Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Complete (Rebooted) Mega Man RS Universe Timeline Part 6

The Darkest Era: World War Ultimate (2217 - 2222 AD):  

In 2217, France is bombed out of existence by the US. Mega Man Shadow convinces the other World Leaders to go to War with one another for the right to Rule in Weil's place.Almost Every nation is fighting each other. It's the Ultimate Global War. Both Humans and Reploids take part.

The X-Underground and the Light Siblings All take part to try to stop the War. They fail. 

The War is harsh and damning, lasting Years and taking almost 73.1 million Lives (both human and reploid).

But Finally, in Late-2221, The surviving World Leaders come together for a Peace Treaty. The Treaty is signed and the War is over. X, his 3 Daughters,2 Sons, and Zero help with the recovery effort. During this time Ciel and Zero develop feelings for each other.

In 2222,The Leaders have a Year-Long conference to decide what to do next? Ciel and Zero begin dating. Leviathan begins working with Ciel and X on research.  

Mega Man Shadow, remains in hiding, watching, waiting for his next chance to strike.

Human evolution continues. Now they can accept cybernetics without any negative consequences.


The Darkest Era: Reconstruction (2223 - 2225 AD): 

In 2223, Leviathan decides to break out on her own and do her own research and development. She sets up Her Own Lab, named Levi Labs. Global clean-up and reconstruction continues.

After a Full Year of deliberation,The World Body decides to split the World into 4 Equal Giga Zones, each with their Own Leader. It takes another 8 months to find those leaders. They then disband All of Dr. Weil's institutions.

In 2224, Leviathan finds success as a Researcher, though unlike her Father and Grandfather, Leviathan is a bit Morally Questionable. It takes way longer than planned, but The Global Leaders Finally find their 4 Leaders.

They are - Thomas Wright, a man of Ingenuity and Total Moral Dubiousness, takes Giga Zone 1 (north, south, and central america. plus samoa and other south pacific nations. plus every land in the western atlantic, like jamaca).

The Crafty, Dishonest, and Sneaky, Albert Williams is given Giga Zone 2 (all of western europe and africa). 

The Wise Mikhail Kopek is made Leader of Giga Zone 3 (eastern europe,all of arabia,pakistan, and western china). He's the most Moral of the 4.

And finally The lone female, the Cunning and Devious, Noel Regal, distant descendant of Dr. Regal, and Mistress of Giga Zone 4 (east china, india, hong,kong,thailand and all south asian countries, both koreas, japan and australia. new zealand too).

(Note, with the exception of Noel, who is based off of Dr. Noel Lalinde from the Mega Man Archie Comics, the 4 Great Masters are based on the 3 Sages from Mega Man ZX). 

In 2225, The 4 Great Masters begin their work leading the World. 

Ciel and Zero get engaged. Within Phantom Ninja Academy, Mega Man Shadow possesses Phantom and after killing Phantom's Ninja Clan and Girlfriend (mitsu), he hunts down the rest of the Light Family.

He finds Fenrir at a Fighters Tournament.  After a confrontation and battle, Phantom/Mega Man Shadow kills him. 

He then hunts down Harpuia, who is on patrol. After a confrontation, the 2 battle. Harpuia knows that Mega Man Shadow is possessing Phantom and tries not to kill her bro.

With the added power of Mega Man Shadow, Phantom kills Harpuia. Phantom tries to fight, but the Evil Digital Spirit is too powerful.

X, Zero and Ciel are visiting Levi Labs and Leviathan. Mega Man Shadow, in Phantom's Body arrives. X sences Mega Shadow in his Son's body and demands him to leave.

After some taunting and mocking, the possessed Phantom attacks. Mega Shadow reveals that he's just doing what he"s doing/did because he hates happy families and he wanted to have fun.

The Possess Phanton is defeated,but before Mega Man Shadow leaves Phantom's body, he kills him with his own weapon.

X promises that Mega Man Shadow will Pay.

X and Leviathan hold a huge funeral service for Harpuia, Fefnir, and Phantom. With Ciel and Zero attending.


The 4 Masters Era: Beginning Anew (2226 - 2233 AD):

In 2226, Ciel and Zero get married. Cielium X continues to be The Worlds main energy source, though neither X, nor Ciel are given credit. X establishes X-Tech,his own Research Organization. 

The reconstruction of the World is complete and a new era of peace begins. 

In 2227,a research and development group,known Slither Inc. is founded by former MMA Grand Master,turned Scientist,Guile "Serpent" Sairupahn. Sairupahn is a Reploid with dreams of dominating the field of Science and become the Greatest Scientist in the World.  

