peace begins. 

In 2227,a research and development group,known Slither Inc. is founded by former MMA Grand Master,turned Scientist,Guile "Serpent" Sairupahn. Sairupahn is a Reploid with dreams of dominating the field of Science and become the Greatest Scientist in the World.  

Slither Inc sets itself up to be a Rival Research Group to X's X-Tech and Leviathan's Levi Labs.

Cybernetics are perfected and soon become a norm.

In 2228, Despite the hard and decent work that they do, Slither Inc. falls behind X-Tech and Levi Labs. Sairupahn decides to work harder. Levi Labs begins doing Moral Questionable work, an image of it's founder and boss, Leviathan.    

In 2229, Ciel reveals that she's pregnant...which baffles many (zero is a reploid,after all.) X considers this a Miracle from God.

In 2230, Ciel and Zero have a child, a miracle baby, a boy named Giro. Giro is part Human, Part Reploid, who can grow and mature like other Humans, but has the strength and stability of a Reploid.

A boy named Grey is born. HE will be an important player later.

2231,X starts to show his age, he adopts a mature look too.  

In 2233, Scientists discover a crashed meteor that contains a specialized energy source. During investigation, this this new source has the ability to enhance ones abilities. The 4 Masters acquire the Meteor and discuss what to do with it.

Mega Man Shadow possesses Ciel and infects her with a deadly disease that eventually kills her. After failing to convince Zero that Ciel's death was all his fault, Shadow possesses him. Zero fights to gain controll, but shadow's power is too much. Shadow makes Zero commit suicide. 

It's revealed that Mega Man Shadow has evolved beyond that of what the Old Wily "Virus" (the virus/digital entity created by dr. wily of the old rs universe) was. He is now 90% Wily "Virus", 10% Original RS Rock. 

X and Levi hold a memorial service for Ciel and Zero. X takes his Grandson,Giro in to raise himself.  

Grey's sister,Ashe,is Born. Another character, which will be important down the road. 


The 4 Masters Era: The Mega Men (2234 - 2253 AD):

In 2234, The 4 Masters decide to put the Meteor to good use. They contract Slither Inc. to create special devices that are powered by pieces of the meteor. The goal is to create Henshin Task Forces to help keep the peace in the Various Giga Zones. Sairupahn dubs this "The Henshin Project" 

Twins, Aile and Vent are born. 2 More important characters.

In 2235, The Henshin Project is complete. And later in the year,the Henshin devices, known as "Mega Medals", which can transform its user into a Mega Man.

X teaches Giro about Science and tech.     

In Early 2236, The Metal Holders are chosen from a group of highly trained soldiers. Each Giga Zone gets its own Mega Men. Each Mega Men is of a different specialty and theme. 

In 2237, The Mega Men become are hardass Enforcers of the Law, but are still respected.

In 2238, Peace continues to reign, despite the morally dubious Leaders. 

In 2239, Leviathan creates her Own Children, a Boy named Prometheus and a girl named Pandora. Pandora is reserved, while Prometheus is more excitable.  Both contain a copy of Leviathan's Zenkai Chip.

In 2240, Giro is 10 and as intelligent as his Mother. He's also strong. X teaches him martial arts. Prometheus and Pandora get along well with Giro, who is, in a sense, their Cousin.  

In 2241, Prometheus and Pandora are trained in the martial arts by their Mother, Leviathan.

In 2242, X-Tech becomes the #1 Research and Development Organization in the World, Slither Inc. is a second. This upsets Guile Sairupahn. Leviathan is annoyed, but congratulates her Dad.

In 2243,Slither Inc. tries hard to top X-Tech, but fails. 

From 2244 - 2249, The rivalry between Slither Inc. and X-Tech intensifies, But in the end, X-Tech wins and Slither Inc. losses business. And The 4 Masters, with the exception of Mikhail Kopek, are still being corrupt. Other than this, Peace Rules. 

In 2250, Guile Sairupahn is frustrated that he can't beat X. So he gets a visit from Mega Man Shadow and is manipulated into taking over the World in a violent Coup. So he begins making plans.

In 2251,Slither Inc. amasses a small army of loyalists. Slither attacks the world, letting his intentions for Power be known. Slither Inc. is opposed by the various Mega Men., as well as X and his Family.

Later in the Year, Slither Inc. destroys Levi Labs. Leviathan is stricken by a mental disorder that makes her commit suicide. This was all the doing of Mega Man Shadow, who wants Chaos and death. He also Hates X and his Family.

Saddened and angered by their Mothers death, Both Prometheus and Pandora become Super Androids. The 2 begin training to master these new forms soon after. X wants to take them in, but they refuse.

Early in the Year 2252, 18-Year Old Aile and Vent's parents are killed in a terror attack by Slither Inc. and are taken by Sairupahn's solders to Slither Inc. for experimentation...same with Vent and Ashe,who also lost their parents in a Maverick Attack.

After getting bionic implants,The 4 escape and,as revenge for kidnapping them and turning them into bionic humans against their will, they steal 4 prototype MegaMedals,which were meant for the 4 Masters.

The 4 run into Giro, who saves them from Slither. Inc's minions. X and Giro take the Quartet in and decides to train them. He gives them body suits to allow them to use their bionics. In the months ahead, the Quartet find a suitable home with X and Giro, learning much from both.  

The 4 Masters hear about the Stolen Mega Medals and want them back. They send their Mega Men on the hunt for the "4 thieves" and get their Metals back. 

Mega Man Shadow manipulates Pandora and Prometheus into thinking that the World would be better if run by Super Androids or Andro-Mutants, which are superior to Humans and Normal Reploids, unaware that Shadow killed their mother. 

The Mega Men eventually find Ashe, Grey,Aile, and Vent and confronts them. Giro beats them all back, forcing them to retreat. The 4 eventually learn how to use their Mega Medals and become Mega Men too.

The responsible and mature,Grey becomes Mega Man Accel,a speed themed Warrior with rapid-fire guns. The tomboyish,Ashe becomes Mega Woman Advent, a beam staff warrior. The adventurous, Vent becomes Mega Man EX, a buster warrior, based on Rock and X. And the free spirited, Aile becomes Mega Woman ZX, a buster and sabre user in purple armor, based on both X and Zero. 

For the rest of the Year, The Mega Men pursue the 4 to get the Medals back, failing every time thanks to Giro and the 4 "Good" Mega Men.

In 2253,X-Teck gets destroyed by Slither Inc. Terrorists. Aile,Ashe,Vent,and Grey decided to fight against Slither Inc using their new Mega Medals.

The 4 Masters begin to turn on Slither Inc, deeming them Terrorists...or Mavericks.


The 4 Masters Era: The Next Generation of Heroes (2254 - 2259 AD): 

In 2254,The 3-Way battle between The Heroes (grey, ashe, vent, and aile), The Mega Men, and Slither Inc continues.

Slither Inc continues their terrorist ways and The Mega Men begin to abuse their power and authority, with the 4 Masters doing nothing about it.

Slither Inc. wants the Mega Metals the 5 Heroes stole back. The 4 Masters also want the Medals back. Thankfully, The 4 Heroes never let them and fight them at every turn.

Joining the fight is Giro, who had reverse engineered the Hero's Mega Metals to create his own. Mega Man Break, a tribute to Break Man. Why bother to do this? Giro is very strong, so he doesn't need a Mega Metal. Answer - Giro wanted to see what being a Henshin Hero was like. He liked it. 

Unfortunately, Giro's Henshin Powers are only temporary, due to something gone wrong in the reverse engineering process.

In 2255,Prometheus and Pandora are ready to begin their mission to eradicate the Weak and replace them with Super Androids and Andro-Mutants. They seek Slither Inc's help, Guile Sairupahn long as he's made Grand Master of the World. The Twins agree and a deal is made.

The 4 Heroic Mega Men (grey, ashe, aile, and vent) and Mega Men continue to clash, as they fight to stop Slither Inc.

The 4 Heroic Mega Men eventually run into Prometheus and Pandora, who deliver the Heroes their first loss 

Note that the twins beat the 4 in their normal forms, as they feel that fighting in their Super Android would be a waste against the 4 Heroic Mega Men.

In 2256, The Twins capture X to help with their plan to develop Zenkai Chips for them. Giro and the 4 rush to save him. And the Twins reveal their crazy plans to their Grandfather. The Heroic Mega Men are successful on their mission and finally manage to beat Prometheus and Pandora (who were not in super android form).

Later in the Year, Giro looses his Henshin powers, but was glad to have them while he did.

In 2257,The 4 Heroic Mega Men continue their battle against evil and the Twins continue their mission to eradicate Humanity. Prometheus and Pandora realize that  The 4 Heroic Mega Men Are worthy opponents and when they meet again, they fight as Super Androids.

Giro,who refuses to let The Twins get their way,transforms into a Variation of The Super Android, which is a mic between Super Android and Kuro Mode, dubbed Super Android Black. After being beaten, the Twins use Fusion Crystals (which levi gave them, before she died) and fuse into a Super Powerful Fused Warrior - Panmetheus.

Giro is defeated, but the Twin's Fusion doesn't last. The Twins,feeling that Giro would be an asset in their vision for a Super Android/Andro-Mutant World, they decide to spare him.  

After retreating,the Twins return to Slither Inc. to hatch a new plan with Guile Sairupahn. More terror strikes by Slither Inc, happen through out the year and the 4 Heroic Mega Man stop them. The 4 Masters (minus, Master Mikhail)grow annoyed at the 4 Heroic Mega Men constantly getting in the way of their Mega Men, puts a bounty on their heads.

In 2258,  The 4 Heroic Mega Men continue to battle the Triple Threat - Slither Inc.; The Twins,Prometheus and Pandora; and the Other Mega Men, who want the bounty placed on our Heroes.

Prometheus and Pandora decide that Sairupahn would Suck as the Leader of the World they want, so they secretly plot against him. They figure that the Best Leader would be Earth's 1st Super Android, Their Great Uncle Rock Light. 

The unearth Rocks corpse and bring it back to Slither Inc. for repair and upgrades, unaware that Mega Man Shadow is tailing them. 

Slither Inc. manages to repair and upgrade Rock, who gets hijacked by Mega Man Shadow. The first thing the resurrected Rock (mega man shadow technically) does is Kill Sairupahnand then goes on a killing spree, killing each member of Slither Inc. And as a test of his power, he destroys Slither Inc. HQ.

Slither Inc. is dead, but a brand new threat has arisen...a threat that Will prove to be unstoppable.

Rock/Mega Man Shadow wastes no time and starts destroying the World and it's people, The Mega Men are unable to stop him, and are forced to retreat.

Prometheus and Pandora believe that "Gruncle Rock" is going too far and they only want the weak dead. Giro and 4 Heroic Mega Man confront the Trio. A big battle begins and the 5 Heroes are outmatched by Rock/Mega Man Shadow and the Twins.

X arrives and knows that Mega Man Shadow has hijacked his Brother's body. He tells the Twins about Mega Man Shadow's intentions to destroy the Universe. Rock/Mega Man Shadow admits to this and that he needed a strong body to do it - Rock's.

He then reveals that he's been manipulating Guile Sairupahn and the those "Retarded" Twins the entire time, for the sake of the World's destruction. He also reveals his hatred for the Light Family since they foiled him a few times, and that's why he killed Leviathan, Ciel, and Zero.

Enraged at this revelation, Giro, The Twins, and X transform into their Super Android forms and attack Rock/Mega Man Shadow, with the 4 Heroic Mega Men helping. 

It's an intense battle. Unfortunately,The Twins and Giro don't survive,killed by Rock/Mega Man Shadow. X sacrifices himself to destroy Rock/Mega Man Shadow's body by using both his Full Power and Reserve Power.

It works, and Rock/Mega Man Shadow's body is destroyed, causing Mega Man Shadow (in his spirit form) to retreat.

The 4 Heroic Mega Men, saddened by the loss of their Mentors and the Twins, hold memorial services for them.

In 2259, Mega Man Shadow convinces 3 of the 4 Masters (thomas wright,albert williams, and noel regal) to go to war with one another for total control of the Planet. Master Mikhail Kopek becomes the 1st and only man Not too be manipulated by Mega Man Shadow. 

Williams, Wright, and Regal make plans for War. Kopek makes plans to join the War, so that he can prevent the World from being in their hands.


The 4 Masters Era: The Mega Man War (2260 AD):  

The Mega Man War begins. Armies of Mega Men representing the 4 Main Zones clash in a 4-Way battle.

Grey, Ashe, Vent, and Aile join the war for Mikhail Kopek's side.

The War is very brutal, with many many casualties both Mega Men and Civilian. All while Mega Man Shadow watches with joy. Growing board,Mega Man Shadow leaves Earth to terrorize another World.

High above his look-out, Hymn, Guardian of Earth, getting Ultra-Fed Up with all of these Wars, creates The Goddesses of Destruction, Sera and Yuna, to Destroy the Earth and Wipe Out Humanity.

(these 2 are RS versions of these gals).

Both Sera and Yuna appear to everyone as Dragons, then as Women. The Duo waste no time in killing everyone and destroying Earth. They cause the 4 Masters to commit suicide and wipe out all of the graves and corpses within. 

Soon, Earth is destroyed and Humanity is wiped out. Earth is now an empty desolate wasteland. 

With their job's done, Yna and Sera return to their Master, Guardian of Earth, Hymn.

To Be Continued.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Complete (Rebooted) Mega Man RS Universe Timeline Part 5

The Weil Era: Rise of Weil (2177 - 2182 AD):  

Zero is eventually fixed. As the world is healing, Dr. Weil's popularity grows. He comes up with solutions to rebuild and advance the World. With Omega and Alpha's help, Dr. Weil is now officially "The Savior of the World"

The complete rebuilding of the World takes from 2177 to 2181 (5 years),and by then , Weil has become a "God" to many. Zero smells a rat.

Besides helping with the Global Reconstruction efforts, Dr. Weil also gives speeches about Unity wherever he goes. His speeches are adored by most. Reploid/Human tension drops by 89% thanks to him.

In 2182, Using his powers of friendly persuasion, Weil convinces the Leaders of each nation to Unify the World by having a single Global Government. The Leaders agree to this and ask Weil to be the Leader of this New Centralized Government. Because to them it makes sense, since Weil helped rebuild the World and has proven himself to be a great leader.

Weil accepts.


The Weil Era: Heil Weil (2183 - 2195 AD): 

Dr. Weil helps the Global Leadership establish a One-World Government. As this is going on, Zero, investigating Weil,finds where his secret lab is (by dumb luck) and discovers Dr. Weil's true intentions. Zero knew it and plans on showing the World.

Zero is then assaulted and decimated by Alpha, who then destroys the Lab to eliminate the evidence.  Zero is now lying dead, broken underneath the remains of Weil's Lab. Zero's death is made public by Dr. Weil, who also recovered Zero's body. X is devastated when he finds out about Zero's death.

Weil decides to give X a full pardon, just because he feels that X has paid his debt to society. 

(the truth is, weil only set x free, so that omega and alpha can have a chance to humiliate him on the worlds stage. as a "take that" to dr. light. he Is the reincarnation of dr. wily, after all.)

X has a memorial service for his Best Friend, Zero, which, Rock also attends.

Dr. Weil is soon elected President of the World. Most voted for him, others didn't.

In the year 2184, The Single Government begins construction. Dr. Weil establishes Giga Arcadia,his huge Presidential Palace, in New York State. The U.N. is disbanded, due to not being needed anymore, since, thanks to Dr. Weil, the World is at peace. Plus, Reploids and Humans learn to live in harmony under his leadership.

In 2185, Dr. Weil establishes other Arcadias for the other World Leaders, who'll be working under him. By 2187, Weil's New World Order is finished and he begins his rein as Master of the World. 

X adopts a human baby girl,who was delivered to him by a mysterious deliverer. X names the child Ciel. Ciel exhibits some advanced intelligence for her age and X wonders how she could be so gifted. Rock, who's visiting senses a familiar and comforting spirit within her. 

Ciel is the Reincarnation of Dr. Light, their father, just as Weil is the Reincarnation of Dr. Wily. This revelation shocks X, but not Rock as much. 

In 2186, Weil establishes a Slum Zone outside each Big City and creates barriers separating the areas. These Slum Zones are for people who oppose his presidency. X and Rock are 2, so they are forced to move into those Zones.  

Dr. Weil had officially establish a "Class System". He defends it by saying that those who voted against him are also opposed to progress. That BS works.

He then establishes The Pantheon Army, A global military made up of Reploids and Humans...and some Beastloids.

The Pantheon armor suits resemble X's. With different colors depending on the Specialty.

In 2187, X builds his own lab/home hybrid after a year of living in a shabby apartment in the slums. The home is completed late in the year. Dr. Weil begins mass-producing the Andro-Mutation chip.

Rock continues his journey to better himself as a fighter. 

The Slums slowly become prosperous as the Slums can become.

Due to this Dr. Weil creates a Slum Task Force, to make sure the Slums aren't Too comfortable.

In 2188, Ciel, at 3 years old, begins doing complex math problems. X is so proud. X continues to raise Ciel, while working on various new projects. 

Dr. Weil raises taxes on the populence to fund a brand new Project - A Super Weaponized Space Station called Ragnarok.

According to Weil, The Ragnarok will be designed as a duel Mini-Space Colony and Anti-Meteor/Anti-Comet Weapon.

(for once, the evil dude is sincere. He can't continue dominating the world if a Meteor or a Comet destroys it).

90.4% of the World approves of this project.

In 2189, X is finished with his latest invention - A Plasma Generator that will power the Slums for years. That way they won't need to rely on the Citys power and get taxed beyond taxed for it.

Dr. Weil finds out about this, via Slum Task Force, and is annoyed. He decides to wait to see if it's successful. If it is, he"s gonna have it destroyed and fine X millions.

X also creates new farming robots to help grow food. While this is going on, Weil's Ragnarok Project is going smoothly and should be done in a few years.

In 2190, X and Weil's Slum Task Force get into a fight, when the Force destroy X's Plasma Generator, which was succeeding.

Weil wants the Slums as miserable as possible...especially since X lives there.

(any creation of dr. lights, is a mortal enemy of his)

Ciel creates her own mechanical toys using spare parts her father had. A 4-Year-Old Super Genius.

X designs a defense system for the slums,to protect it from Weil's interference. A system that won't be completed or set up for years.

Rock starts to show his age and mods himself accordingly. He now resembles an older man. X mods himself a bit to make himself look older.

In 2191, Weil continues his tyrannical ways, as X tries to live his life and raise his daughter,Ciel. The denizens of the slums are constantly harassed by Weil's men. Progress for Ragnarok is coming along smoothly.

In 2192, Weil's support grows among Elites, Media (which are now government own), and the General Public in the Cities, but sinks to great levels among the people of the Slums. Ciel gains a best friend, a reploid girl named Alouette.

Weil's Project Ragnarok is now 50% complete. Weil has his men sabotage every project that could help the People of the Slums..especially ones made by X.  Weil's tyranny is kept secret from the Public thanks to the Media and Academia. No one knows the truth, except for those in the Slums.    

In 2193, Unable to take it much longer, some Slum denizens pledge loyalty to Dr. Weil in exchange for a life in the City. X opposes this sentiment.  Weil's propaganda machine grows stronger.

In Late 2194, Dr. Weil finds out that X's child, Ciel, is the Reincarnation of Dr. Light. 

2195, At Ciel's 10th Birthday party, Celebration turned to tragedy when Dr. Weil's Pantheons, lead by Alpha, destroys the party and kills all of the guests..including Ciel's best friend, Alouette. X fights back but is beaten down by Alpha. 