Slither Inc sets itself up to be a Rival Research Group to X's X-Tech and Leviathan's Levi Labs.

Cybernetics are perfected and soon become a norm.

In 2228, Despite the hard and decent work that they do, Slither Inc. falls behind X-Tech and Levi Labs. Sairupahn decides to work harder. Levi Labs begins doing Moral Questionable work, an image of it's founder and boss, Leviathan.    

In 2229, Ciel reveals that she's pregnant...which baffles many (zero is a reploid,after all.) X considers this a Miracle from God.

In 2230, Ciel and Zero have a child, a miracle baby, a boy named Giro. Giro is part Human, Part Reploid, who can grow and mature like other Humans, but has the strength and stability of a Reploid.

A boy named Grey is born. HE will be an important player later.

2231,X starts to show his age, he adopts a mature look too.  

In 2233, Scientists discover a crashed meteor that contains a specialized energy source. During investigation, this this new source has the ability to enhance ones abilities. The 4 Masters acquire the Meteor and discuss what to do with it.

Mega Man Shadow possesses Ciel and infects her with a deadly disease that eventually kills her. After failing to convince Zero that Ciel's death was all his fault, Shadow possesses him. Zero fights to gain controll, but shadow's power is too much. Shadow makes Zero commit suicide. 

It's revealed that Mega Man Shadow has evolved beyond that of what the Old Wily "Virus" (the virus/digital entity created by dr. wily of the old rs universe) was. He is now 90% Wily "Virus", 10% Original RS Rock. 

X and Levi hold a memorial service for Ciel and Zero. X takes his Grandson,Giro in to raise himself.  

Grey's sister,Ashe,is Born. Another character, which will be important down the road. 


The 4 Masters Era: The Mega Men (2234 - 2253 AD):

In 2234, The 4 Masters decide to put the Meteor to good use. They contract Slither Inc. to create special devices that are powered by pieces of the meteor. The goal is to create Henshin Task Forces to help keep the peace in the Various Giga Zones. Sairupahn dubs this "The Henshin Project" 

Twins, Aile and Vent are born. 2 More important characters.

In 2235, The Henshin Project is complete. And later in the year,the Henshin devices, known as "Mega Medals", which can transform its user into a Mega Man.

X teaches Giro about Science and tech.     

In Early 2236, The Metal Holders are chosen from a group of highly trained soldiers. Each Giga Zone gets its own Mega Men. Each Mega Men is of a different specialty and theme. 

In 2237, The Mega Men become are hardass Enforcers of the Law, but are still respected.

In 2238, Peace continues to reign, despite the morally dubious Leaders. 

In 2239, Leviathan creates her Own Children, a Boy named Prometheus and a girl named Pandora. Pandora is reserved, while Prometheus is more excitable.  Both contain a copy of Leviathan's Zenkai Chip.

In 2240, Giro is 10 and as intelligent as his Mother. He's also strong. X teaches him martial arts. Prometheus and Pandora get along well with Giro, who is, in a sense, their Cousin.  

In 2241, Prometheus and Pandora are trained in the martial arts by their Mother, Leviathan.

In 2242, X-Tech becomes the #1 Research and Development Organization in the World, Slither Inc. is a second. This upsets Guile Sairupahn. Leviathan is annoyed, but congratulates her Dad.

In 2243,Slither Inc. tries hard to top X-Tech, but fails. 

From 2244 - 2249, The rivalry between Slither Inc. and X-Tech intensifies, But in the end, X-Tech wins and Slither Inc. losses business. And The 4 Masters, with the exception of Mikhail Kopek, are still being corrupt. Other than this, Peace Rules. 

In 2250, Guile Sairupahn is frustrated that he can't beat X. So he gets a visit from Mega Man Shadow and is manipulated into taking over the World in a violent Coup. So he begins making plans.

In 2251,Slither Inc. amasses a small army of loyalists. Slither attacks the world, letting his intentions for Power be known. Slither Inc. is opposed by the various Mega Men., as well as X and his Family.

Later in the Year, Slither Inc. destroys Levi Labs. Leviathan is stricken by a mental disorder that makes her commit suicide. This was all the doing of Mega Man Shadow, who wants Chaos and death. He also Hates X and his Family.

Saddened and angered by their Mothers death, Both Prometheus and Pandora become Super Androids. The 2 begin training to master these new forms soon after. X wants to take them in, but they refuse.