Ciel is then captured by Alpha. Rock arrives, but he's also defeated by Alpha. Alpha takes Ciel back to Giga Arcadia, where she is interrogated by Dr. Weil personally. Weil reveals to Ciel that he Hates the Lights and Everything they stand for and will not stop until Light's Entire Legacy is Wiped Out.. 

Note: Dr. Weil's Hatred for the Lights stems way back from his days as Dr. Wily (remember, in This universe, weil is the reincarnation of dr. wily)..

X and Rock team up to save Ciel. with their mission complete, the Lights family head home. 

Weil spins the Light's rescue mission, into a terror attack. Of course, the Public believes him 100%. 

At the funeral services for the victims of Ciel's Party, Ciel wants to make Weil pay. So X decides to teach her to fight.

Reploid sisters, Rouge and Jaune, join X's lab as assistants. Meanwhile, the Ragnarok Space Colony/Ultra Weapon is complete and is launched into Space.


The X-Underground Era (2196 - 2202 AD):

In Early 2196, Weil makes X and Rock Public Enemies. Weil is still beloved by the Elites, mostly loved by the Public, and hated by the Slum Denizens.  

X trains Ciel in martial arts. Rock lives as a Nomad.

In 2197, X forms a resistance against Dr. Weil, called "The X-Underground". Weil's minions continue to harass the people of the Slums, but this time they are fought back by the X-Underground. Weil isn't concerned about the X-Underground due to their low numbers and popularity.

In 2198, Many People make their move up to the Ragnarok Space Colony/Ultra Weapon. Rock starts showing his age. The battle between Weil's Forces and The X-Underground wages on, and would continue for years to come. The X-Underground obtains various weapons from fallen Pantheons and members of The Slum Task Force, as well as making their own.

In 2199, At 14,Ciel becomes a master of martial arts and eventually joins the X-Underground as both a Fighter And a Scientist. 

In 2200, In need of new recruits, X has a morbid plan to resurrect his best friend, Zero. After unearthing Zero's corpse,one of X's assistants, Cerveau, creates a copy body for him and transfers his mind into it. Zero's soul also returns and he is officially resurrected. 

With Zero's help, the X-Underground manages to be a credible threat to Weil's administration.

In 2201, on Ciel's 16th B-Day, X gives her a robotic Dog named Passy. X and Ciel create an alternate eberggy called Cielium X, named after both father and daughter. Dr. Weil ramps up his attacks on the X-Underground and vice versa.

In 2202,Zero becomes the new leader of the X-Underground,due to X's duties as a scientist and a father. 


The New Zero Era: The Next Generation (2203 - 2210 AD):  

In 2203, X creates his first child,a daughter named Harpuia..

Note: Harpuia is female here in the RS Universe, so that we can have 2 genders each on the team.

Later in the year, X creates Fefnir, his first Son. Then a few months after, he creates another son, named Phantom. And finally 7 days after Thanksgiving, he creates a 3rd daughter, Leviathan.

The 4 Light Siblings were created by X to give Ciel siblings, as well as to help fight Weil's Forces. They are recruited by Zero. One thing to note is that each of the 4 is equipped with a Zenkai Chip, which Ciel produced by memory, thanks to her past as Dr. Light.

The 4 discover their own unique abilities. Harpuia ban fly fast and agile, Fefnir is athletic (and a bit of a dumn jock), Phantom is a natural at Ninjitsu, and Leviathan can to swim with great speed and agility. The 4 are also given Armor and Weapons.

Harpuia is donned in Green Armor and is equipped with the H. Daggers, twin plasma daggers that can produce Wind Attacks.

Fefnir chosen to wear Red Armor and is equipped with The F. Blasters, twin blasters that can produce Fire Attacks.

Phantom equips himself with Black ninja-esque Armor and equips himself with the P. Shuriken, a big plasma shuriken. He has no elemental abilities  

And Leviathan equips herself with Blue Armor and equips herself with a Staff that can produce Ice.

The 4 Light Siblings prove helpful in the battle against Weil.

In 2204,The New Cielium X Power Plant is created, which Weil's forces try to sabotage. 

In 2205, Boom Kongor, an Ape Beastloid, former adviser for Weil, tired of the weak treatment and neglect of the Beastloid Population,starts a group called New Beastloid Revolution, which advocates for Beastloid rights. 

In 2206, The New Beastloid Revolution turn violent after feeling that peaceful means were ineffective. These attacks become so bad, that Weil establishes his Own Maverick Hunter group. Leading the group is Kraft, a Reploid with prior military credentials. 

Kraft saves a human Reporter named Neige, who he falls for. The feelings mutual. 

Zero and the 4 Light Siblings become the main guys of The X-Underground. Neige interviews the Underground and symathises with their cause, as an indie journalist, she's not a fan of Weil and his "State Run" media. .

In 2207, Weil's Maverick Hunters begin to abuse power and start prosecuting and killing Innocent Beastloids. Kraft begins questioning Weil's intentions.  He eventually betrays Weil when he is refuses to terminate Neige for doing positive reports on the X-Underground.

Kraft is killed by Alpha, who is now Weil's personal hit man,as he was protecting Neige. Now a fugitive herself, Neige runs away and joins the X-Underground. Leviathan takes interest in Science (this will be play out later).

In 2208, The 4 Light Siblings quit the X-Underground to become payed mercenaries. The reason for this is because they felt that there talents were being wasted, plus they wanted to get paid. X is saddened by this, but knows his children will return someday.

Dr. Weil gets a surprise challenger for his position as Master of the World - Elpizo Epis, a pretty-boy Reploid, savvy at speeches and charm. The reality is, Elpizo, wants to eradicate humanity and make a World just for Reploids, but he keeps that agenda hidden from the public.

Weil agrees to have a special election in November of 2211.

In 2209, Just one year into their Merc work, The 4 Light Siblings run into Rock, who Weil had hired to kill. Rock beats them and criticizes their Fighting styles and decides to train them himself - They are Family, after, he needs someone to pass on his knowledge too.

He takes the 4 to his place to prepare. Elpizo hits the campaign trail and campaigns until the Election.

The Pro-Weil media take a big disliking to Elpizo and want to see him crushed in the Election. 

In 2210, Weil and Elpizo have their first debate, the Media is Not friendly toward Elpizo.

Meanwhile The X-Underground continues fighting Weil's army..including his Maverick Hunters, now lead by Sabeen, a female reploid,who is similar to Vile, in both looks and personality.

Meanwhile, The 4 Light Siblings have improved as fighters, and as people. Harpuia went from being too serious to learning how to have fun. Fefnir went from hot headed jerk jock to being less of a jerk that can control his temper. Phantom went from serious,no-non sense loner to a team player who has learned the value of teamwork and family. And Leviathan went from arrogant and prideful to a less arrogant and more respectful.

Rock reveals to them that he doesn't have many years to live and he intends on passing on his knowledge to them before he goes...that and have one more fight with Zero,who Rock considers his Greatest Opponent.

He also wants them to become Super Androids. Weil sends out 4 Super Enhanced Assassins after The 4 Light Siblings for failing their mission. Each assassin is equipped with Dr. Weil's "New and Improved" Andro-Mutation Chip, as well as powers that are strong against the 4 Lights.

Gaia, the leader, with the power of Earth. She is uncaring and cruel. Posidon, with the power of Water. He is the most tranquil and focused of the 4. Spirit, a Native American-themed warrior with a sense of teamwork and spirituality, has the power of Light. and Rhea, with the power of Lightning, she's the most homicidal of the group.      .

The 4 Light Siblings each battle these 4 Assassins and have a tough time. Harpuia battles Gaia, Fefnir battles Posidon, Phantom battles Spirit, and Leviathan battles Rhea.

After deeply assessing what they're fighting for. (justice for Harpuia ,fighters pride for Fefnir, protecting his family for Phantom, and ,since she's the most morally ambiguous of the 4, simple pride and her own future for Leviathan).     

The 4 Light Siblings become Super Androids and destroy their enemies. Meanwhile, during his day-to-day duties, Alpha is slowly starting to realize who he Really is.  


The New Zero Era: Days of Shadow (2211 - 2216 AD): 

In 2211, Weil and Elpizo have their 2nd and final debate. Rock continues to train his Nephews and Nieces,while The X-Underground continues top fight against the Communistic Regime of Dr. Weil. Cielium X becomes Thee Energy Source for the Slums.

In November, The Votes are in and Dr. Weil wins the election against Elpizo. A landslide victory, thanks to the media catching Elpizo on a "Hot Mic" talking about his plan to eradicate humanity. Pissed, Elpizo transforms into his 'Kuro Mode' and attacks Dr. Weil. He is countered by Omega. Rock, watching this event, sends the 4 Light Siblings to battle Elpizo as a test of their abilities.

The 4 Lights Siblings arrive and battle Elpizo. Omega escapes with Dr. Weil. Alpha stays behind to watch and to finish off the survivor. Watching the Super Androids and Kuro Mode Elpizo fight awakens something in Alpha. He slowly begins to override the suppressive programming that has entrapped his Soul. He leaves to sort out his thoughts.

Elpizo is defeated and transforms into a Hulk for Round 2. With strong teamwork, the 4 Light Siblings destroy Elpizo.     

In Early 2212, Alpha finally frees himself from Weil's Soul Suppression and becomes Mega Man Shadow again. He attacks and kills Dr. Weil and throws his body off of the top of Giga Arcadia. Omega attacks Alpha/Mega Man Shadow for killing Dr. Weil, but is taken out early and reprogrammed.

Alpha/Mega Man Shadow is ready to take command of his destiny..which is to End All Destiny. He then proclaims himself The Great Satan!!. Omega is now Alpha's puppet. Alpha and Omega invade The Ragnarok Space Colony/Weapon and kill everyone for fun.

Alpha/Shadow announces his plans to the World - To Destroy It with the Ragnarok's Cannon. The Cannon meant to destroy Meteors will destroy Earth instead.  X and Zero decide to team-up one final time to stop Alpha's demented plans.

The 2 head into space to save Earth. They board the Space Colony and eventually fight Alpha and Omega. The Former Hunters are outclassed. X's need to protect his family allows him to transform into a Super Android 2.

X destroys Omega and the controls for the Cannon, shutting it down. Alpha/Shadow escapes. News of Weil's death reaches the World, some saddened, others are jubilant. Alpha takes command of Weil's forces.

In 2213, Under Alpha/Shadow's leadership Chaos reigns and many many suffer because of it. some are killed. The X, Zero, Ciel, Rock and the 4 Light Siblings raid Giga Arcadia to End Alpha/Shadow. After battling though the minions and Pantheons, they face Alpha/Shadow.

Rock is the first to challenge his old nemesis, because he insists on seeing how strong Alpha/Shadow Really is. He shocks everyone by transforming into a Super Android 3. Unlike with the previous 2 forms, SA3 is kind of similar to Andro-Mutation. Rocks face changes, his eyes go completely green and menacing, his armor changes a bit, and his golden aura gains some silver.

Super Android 3 Rock is on equal ground with Alpha/Shadow. Due to his age, Rock gets exhausted and can't hold the form. Alpha/Shadow transforms into a Super Android. Super Android 2 X and the 4 Light Siblings (in super android form) step in and fight Alpha/Shadow. Zero also joins in. It's a 6-on-1.

Ciel gets in some shots too. Outnumbered and outclassed, Alpha/Shadow goes Super Android 2 and beats everyone. Seeing no choice, Rock tosses fusion crystals to X and Zero, Harpuia and Leviathan, and Phantom and Fefnir, and tells them that fusion is the only option now.

They use the crystals and fuse into powerful warriors. Xero (for x and zero), Levuia (for harpuia and leviathan), and Feftom (fefnir and phantom). The Fused warriors are powerful enough to destroy Alpha, forcing Mega Man Shadow to escape. 

The Fusion breaks and everyone is back to normal. Soon, things start to go back to normal.

In 2214, Keith Inafune Jr. wins a special election and becomes the new President of the United States. With Weil dead,The Nations of the World come together to decide Weil's successor. 

The 4 Light Sibling's training with Uncle Rock is complete. The 4 decide to go their own path. Leviathan wants to be a Researcher like her Dad and Grandfather. Harpuia aims to be a Defender of the Earth and The Innocent. Fefnir aims to be a Professional Fighter. And Phantom wants to Open Up a Ninja Acadamy, maybe Start a Family. 

The X-Underground is hired by the American President to help fix the World. The Ragnarok is decommissioned and dismantled. And the Class System Dr. Weil put in place is eventually phased out. Negotiations on which of the Lesser-Leaders will take Weil's place continue.

In 2215, Rock is ready to have his final battle against Zero. The 2 have an epic fight on the Moon. While fighting, Rock begins recalling all of the past battles he's been in. The battle ends in a Draw. Rock dies shortly after. Zero takes Rock back to Earth to give him a burial.

Everyone of the Light Family and Zero attend Rock's Funeral. It was a beautiful ceremony. 

In 2216, The Class System is officially dead and Peace was being least, for a few months. Mega Man Shadow appears before The President and convinces him that Negotiations for Power are stupid and that the only way to decide Who gets the World is with War.

The President takes Shadow's words to heart. Mega Man Shadow leaves to visit the other Leaders.

To Be Continued..    

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Complete (Rebooted) Mega Man RS Universe Timeline Part 4

The Super Android X Era  (2167 - 2170 AD):       

News of X's Super Android was pretty low, but that was about to change. The 1st Reploid Master's Fighting Tournament is announced and X, Zero, Layer, and Axl have entered as fighters. Massimo and Marino have volunteered to act as Security detail. Rock hears about the Tournament and decides to enter too.

Out in space, Lumine, Ra-Moon Jr.'s Harold informs his master that Earth is their next target. Ra-Moon Jr. is determined to succeed where his Father had failed. He gathers his Gang and they head to Earth. 

On Earth, Luka (rs over-1) overhears this and leaves for Earth to warn the people. Luka arrives on Earth and tries to warn the World Leaders of Ra-Moon Jr.'s coming, they don't listen. So he goes to the Maverick Hunters to warn them...but they have already left for the Tournament, so Luka goes there and signs up as a last minute entry.

In the audience is X's biggest fan, a small child, Amber,who is also with her family. At the Tournament everyone is impressed by Luka's skills. During intermission, Luka warns the Hunters about Ra-Moon Jr.'s intentions. The Hunters (and rock) promise to stop him. Rock is very interested in fighting these Alien Robots.

The Semi-Finals has X v. Zero and Rock v. Luka. X, as always, holds back tremendously due to fear that his awesome power will hurt innocent people. Rock beats Luka and X beats Zero. In the Finals it's X v. Rock, Brother against Brother. Something Rock had been looking forward to.     

Just as the match is about to start, Ra-Moon Jr. and his minions invade Earth and crash the Tournament. Joining RMJ is his Brother, NovaStar,Lumine the Herold, and The 4 Aster-Roid Sisters - Juno, Vesuvia, Pallas, and Celes. 

Ra-Moon Jr. challenges X,because he's the strongest. Luka battles The Herold, Rock fights NovaStar, while Zero, Axl, Layer, and Marino battle the 4 Aster-Roid Sisters. Massimo handles evacuation, however he is stopped by Ra-Moon Jr., who wants an audience to witness his power.

The Ra-Moon Empire is very strong and is giving Luka, Rock, and the Maverick Hunters a tough time. With the civilians still in attendance, X is forced to fight Ra-Moon Jr. with suppressed power, which doesn't help.  

Ra-Moon Jr. wonders why X is suppressing his power? X explains it, but Ra-Moon Jr. calls X a "sentimental fool" and eventually defeats him. With Earth's Strongest defeated, Ra-Moon Jr. grows more arrogant, claiming that No One can stop him and that he can do anything he wants. He kills most of the audience, including Amber's parents. He then tourtures and kills the little girl and laughs hard about it.

Witnessing this, X grows sad and angry, he knows if nothing is done Ra-Moon Jr. will ruin Earth. His sadness and anger, turn to rage, which transforms him into a Super Android. X tells Ra-Moon that He'll Never Forgive Them for what he just did.

Ra-Moon and his Followers are shocked at X's transformation, as is Luka. Rock is thrilled. X easily destroys The Aster-Roid Sisters, Lumine, and NovaStar. He then destroys their remains, so than no one from Earth can use them.

Ra-Moon Jr. is furious, but that fury does him no good, as Super Android X outclasses the Evil Alien in every way. X is able to focus his great power as a Super Android and it helps him destroy Ra-Moon Jr. He also destroys his remains, Again, so that the POS researchers of Earth can't use them. 

Hours after the Tournamen, Luka says his good-byes and flies off into space.

The Ra-Moon Empire is Officially Dead!

News of X's Super Android transformation grows worldwide, with a Majority of Humans disapproving of it. In fact,at Amber's funeral, X was booed by the, mostly Human, audience. And heckled by Protests by Members of Both the Unarm The Machines Union And The Human Dominance Guild.

The Majority of Reploids approve, as does Dr. Weil, mainly because should X screw up, Dr. Light's Legacy will be Greatly Tarnished. Maverick activity across the US has dropped greatly, due to the Maverick Bots now fearing X.

Sigma and His Army are also scared and gain a defeatist attitude. Sigma, in a crazy stunt that could erase him and this Timeline,  travels back in time (using an experimental time machine) to help Dr. Wily win. Sigma doesn't care if he Does ruin the Timeline, because he wants X gone.

Sigma brings with him plans and tech from this Era, in hopes that Dr. Wily will destroy Mega Man with it. When Sigma returns, nothing has changed. Dr. Wily Still fails. The Experimental Time Machine falls apart.

In 2168, Sigma decides to unleash his "Final Solution", Using The Worlds Nukes to Blow Up Everything. While in "Soul" form, Sigma managed to stealthfully steal the plans for a "Mega Nuke" from the Iranian Weapons Database, while he had his minions steal the materials needed.

After having the Missiles constructed,Sigma announces his plans and warns that if All Humans don't kill themselves within 24 Hours, he will launch the Mega Nuke Missiles.

Alia finds Sigma's base and X leaves on a Solo Mission to stop Sigma...which ends up being an easy mission, thanks to his Powers. X destroys the remains of Sigma's forces and then Sigma's new body. Sigma (in soul form) escapes in fear. X disables and destroys Sigma's Missile Launch controls. He then disarms the missiles and throws them into space.

X destroys Sigma's base and leaves. Watching from afar is the sinister spirit of Mega Man Shadow.

X encounters Mega Man Shadow in his dreams. Shadow intends on hijacking X's body and using it in his mission to destroy the Multiverse. X manages to defeat Mega Man Shadow. He escapes X's subconscious, swearing revenge.

Mega Man Shadow finds and meets Sigma, who's in hiding. The 2 hatch a plan to destroy X and the World. With Shadow's help, Sigma upgrades his new Body. After that's done,Sigma and Mega Man Shadow challenge X. 

X accepts the challenge and is beaten, thanks to Sigma being able to go Super Android, thanks to Mega Man Shadow possessing him. X is saved by Rock, who is annoyed that Mega Man Shadow had returned.

Rock tries his hand at fighting Sigma/MMS, but is also defeated. Rock decides the only way to win is to fuse with X using Fusion Crystals, crystals discovered by Dr. Light and Dr. Cossack that can temporarily fuse together 2 machines to create an even more powerful machine.