Early in the Year 2252, 18-Year Old Aile and Vent's parents are killed in a terror attack by Slither Inc. and are taken by Sairupahn's solders to Slither Inc. for experimentation...same with Vent and Ashe,who also lost their parents in a Maverick Attack.

After getting bionic implants,The 4 escape and,as revenge for kidnapping them and turning them into bionic humans against their will, they steal 4 prototype MegaMedals,which were meant for the 4 Masters.

The 4 run into Giro, who saves them from Slither. Inc's minions. X and Giro take the Quartet in and decides to train them. He gives them body suits to allow them to use their bionics. In the months ahead, the Quartet find a suitable home with X and Giro, learning much from both.  

The 4 Masters hear about the Stolen Mega Medals and want them back. They send their Mega Men on the hunt for the "4 thieves" and get their Metals back. 

Mega Man Shadow manipulates Pandora and Prometheus into thinking that the World would be better if run by Super Androids or Andro-Mutants, which are superior to Humans and Normal Reploids, unaware that Shadow killed their mother. 

The Mega Men eventually find Ashe, Grey,Aile, and Vent and confronts them. Giro beats them all back, forcing them to retreat. The 4 eventually learn how to use their Mega Medals and become Mega Men too.

The responsible and mature,Grey becomes Mega Man Accel,a speed themed Warrior with rapid-fire guns. The tomboyish,Ashe becomes Mega Woman Advent, a beam staff warrior. The adventurous, Vent becomes Mega Man EX, a buster warrior, based on Rock and X. And the free spirited, Aile becomes Mega Woman ZX, a buster and sabre user in purple armor, based on both X and Zero. 

For the rest of the Year, The Mega Men pursue the 4 to get the Medals back, failing every time thanks to Giro and the 4 "Good" Mega Men.

In 2253,X-Teck gets destroyed by Slither Inc. Terrorists. Aile,Ashe,Vent,and Grey decided to fight against Slither Inc using their new Mega Medals.

The 4 Masters begin to turn on Slither Inc, deeming them Terrorists...or Mavericks.


The 4 Masters Era: The Next Generation of Heroes (2254 - 2259 AD): 

In 2254,The 3-Way battle between The Heroes (grey, ashe, vent, and aile), The Mega Men, and Slither Inc continues.

Slither Inc continues their terrorist ways and The Mega Men begin to abuse their power and authority, with the 4 Masters doing nothing about it.

Slither Inc. wants the Mega Metals the 5 Heroes stole back. The 4 Masters also want the Medals back. Thankfully, The 4 Heroes never let them and fight them at every turn.

Joining the fight is Giro, who had reverse engineered the Hero's Mega Metals to create his own. Mega Man Break, a tribute to Break Man. Why bother to do this? Giro is very strong, so he doesn't need a Mega Metal. Answer - Giro wanted to see what being a Henshin Hero was like. He liked it. 

Unfortunately, Giro's Henshin Powers are only temporary, due to something gone wrong in the reverse engineering process.

In 2255,Prometheus and Pandora are ready to begin their mission to eradicate the Weak and replace them with Super Androids and Andro-Mutants. They seek Slither Inc's help, Guile Sairupahn long as he's made Grand Master of the World. The Twins agree and a deal is made.

The 4 Heroic Mega Men (grey, ashe, aile, and vent) and Mega Men continue to clash, as they fight to stop Slither Inc.

The 4 Heroic Mega Men eventually run into Prometheus and Pandora, who deliver the Heroes their first loss 

Note that the twins beat the 4 in their normal forms, as they feel that fighting in their Super Android would be a waste against the 4 Heroic Mega Men.

In 2256, The Twins capture X to help with their plan to develop Zenkai Chips for them. Giro and the 4 rush to save him. And the Twins reveal their crazy plans to their Grandfather. The Heroic Mega Men are successful on their mission and finally manage to beat Prometheus and Pandora (who were not in super android form).

Later in the Year, Giro looses his Henshin powers, but was glad to have them while he did.

In 2257,The 4 Heroic Mega Men continue their battle against evil and the Twins continue their mission to eradicate Humanity. Prometheus and Pandora realize that  The 4 Heroic Mega Men Are worthy opponents and when they meet again, they fight as Super Androids.

Giro,who refuses to let The Twins get their way,transforms into a Variation of The Super Android, which is a mic between Super Android and Kuro Mode, dubbed Super Android Black. After being beaten, the Twins use Fusion Crystals (which levi gave them, before she died) and fuse into a Super Powerful Fused Warrior - Panmetheus.