Rock is sickened by the fact that the only way to win is with this method. So, using the Crystals, Rock and X fuse into a Warrior that's "Neither Rock Or X, Just The One Who's Gonna Destroy Sigma".

The Fused warrior destroys Sigma,though both Sigma's Spirit and Mega Man Shadow escape. The fusion breaks and the Brothers go their separate ways.   

As the months go by,Anti-Reploid riots start to arise. One big riot, backed by the Human Dominance League, demands X be destroyed, before he turns on humanity. 

A few months later,during a sparring session in a thunderstorm, X and Rock's combined power unintentionally cause a rift between dimensions and they end up in a Distopian Version of their World. This Is the Realm where Giga Man hailed from and is the "Mirrorverse" version of Earth.

As they try to find a way back to their Universe, X and Rock are confronted by and battle the Emperor of the World's forces. The Bros. Also meet Zero's Counterpart, One, a blue armored, red haired psycho. One was the final creation of Prof. Asmov, Dr. Dark's heroic arch-foe turned evil.

They also have to deal with Alia, Marino, Massimo,and Axl's counterparts too. Halt, the mature mercenary. Malono, an Evil Pirate Queen. Empress Aria, Evil Redhead,Emperor Infinity's wife,and co-ruler. And Minimo, a cowardly weakling, who serves as the foot-man to Empress Aria.

They also meet some friendly faces, including General Cigma, Sigma's counterpart and Leader of an underground resistance, with a mission to bring peace to the World. Though very Very few in number,thanks to Emperor Infinity killing their forces. The Bros. meet 2 of Cigma's right hands - Valor, Vile's counterpart and Coil, Dynamo's Counterpart. They also meet 2 more members of the resistance - Good Witch Valencia,Berkana's Counterpart and Zephyra, a navy armored female warrior, who is Ferham's counterpart.        

The Light Bros..well, X does anyway,agree to help General Cigma save their World. Rock just wants to fight Emperor Infinity.

The Bros. eventually meet The Emperor, known as Infinity Man aka Emperor Infinity, who reveals himself to be the Last Creation of Dr. Wrong aka Dr. Dark. He's also X's counterpart in that Universe. The Emperor intends on invading and conquering X and Rock's Universe using a Portal Generator that he had his scientists create for him.

The Bros. fight as Super Androids, and after a tough fight, X manages to destroy the Evil Red Armored Emperor, much to Rock's disappointment (he wanted infinity alive so that he could fight him again).

The rest of the resistance manage to overtake the Emperors minions and claim his palace. After finding the Dimensional Portal Generator, the Bros. say good-bye to their allies and head back home. 

A few months Later, Dr. Weil begins manufacturing the Andro-Mutation chip in his secret lab and has Omega distribute them to various reploid criminals. This is all part of his plan to fan the flames of chaos.

Once installed, the Chips make these Reploids super strong, almost as powerful as Rock. Those Reploid criminals can now transform into a "Kuro Mode" and then an "Andro-Mutant" Form.  

Rock encounters some of these Super Thugs and recognizes it as "a Memento of Dr. Wily's handiwork" and after beating these Thugs, he goes warns the Maverick Hunters, who are already aware of the situation, but have no Idea where these Thugs are getting their power. 

Rock agrees to help. The International Repliforce also helps. After the threat is stopped, Anti-Reploid protests and riots take place, demanding All Reploids be dismantled. There are counter-protests from The Man/Machine Unity Engine group, as well as from The Unarm The Machines Union.    

Due to all of the backlash, X decides to retire from the Hunters and Fighting. He intends on going into his fathers work - Robotics Research.

In 2169, Alia, Gate, and Dr. Doppler are figuring out a way to destroy Sigma's Soul. Dr. Dopler has an idea of fighting Digital Soul with Digital Soul, but with a twist - A DigiSoul that can not only erase Evil Souls , but also, somehow, Help Mankind.

However, he has no idea How to create it. Alia and Gate reveal that they likely could...If they were a single entity with the Mega Computer brain, like what their Father intended.

Rock,who was just hanging around, has a solution - Fusion Crystals. Gate is unconvinced, but Alia is willing to give it a shot. Rock hands the Siblings the Crystals and tells them when they become one, they're talents and strength will combine, though only for a short while.

Alia and Gate fuse together and temporarily gain a Mega Computer Brain, which allows them to develop a powerful digital entity, known only as - The Mother Goddess.

They also create a De-digitizer, to bring their creation to the "Real World". 

In 2170, Rock achieves Super Android 2 via Training. Meanwhile, in Canada, a former Repliforce Canada commander, turned terrorist, General Redips has taken over the country in an attempt to show the World the "Power of the Reploid Race".

Repliforce Canada requests help from the Maverick Hunters. Everyone but Zero is busy. Rock volunteers to join Zero, just to see how strong Redips' forces are.

Rock and Zero head to Canada and get to work. Their first stop is Toronto, where they battle Jango the Bobcat aka Wild Jengo, as well as the 1st of Redips' enforcers, Botos. After defeating them, Members of Repliforce Canada arrest them.

Rock and Zero's next stop is Ottowa, where they meet Botos' Twin Brother Borock and Silver Horn, a reploid based loosely on a Triceratops. After defeating the Mavericks and watching them get hauled away by Repliforce Canada, Zero gets a call from Colonel R, Repliforce Canada's commander, telling them that their Chief Scientist, Dr. Gaudile has been abducted by Professor Psyche, an ex-member of Repliforce Canada, now working for Redips.

R tells Rock and Zero that he's being held in Psyche's fortress in Montreal, which is too fortified for the Repliforces. Zero agrees to save Gaudile. The 2 head to Psyche's Fortress in Montreal. Where they meet Dr. Psyche And his creation, a Giant Sea Snail, Mad Nautilus.

After destroying Nautilus and beating Dr. Psyche, the Duo rescue Dr. Gaudile, a Platypus Beastloid. It is revealed that Dr. Gaudile created Cinnamon and was once a friend and partner to Psyche. The Repliforces of Canada arrive to wrap things up. Rock and Zero head to Saskatoon next.

In Saskatoon, the Heroes meet and battle Mach Jentra, a Swallow Beastloid and the next of Redips' enforcers, Shadow. After defeating them, Zero and Rock head to Edmonton and confront the next members of Redips' Army, Incentis, a Scarab-based Beastloid with Multiple Elemental Powers and an Ancient Egyptian design.

With him, is Scarface, the next of Redips' Enforcers. After a tough battle, Rock and Zero defeat the Mavericks and head to Calgary to take out the next members of Redips' forces. They meet Depth Dragoon , a Seahorse Beastloid, who's bottom half is a Sea Serpent. And Duckbill Mole, a Wild Duck Beastloid with Drills.

The former enemies beat the Mavericks and leave them for the Repliforce. They then head back to Repliforce Canada's HQ in Vancouver for information on where to find Redips. When they get there, Colonel R. tells the Duo that he's found Redips' base in Halifax.  

Suddenly, Colonel R. is under attack by Spider, Twin Brother of Redips. Spider, unlike his brother, is themed after a Gambler. Spider is a Hit Man, who was hired by his Brother to assassinate the Colonel. Zero and Rock manage to defeat him and he's arrested.

The 2 then head to Halifax to stop Redips. The break into Redips' fortress and their first battle is with Rafflesian, a Female Humanoid Reploid with a flower-theme. After defeating her, Rock and Zero meet up with General Redips.

But, before they get a chance to face off against the Maverick Leader, Rock and Zero must deal with Redips' Bodyguard, a Powerful Multi-Tailed Fox Beastloid named Ninetales. Super Android 2 Rock makes quick work of Ninetales.

The 2 fight General Redips, who reveals to be equiped with an Andro Mutation Chip. He starts the fight by Transforming into the Kuro Mode (which turns the users armor black). Super Android 2 Rock manages to overpower him.

Redips then transforms into an Andro-Mutant (which is a monsterous form taken by the user). Zero and Rock's combined power destroy Redips. Later, The Duo are honored by Repliforce Canada.   

2 Months Later,The Mother Goddess is complete and de-digitized. Sigma's Soul takes control of the World Banks Computer. The Mother Goddess heads to The World Bank and faces off against Sigma. The Battle ends up in the real world, where The Goddess destroys Sigma's Soul.

And with that, Sigma is no more..but the next big War is about to start.


The Global Chaos Era: The Man vs. Machine War (2171 - 2173 AD):    

In 2171, RepliMax Prison is destroyed by a huge bomb, taking Everyone inside. Mavericks, Guards, and the Warden...All Dead!!!! The culprits - The Human Dominance Guild, now with Military Grade Weapons, Armor and Vehicles. (how they get them?...don't ask!!)  

X and Alia are out on a date,where X asks Alia to marry him. But tragedy strikes as a Sniper (a human) kills Alia, which enrages X. The sniper taunts X and has a camera man to film his aggression against them.

X transforms into a Super Android and confronts the 2 Evil Humans, but doesn't kill them, just threatens them. They reveal that they are the Sons of the President of the Human Dominance Guild. X lets them go, but destroys the camera man's camera.

The HDG Leader, Sage, makes a global announcement, declaring War on Reploids. In a shock twist, The HDG has teamed-up with The Unarm The Machines Union AND The Safety Life Alliance to form a new group called - The Human Alliance Armada.

Soon, Anti-Reploid violence grows widespread all over the world. The Maverick Hunters and International Repliforces are in a conundrum, since they can't harm or kill Humans. Rock, however has no issue with this and fights the Anti-Reploid Extremists..though he Does pull his punches and Doesn't go Super Android.

President Abigail Desmond decides to disband the Hunters, blaming Them for most of the Maverick Activity And for the growing Anti-Reploid sentiment. She instructs Congress to adapt legislation. A funeral is held for Alia, but is ruined by members of the Human Alliance Armada.

The Human Alliance Armada greatly grow in numbers and set up international chapters. Having no choice, the Maverick Hunters and the International Repliforces are forced to fight back against the New Human Militia.

X stays out of the fight and peruses more scientific methods to end this war. He works with Gate, Alia, and Dr. Doppler to come up with ways to improve The Mother Goddess so that she can disable weapons and vehicles. 

In 2172, The War intensifies, with The Human Alliance Armada acquiring more dangerous Armor, Weapons, and Vehicles. The upgrades to the Mother Goddess are complete. Cyber Elves,semi-sentient digital entities ,are created using the Mother Goddess's data and were made to assist her. The Mother Goddess can control them telepathically if need be.

Among the Elves abilities are - Machine and Weapon disabling, Machine control, and Machine repair.

The Law that would disband The Maverick Hunters (the extreme safety act) passes congress and is signed by the President.The Law will go into effect the next year. While watching the War from his Lab, via spy cameras, Dr. Weil proudly declares the Dr. Light's dream of Man/Machine harmony is Officially Dead!

The Mother Goddess and her Cyber Elf Children manage to disable every weapon and vehicle the Human Alliance Armada has. And by 2172,the HAA is officially defeated and arrested by the World's military.

The Man v. Machine War is Over...but a brand new Crisis is about to begin.


The Global Chaos Era: Project - Savior (2174 - 2176 AD): 

In 2174, Thanks to the Extreme Safety Act,The Maverick Hunters are forced to disband and X is arrested for being a danger to the public (according to the president).

Dr. Weil is visited by Mega Man Shadow, who offers to help Dr. Weil if he makes him a new Battle Body in return. The deal is made and the 2 start their plan to throw the World into deeper chaos.

Mega Man Shadow possesses The Mother Goddess, turning her into the Evil Demo-Goddess, and begins terrorizing the World using the Cyber Elves. 

Feeling that they may need X's help, the US Government sets him free and has him take on the Demo-Goddess. X and Rock reunite to take her down. Rock soon realizes that Mega Man Shadow is possessing her. 

Even as Super Androids,the Brothers can do nothing, since the Drmo-Goddess/Mega Man Shadow aren't physical beings. Suddenly, Dr. Weil appears and uses a "Data Deletion Blaster" of sorts to vaporize the Demo-Goddess...though MMS escapes before he is destroyed.

The Light Bros. and Dr. Weil meet for the first time and Rock senses something familiar about him (he is the reincarnation of rock's old enemy, dr. wily.). Without the Mother Goddess, the Cyber Elves stop working, just waiting for their new direction.

Dr. Weil destroys the Cyber Elves and is hailed a Hero.   Dr. Weil volunteers to help rebuild the World. X is imprisoned once again by the Government.

In early 2175, The World is slowly being rebuilt,thanks to Dr. Weil. Zero is suspicious of Weil, as is Marino.  

One evening, Omega carries out a surprise attack on the World and manages to undo much of the progress of Dr. Weil and the others. X is let out of prison to help deal with the crisis.

(omega's attack is all part of weil's project - savior.)

Omega is extremely powerful and he manages to wipe out the International Repliforces in a blink of an eye. He also manages to kill Layer, Axl,Marino, and Massimo. He then manages to cripple Zero. Rock and X manage to give Omega a fight, with Super Android X )defeating Round 1!!!!

Omega transforms into his Kuro Mode (yup, weil gave him an andro-mutation chip), and is on equal ground with Super Android X. Dr. Weil appears with his Protocol Disrupter and uses it on Omega, turning the Powerful Robot to become docile and Obedient to Dr. Weil.

(weil never uses a protocol disrupter, it's just a toy, this is just a ploy - all part of project - savior).    

Omega agrees to help Dr. Weil repair the World. Zero remains a cripple due to lack of resources, thanks to Omega's attack. In His free time, Dr. Weil is in his lab designing and building Mega Man Shadow's new body. By early, 2176, the body is completed.

Once Mega Man Shadow enters the body, he becomes entrapped and unable to do anything, he then feels his consciousnesses slip. Soon Mega Man Shadow becomes a slave to Dr. Weil. Weil figured that Mega Man Shadow's plans to eradicate the Multiverse would run counter to His plans for Global Conquest, so he encoded the circuits in the body to enslave the Evil Soul.

Mega Man Shadow's new body resembles X, just as Omega resembles Zero. Mega Man Shadow is now - Alpha.

X and Zero hold memorial services for their fallen comrades and friends.

To Be Continued!!

Friday, September 6, 2024

The Complete (Rebooted) Mega Man RS Universe Timeline Part 3

The Maverick Era: Maverick Evolution (2158 - 2161 AD):  A year after the Repliforce Incident, Maverick Crime had risen and Sigma has gotten 8 new Beastloid Recruits.

Saul Kumarobo,Japanese Weapons Dealer, is renamed Slasher RingKuma. Irish Pirate,Duff O'Whalen, is renamed Tidal Whalord. Ex-Maverick Hunter Adler Squidman is renamed Voltage Kraken. Disgraced Repliforce USA Scientist, Dr. Izzy Hotarunicus becomes Flashing Firefly.
Vampire lord of the Independent Film Scene, Count Necro becomes Darkness Necrobat. Disgraced Member of Repliforce Canada's Air Force, Captain Helios Pegacion renames himself Tornado Pegasus..
Pyro-Terrorist, Matt T. Rexx becomes Flame Dinorex. And British Street Punk Prince, Axel Radrose renames himself, Spiked Radrose. 

The Maverick Hunters Also gain new reploid members. Dr. Cain creates Signas, a 2nd Son And New High Command of the Maverick Hunters. When Nana gets transferred to the LAPD as a dispatcher, The Hunters hire Alia Fields, a former Researcher as their Chief Navigator. 

Leading the R&D is Douglas, an Expert in Mechanics and Technology. Signas gets rid of The Units in favor of Ranks. S,A,B,C,and D. X and Zero are S Rank. Marino and Massimo are an A Rank. 

The Mechanaloid Fighting Circuit grows in popularity. As that is happening, a Rival Underground Maverick Hunter Group forms, Red Alert, lead by Ash "Red" Mitchum, a part-time Mechanaloid Battler and his Electric Meercat Mechanaloid buddy, Kinkachu.

Other members of the group are made up of Gary "Green" Orchid, Lisa "Blue" Katchit, and Ciel "Yellow" Chopin. These 4 Reploids are dangerous, because Unlike the Maverick Hunters, Red Alert doesn't care if they destroy property or hurt innocents, because to These "Maverick Killers", all that matters is terminating the target. These Reploids are considered to be Maverick by some.

They've clashed with the Hunters a couple of times. Another reploid dude who causes trouble is a Texan/New Age Cowboy Mercenary named Lance Dynamo. He has 2 Plasma Side-Arms, a Plasma Lance, and a Ride Chaser that resembles a horse.

X finds 2 more Light Capsules on his missions, Both containing Special Attacks - The Giga Crush and Nova Strike. Sigma strikes again, this time by hijacking a small Space Colony called "Eurasia". The Hunters go to the Colony to lead an evacuation and to stop Sigma. As soon as he is defeated by the Hunters in the Master Control Center, Sigma destroys the Console, causing the Colony to lose all power and slowly fall to Earth. Sigma escapes, as do the Hunters.

The Hunters find out the best way to stop the Colony is with their Enigma Cannon, however the cannon needs special energy and to power it up - The Newly Discovered "Plasnium V". Signas reveals the 8 locations where they can get the Energy. Hr then reveals that the Colony will crash on Earth in just 2 days. The Hunters head out on their mission, now on a clock.

During their missions, the Maverick Hunters not only run into Sigma's 8 New Maverick Commanders,who are Also after the Plasnium, but also Red Alert. The Hunters eventually get enough Plasnium to power up the Enigma Cannon.

The Cannon's blast was a success and the Eurasia Colony was destroyed...with 1 day to spare. The Hunters eventually find Sigma's base and go to stop him..hopefully once and for all. Douglas gives them a container that can capture Sigma's "Spirit Form"

at Sigma's base, the Hunters face off against various members of Sigma's Organization, including Vile, who's been upgraded into a Mark IV body, which is Black,as opposed to the previous forms Red color. After defeating them, They meet up with Sigma, who has occupied a Giant Battle Body.

The Battle is tough, but the Hunters prevail. Sigma's Spirit tries to get away,but is captured and,later, sent to RepliMax Prison. With Sigma finally captured, His Organization is on the fast track to extinction. In fact, they go into hiding.

6 Months Later, We meet Alia's Twin Brother,Gate,a Reploid Researcher and a Professor at The University of Greenwich in Connecticut. Along with Gate is his assistant, Dr. Issoc, Who is a big fan of Dr. Wily's work. 

Gate is someone who considers Logic above anything. He gives a lecture about Reploid Evolution and deeply believes that it's time Humans become extinct, since it's only logical for them to die out ,so that Reploids can become the next Master Race.

His speech draws high criticism among both Human's and Reploids. It also gets him suspended from the University. Gate takes this opportunity to work on "Agenda: Evolution", a 2-stage project in which he uses special toxins to exterminate Humans, while powering up Reploids using his newly created "Soul Enhancer"Machine,which will give Reploids enhanced Powers by manipulating their Digital Sole...It's kinda like Gene Splicing for Reploids.