Giro is defeated, but the Twin's Fusion doesn't last. The Twins,feeling that Giro would be an asset in their vision for a Super Android/Andro-Mutant World, they decide to spare him.  

After retreating,the Twins return to Slither Inc. to hatch a new plan with Guile Sairupahn. More terror strikes by Slither Inc, happen through out the year and the 4 Heroic Mega Man stop them. The 4 Masters (minus, Master Mikhail)grow annoyed at the 4 Heroic Mega Men constantly getting in the way of their Mega Men, puts a bounty on their heads.

In 2258,  The 4 Heroic Mega Men continue to battle the Triple Threat - Slither Inc.; The Twins,Prometheus and Pandora; and the Other Mega Men, who want the bounty placed on our Heroes.

Prometheus and Pandora decide that Sairupahn would Suck as the Leader of the World they want, so they secretly plot against him. They figure that the Best Leader would be Earth's 1st Super Android, Their Great Uncle Rock Light. 

The unearth Rocks corpse and bring it back to Slither Inc. for repair and upgrades, unaware that Mega Man Shadow is tailing them. 

Slither Inc. manages to repair and upgrade Rock, who gets hijacked by Mega Man Shadow. The first thing the resurrected Rock (mega man shadow technically) does is Kill Sairupahnand then goes on a killing spree, killing each member of Slither Inc. And as a test of his power, he destroys Slither Inc. HQ.

Slither Inc. is dead, but a brand new threat has arisen...a threat that Will prove to be unstoppable.

Rock/Mega Man Shadow wastes no time and starts destroying the World and it's people, The Mega Men are unable to stop him, and are forced to retreat.

Prometheus and Pandora believe that "Gruncle Rock" is going too far and they only want the weak dead. Giro and 4 Heroic Mega Man confront the Trio. A big battle begins and the 5 Heroes are outmatched by Rock/Mega Man Shadow and the Twins.

X arrives and knows that Mega Man Shadow has hijacked his Brother's body. He tells the Twins about Mega Man Shadow's intentions to destroy the Universe. Rock/Mega Man Shadow admits to this and that he needed a strong body to do it - Rock's.

He then reveals that he's been manipulating Guile Sairupahn and the those "Retarded" Twins the entire time, for the sake of the World's destruction. He also reveals his hatred for the Light Family since they foiled him a few times, and that's why he killed Leviathan, Ciel, and Zero.

Enraged at this revelation, Giro, The Twins, and X transform into their Super Android forms and attack Rock/Mega Man Shadow, with the 4 Heroic Mega Men helping. 

It's an intense battle. Unfortunately,The Twins and Giro don't survive,killed by Rock/Mega Man Shadow. X sacrifices himself to destroy Rock/Mega Man Shadow's body by using both his Full Power and Reserve Power.

It works, and Rock/Mega Man Shadow's body is destroyed, causing Mega Man Shadow (in his spirit form) to retreat.

The 4 Heroic Mega Men, saddened by the loss of their Mentors and the Twins, hold memorial services for them.

In 2259, Mega Man Shadow convinces 3 of the 4 Masters (thomas wright,albert williams, and noel regal) to go to war with one another for total control of the Planet. Master Mikhail Kopek becomes the 1st and only man Not too be manipulated by Mega Man Shadow. 

Williams, Wright, and Regal make plans for War. Kopek makes plans to join the War, so that he can prevent the World from being in their hands.


The 4 Masters Era: The Mega Man War (2260 AD):  

The Mega Man War begins. Armies of Mega Men representing the 4 Main Zones clash in a 4-Way battle.

Grey, Ashe, Vent, and Aile join the war for Mikhail Kopek's side.

The War is very brutal, with many many casualties both Mega Men and Civilian. All while Mega Man Shadow watches with joy. Growing board,Mega Man Shadow leaves Earth to terrorize another World.

High above his look-out, Hymn, Guardian of Earth, getting Ultra-Fed Up with all of these Wars, creates The Goddesses of Destruction, Sera and Yuna, to Destroy the Earth and Wipe Out Humanity.

(these 2 are RS versions of these gals).

Both Sera and Yuna appear to everyone as Dragons, then as Women. The Duo waste no time in killing everyone and destroying Earth. They cause the 4 Masters to commit suicide and wipe out all of the graves and corpses within. 

Soon, Earth is destroyed and Humanity is wiped out. Earth is now an empty desolate wasteland. 

With their job's done, Yna and Sera return to their Master, Guardian of Earth, Hymn.

To Be Continued.

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