Joining Gate, besides Dr. Isocc, is High Max, a normal Reploid who was the first of Gate's "Soul Enhancer" experiments. Gate also recruits the 8 Animaloid Reploids, who he also enhanced. These 8 are -   

Mechanaloid Battler, Mark Yammark,now known as Commander Yanma, Former-Bodyguard,Sheldon Bivalve, now known as Barrier Bivalve. Disgruntled Robotics Professor, Iggy Mijinion, aka Multi Mijinion.
Former Agriculturist ,Carravagio Turtloid,now known now as Downpoar Turtloid. Master electronics Repair Man, Jaws Scraplayer aka Steel Hammerhead. Disgraced Archeologist, Prof. Scarab Dungbeet, know known as Earthrock Scarab. Volcanics Expert, Pyro Heatnix aka Blaze Phoenix. And Arctic Investigator, Talbot Wolfang, know known as Freeze Wolfang.
Gate has his 8 Minions set-up Toxin Machines thought the Biggest Cities around Globe to exterminate Mankind. Gate also has them stand watch over the Machines, because he knows that the Maverick Hunters will get wind of his plans somehow and Will try to stop him.
Sure enough, the Hunters Do find out, thanks to reports,and leave to investigate the Mavericks. During their Battles,The Hunters run into a Young Austrailian Cyborg Vigilante, named Axl,who wants to be a Maverick Hunter, so he helps them out.
Later, Axl reveals that he was the once a Human, who got into a fight with some Mavericks who killed his Parents, Mathew and Rhea Greese, Austrailian diplomats to the U.S. And that he was so damaged that he almost died, but his Aunt and Cousin, both Cyberneticists, saved him by making him into a Cyborg.

Axl then reveals that can turn himself invisible and undetectable.
The Maverick Hunters and Axl destroy Gate's Minions and Shut Down the Toxin Machines. Gate knew this might happen, so he reactivates them remotely and the Toxins start spreading thought the World, making everyone within a 50,000 mile radius, gravely sick.
The Hunters raid Gate's secret Lab, which Alia revealed to them. They encounter High Max and destroy him. They then battle Issoc, who fights them in a mech, reminiscent of Dr. Wily's Wily Machines. After destroying Issoc's Machine, they confront Gate, who is making modifications to his "Soul Enhancer".
Gate reveals that the Humans effected by his Toxins have only a few days to live. Gate is proud of his plan and reveals that He used his "Soul Enhancer" Machine to power-up his Own Soul and can now beat the Maverick Hunters with ease.
The Fight Begins. X, really pissed at Gate for what he did to the Humans, just One-Shots him with The Nova Strike.

Beaten, Gate wonders what went wrong? And that by his calculations, he Should've easily won the battle due to the correct modifications he made to his Soul. 

X gives Gate a harsh verbal bashing. Alia arrives and talks to her Brother about his views and how he's wrong and that logic without conscious or heart is just evil.
After the chat, Gate starts to rethink his position. He gives Alia the toxin formula, so she can reverse engeneer it and make antidotes.X destroys the Soul Enhancer.

Gate and Issoc are arrested and taken to RepliMax Prison. As the clock strikes down for Humanity, Alia and Douglas manage to reverse engineer the Toxins and make an antidote.

The Antidote is distributed. Some are cured, for was too late. Axl is made a Hunter-in-Training by Signas.

1 month later,a Giant Robot, called Illumina awakens and attacks. Illumina was created by Prof. Iggy Majinion and was activated via Mijinion's Computer if the Professor didn't check in for a month.

The Hunters fight "Her" in a big city. X stops Illumina by breaking into "Her" and shutting her down from the inside.

In early, 2159, Dr. Cain passed away. A huge funeral is held for him, though is crashed and vandalized by Anti-Reploid Rioters. The Group is The Human Dominance Guild.

X stops them and they are arrested., Convicted of Data Theft.

6 months later, 8 Criminals break out of RepliMax...With Sigma, who promised to reward them greatly. These 8 Criminals are -

Rock Kongor aka Warrior Stonekong, convicted or Armed Robbery. S. Flyfish aka Diver Warfly, convicted of Robbing 2 Cruise Ships. Jack Hyenard aka Flaming Hyenard, convicted of Repeat Arson. Prof. Antonio Ariquick aka Sniper Anteator, convicted of Data Theft.
Van Gunderoo aka Vanishing Gungaroo, convicted of Assault. Boarski Hogg aka Hellrider Boarski, convicted of being the Leader of the Road Hogg Biker Gang. Hans Debonion aka Voltnado Tonion, convicted of Kidnapping. And W. Karastinger aka Wind Crowrang, convicted of Air Terrorism.
These guys were taken in by The Maverick Hunters a Year-and-a-Half ago,and Will be jailed by The Maverick Hunters Again. However, Red Alert is Also after these crooks, and intend on destroying them. This time, Red Alert has a Brand New Member, Ai "Pink" Fuji, the 2nd Female Member and the Youngest. 
The 8 Escaped Criminals head to the Hidden Maverick Base, per Sigma's instructions, and return him to his minions. Sigma is set free and takes over a Brand New Bottle Body, that Serges has made for him.
Sigma pays the 8 Criminals and allows them to rest there. A Day Later, the, 8 Criminals return to their various criminal lives. The Hunters each track one down, but are always interrupted by a Red Alert Member. The same happens when they battle the Other 3 Criminals.
Lance Dynamo Also joins in on the hunt for the Criminals, as he intends on collecting the High Bounty on each of them. The Hunters and Red Alert refuse to let That happen.
Long story Short, The 8 Criminals are Destroyed 4 by The Hunters, 4 by Red Alert, much to Dynamo's annoyance. 
Axl is made a full-fledged Maverick Hunter after this.The Hunters know that Sigma is Still on the loose and Will strike again soon.
3 months later, after a Strong Falling out with Sigma, Vile (mk. 4) leaves Sigma's Org. and goes out to create his own Army. He recruits 8 Beastloid Mavericks, each wanted criminals - Antony Gravant aka Gravitation Antonion, a former Space Researcher. Sunny Flora aka Laser Sunflora (female in RS), a former Training Partner of the Maverick Hunters.
Yettinger the Yeti aka Avalanche Yeti (looks like an actual yeti in RS), former Security Guard for an Arctic Lab. Slythe Kamakil aka Darkslice Mantis,a B-Rank Assassin. Prof. E. R. Trilovich aka Crystalrock Trilobyte, a Disgraced Archeologist.
Ken Kokoker aka Flaming Roostar, a former Scrapyard Incinerator. Chan Pan-Dao aka Rocket Pandamonium, a former Missile Loader at a Chinese Army Base. And Zippy Dograkin aka Gigavolt Jellyfish, a Wild Troublemaker.
Vile upgrades himself into a Mk. V form, which is green and more militaristic. X receives another Light Capsule, this one allowing him to Charge Up his Weapons.  
Meanwhile, an arrest warrant is issued to Red Alert for interfering with The Maverick Hunters and the various Damages and fatalities they made during their existence.
X and Zero are sent to deal with Vile and His Army, while Marino, Massimo,and Axl find and deal with Red Alert. X and Zero destroy the Army and defeat Vile, who escapes. Meanwhile, Axl, Massimo, and Marino find Red Alert's base and arrests them after a battle.
With Red Alert in Prison and Vile's Army destroyed, peace has been restored.....for now. 
A Year later in 2161, the Equality gap starts to widen greatly between Humanoid Reploids and Beastloids, due to various reasons, especially the Maverick attacks. So a growing resistance made up of disenfranchised and despondent Beastloids forms. They are called The Beastloid Movement, Fighters for Beastloid Equality.
This group is lead by Chimpelle aka Docu Chimpelle, a Female Chimpanzee Beastloid that can Copy Abilies by downloading an Opponents Data. Joining her are 8 Beastloid's who hate Man and Humanoids as much as Chimpelle.
Tento T. Mushi aka Bullethell Tentomushi, Younger Sister of Blademerang Kuwagamushi and Black Hole Kabutomushi. Skip Dewgonger aka IceCold Sealeo, Younger Cousin of Icestorm Walrus. Kiki Kokong aka Bomber Monkween, a Female Monkey Beastloid who is an Explosives expert.
Dino Greyman aka Flameblast Saurus,a Dinosaur Beastloid who is the Cousin of Flame Dinorex. M. W. Kappa aka Geiser Kappar, a Kappa Beastloid with Water Powers. H. S. Hogg aka Hurricane Hogger, a Huge Pig Beastloid with Strong Wind Powers.
Hooktail Panthroar aka Strike Panther, a Hooktailed Panther Beastloid. And Manticor Chimerah/Plasma Chimera, a Plasma/Electric-Elemental Chimera.
The Maverick Hunters gain 3 new Members. Layer is a Navigator and Fighter Analysis Expert. She's also great at Capoeira. Cinnamon,a Young Nurse,is Lifesaver's New Assistant, And Palette, Douglas' Young Cousin,helps him in the R&D Lab..when she's not on the Mechanaloid Battle Circuit. 

X finds another Light Capsule, this one giving him the Ability to produce a Quick and Temporary Energy Barrier.

The Beastloid's make there move and so do the Maverick Hunters. The Maverick Hunters defeat the Mavericks and arrest them, instead of destroying them (a request by signas, who feels like the FBE isn't truly evil, just misguided, something X agrees with). They then head to FBE HQ to battle and arrest Chimpelle.
Chimpelle is a tough opponent, knowing All of the Maverick Hunter Teams moves, thanks to her downloading their personal files from the Public Database and uploading them into her brain.
X is able to defeat Chimpelle, using his powers. Chimpelle is arrested and order is restored. 

X and Alia begin dating.
The Dangerous Future Era  (2162 - 2166 AD):      
The Human Dominance Guild increase their Numbers,all thanks to the growing distrust of Reploids by Humans.
Mysterious assassinations have been happening to various important people around the world. This is the work of a brand new Maverick Group, The Reploid Assassin's League, who make their living being contracted to do "Hit Jobs" by various clients. They get paid very very well. 
The Group is lead by Epsilon,the arrogant, prideful, and powerful Reploid Fighter. Joining him are the other Members of the Group - Garath and Lio-Kaiser, a deadly knight and his Lion Mechanaloid. Geemel, a Ninja Like Repliod Warrior with a Psychotic streak. Zain, an armored Warior, who's Sword Skills are some of the best. Techno, a sneaky Mechanaloid Battler. Berkana, a bewitching ex-Maverick Hunter who can disable Anything electronic. And Ferham. 

The Hunters run into the RAL from time to time, but they always escape. Sigma's forces ramps up attacks, but are foiled by The Repliforces of the various nations they're attacking.
X finds 2 more Light Capsules, one gives him a "Kamehameha Wave"- like Energy Attack (called hikarihameha) and the other is a "Healing" factor.
A 35-year old genius has dreams about being an evil scientist, he consults a famous Llama about it and it is revealed that he is the reincarnation of Dr. Wily. The man decides to embrace it and makes plans to conquer the World in his own image. However, he plans on doing things Very differently from Dr. Wily. He intends on observing the World and waiting for his time to act.
His name is William Albert Weil, and he is the Future Dictator of The World!!! Weil finds Dr. Wily's secret lab and raids it. He takes Zero's plans,as well as the Andro-Mutation Chip. He then retreats back to His own secret lab to begin his plan.
In Mid-2162, Rock Light finally awakens from his near 90 year sleep. Rock is happy to be he senses a bunch of "Strong Guys" he can fight. But first, he decides to find X to see how he's doing. He takes a Red Light Capsule that was hidden within the Light Labs and takes it to X.
The 2 brothers reunite and Rock meets the Maverick Hunters. He and Zero have a confrontation. Rock remembers Zero as his last opponent and was evil. Zero can't seem to remember Rock ,but does remember his evil past and rejects it outright. He even apologizes for the trouble he caused. X assures Rock that Zero is a Good-Guy now.  Rock accepts it.
Rock presents the Red Light Capsule to X. The Capsule unlocks the full potential of X's Zenkai Chip. After the reunion, Rock wants to see how strong X has gotten. X accepts the challenge...but only in a location very far way from people and buildings.
X and Rock spar on a mountain far from civilization. X is so strong, that Rock needs to turn Super Android to keep up. After an awesome fight, Rock leaves to eat and rest, then seek out more great fighters.
As all this is going on, The Spirit of Mega Man Shadow re-emerges and observes the World. 
In Late 2162,Will Weil, now going by Dr. Weil, begins observing the World from his hidden lab,via his Batonbone Spy bots. With him is, Omega, a reploid Weil created using Zero's blueprints. Weil's goal is to dominate though Trust and World approval, not fear and destruction.
He wants to see the World burn, so that when the people cry out for a Hero, He will be That Hero and rebuilt everything in his image and, eventually, be elected World Leader.

A bit convoluted, but he will be working on a New Protocol Disruptor to brainwash those important people who disagree with him. And it's a lot better than using Terror Tactics.
(RS Dr. Weil and RS Omega are here) 
In Early 2163, Dynamo and Vile (in a new upgraded mk. 6 body, thanks to dynamo's "connections") team up. They are fought and defeated by the Hunters, and eventually sent to RepliMax Prison.
Out in space, Ra-Moon Jr. and his Brother, NovaStar are building their own Empire. They are opposed by Luka (rs-over-1). Joining Ra-Moon Jr and NovaStar are Lumine, the Herold and the 4 Aster-roid Sisters, Juno, Vesuvia, Pallas, and Celes. 
Growth in distrust for Reploids is continuing and groups like The Human Dominance Guild are gaining strength. But there are also 2 New types of groups are gaining momentum - The Anti-Maverick Hunter Groups,The Pro-Reploid Groups, and the Reploid Disarmament Groups.

The Biggest Anti-Maverick Hunter group is called "The Safety Life Alliance", which advocates for the disbanding of the Maverick Hunters, due to their belief that the Hunters are the cause for the rise in Maverick Activity. They would rather see the Hunters join either the Military or the Police Force instead. They are constantly pushing the Legislation to get make their goals a reality.
The Largest Pro-Reploid Group is called "The Man/Machine Unity Engine", their goal is close to Dr. Light's dream of having Humans and Robots living together in peace. 

Then there's the Largest Reploid Disarmament Group "The Unarm The Machines Union", which wants All Reploids weaponless. And want to make it illegal for Reploids to be created or equipped with weapons. They're basically the anti-2A fanatics.   
Weil is thrilled at the coming of these new groups.  X and Alia are enjoying life as an official couple. Layer peruses Zero, who isn't interested in a relationship,not since Iris died.And Palette and Cinnamon via for Axl's affections.  Marino and Massimo begin dating.
New Maverick Groups start to appear World Wide. The Maverick Hunters (with the international repliforce's) are able to destroy or capture them before they could grow 

X's growing power begins unnerving many Humans, which causes the Anti-Reploid groups to grow even faster. The Anti-Reploid side soon becomes dead even (numbers-wise) with the Pro-Reploid side.
The Reploid Assassin League continues to do their thing and evade the Maverick Hunters and International Repliforce. Mega Man Shadow continues observing the World, waiting for his chance to strike. Dr. Weil continues to observe, as well.
In 2164, Sigma's Forces launch a new attack on the World,this time by using a machine that reprograms Humans, turning them violent and strong. This puts the Maverick Hunters and International Repliforces in a situation where they can't fight...especially X, who swore to protect human life. 
Sigma's goal is to force the Hunters and Repliforce to be unable to do anything. Rock sees this and decides to join in. Rock, unlike X, has no qualms about fighting Humans, as he sees Humans and Robots/Reploids as being equal. Though, he Does hold back when fighting them.
After finding out where Sigma's base is, Rock leaves to raid it. He confronts and defeats the Mavericks and then Sigma. After defeating Sigma, Rock destroys the Machine that was mind manipulating the Humans. With the Machine destroyed, the Humans return to normal.
Rock leaves the base.untouched. The Blue Bomber continues his journey to improve himself as a fighter. 

Maverick activity gets worse. In fact, due to territory disputes,Sigma's Forces get involved in gang war with The RepliMafia and the Yakuzoids (the reploid yakuza). The Maverick Hunters,The International Repliforces, and Rock team up to fight them. 
Meanwhile, The Reploid Assassin League continues their work. They manage to assassinate the President of the United States,under contract by a Mysterious Group. 

This war costs many many lives (both human and reploid), but it ends after The Maverick Hunters and Repliforce destroy and capture most of the RepliMafia and Yakuzoids. Sigma and his men still escape.
A Month Later, America gains a new President after a Special Election - President Abigail Desmond, who's fully Anti-Maverick Hunter and Pro-Reploid Disarmament.     
Months later, Palette enters the Mechanaloid Battle Tournament. The RAL's Techno also enters. Palette and Techno battle in the finals, which Palette wins.
In 2165, X gets involved in charity work and even visits sick hospitalized children. Gate is released from RepliMax on good behavior, much to the outrage from the public. To atone for his crimes, Gate seeks his Sister,Alia's, help.
It is revealed that Alia and Gate are twins,with gate being older. They were originally were supposed to be 1 Reploid with a Mega Computer brain, but all of that RAM/Rom couldn't fit into a single brain. So instead of creating a huge Reploid, Dr. Fields created 2 normal sized Reploid brains and put them in 2 Reploid bodies, which became Alia and Gate.
When teamed up, Alia and Gate can realize the full potential of the Mega Computer,by solving nigh-impossible problems. However, the siblings personalities came into conflict most of the time. Alia being practical and Gate being logical.

So the 2 went their separate ways, though both becoming Researchers/Scientists. Gate and Alia go on a retreat of self discovery, where Gate learns to have heart when using logic. He becomes an ally of The Hunters soon after.
Throughout the year, Sigma possesses a multitude of machines in an act of Cyber Terrorism. The Hunter manage to stop him. Dr. Doppler, Alia and Gate band together to try to figure out how to destroy Sigma's Soul.
Dr. Weil, is enjoying what he sees out of the World and believes that it won't be long now before he can enact his plan "Project - Savior".   

In 2166, Rock and Epsilon have a chance meeting during one of the Reploid Assassin's Jobs. Rock prevents the assassination and battles Epsilon. Epsilon is very strong and skilled, so much so, it forces Rock to use his Super Android form. 
The fight ends in a draw, with Both men satisfied. Rock appreciates Epsilon's passion for battle and tells him that X is much stronger than he is, and that if Epsilon enjoyed fighting him, he'll love fighting X.
Epsilon decides to take Rock up on it and leaves to train for his fight with X.  
Days later, Epsilon brings the Core Members of his Reploid Assassin League to Maverick Hunter HQ, to watch his fight with X...and after that, kill the rest of the Hunters and destroy their HQ. 
The RAL arrive at MHHQ,where Epsilon challenges X to a battle. X accepts, knowing that if he beats Epsilon, he can put him away forever. Since MHHQ is within The City (new york city), X holds back his power.  
The rest of the RAL have fights too. Garath and Lio-Kaiser battle Massimo. Marino fights Berkana. Layer (using capoeria) battles Ferham. Palette v. Techno in a Mechanaloid battle. Axl v. Zain and Zero v. Geemel.  

Epsilon wants to know why X isn't fighting at his best and that he expected the "Ultimate Challenge". X reveals that he always holds back when he's fighting in an area with innocent lives, so as not to accidentally hurt or kill them.

Epsilon finds this interesting and knows how to "solve" X's "Issue". Epsilon then brazenly destroys the surrounding area using a powerful energy wave. He then tells X that his problem is solved and now he can fight at full power.

X, saddened,enraged at the loss of life, transforms into a Super Android (gold armor,gold aura), to the shock and surprise of those who just witnessed it.
As a Super Android, X is able to focus his powers and use his full power without worrying about hurting others. X demonstrates his power by destroying Garath and his Lion. Next he obliterates Zain and Geemel.  He defeats Ferham and Berkana. He then crushes Techno.

X tells Epsilon that he will Never forgive him Or his minions for their disgusting deeds and promises him Hell. X then fights and destroys Epsilon. After the battle, Ferham and Berkana are sent to RepliMax Prison.
The Reploid Assassin League is Dead. But, there are more threats still out there and Sigma is still on the loose.

To Be Continued...