Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Complete (Rebooted) Mega Man RS Universe Timeline Part 7 (Finale!)

New Earth Era: The Rebirth (1 - 2000 ER):

With Earth destroyed and humanity wiped out, The Guardian of Earth, Hymn, creates 2 Gods of Creation to help rebuild the Earth. They are Geetz and Gatz, who restore Earth's beauty, though the layout is much different.

With that done, Life is soon created. After this, The Gods of Creation and Goddesses of Destruction are put to sleep, only to re-awaken if there is another War.

Time has reset, but a new age is born - ER (earth reborn). 

In 5 AR, Animals come into existence, starting with Dinosaurs.  

In 100 ER, The first Humans are born, called Carbosapians. Unlike with the extinct Humans, Carbosapiens evolve much faster.

In 1000 ER, Dinosaurs go extinct, but leave behind a legacy with descendants. 

In 1700 ER, Civilizations begin to emerge on the various continents. Mankind is thriving.

In 2000 ER, The first Towns are created, as are the first hospitals and stores.


New Earth Era: The Carbosapians (2500 - 3000 ER):

From 2500 - 2900 ER, Mankind has grown and are thriving. The next Evolution happens and Soon, the first primitive City is created.

In 3000 ER, 2 Nations go to war over racial issues. But before any life had been taken, Hymn appears before the Entire World to warn about the Horrors of War and Hate. He also warns that if they are foolish enough to wage war, His Goddesses of Destruction will awaken and annihilate everyone. 

The Carbodapians heed Hymn's Words and make peace.

Note: BTW, Hymn is a RS Version of The Master from Mega Man Legends 2, except with shorter hair and a beard. And he's a Celestial, not a Human.

Soon a New Age begins - The Halcyon Age, an Age of Peace and Evolution.


The World Evolution Era (1 - 1799 HD):

Halcyon Days Age is here!!

From 1 - 200 HD, the first wave of Technology is created, sure it's ancient, but it's fair for the time. Wars are settled with Sporting events. 

In 300 HD, new islands are formed and many people and animals migrate to them. 

In 400 HD, More Cities emerge and the 1st Martial Art is created. 

In 500 HD, Carbosapiens establish a Transportation System, again,very primitive, but fair for the time.

In 600 HD, The 1st Card Game is created.

In 1000 HD, fearing that the Carbosapians may not be strong leaders, Hymn sends his "Son, a Celestial named Juno to Lead the World.

Note: Juno is a Non-Robotic, RS-ised version of Mega Man Juno.

For Hundreds of years, Mankind has continue to evolve and, thanks to the guidance of Juno, peace is kept.

Over time civilizations have died out and were replaced by more "Modern" countries. 


The Halcyon Era: The Dig-Outers: (1860 - 1996 HD):   

From 1860 - 1900 HD, technology advances to the point where vehicles are a thing.

In 1921 HD, As Ancient Civilizations become nothing more than history, Archeologists, called Dig-Outers, aim to preserve that history. Unfortunately, they also deal with Pirates. The biggest Pirate group, The Bonnes, lead by Connie "Con" Bonne (22) and her Brother, Ron Bonne (17).  

A 17-year-old boy would prove himself to be an ace Dig-Outer. His name is Chuck Voulnut, an adventurous sort. Helping him is his mentor, 23-year-old, Thomas Caskett.

An early version of the Telephone is invented.

In the 1930's, Connie and her lover gave birth to a baby boy, who She names Lonny aka Lon.  Chuck Voulnutt and his wife give birth to a Son, Eugine Voulnutt.

Thomas Caskett has a child with his Wife, a boy named Barret "Barrel" Caskett.

A New Industrial Revolution arrives. As do Plains and Flying Ships. Radio too.

In the 1940's the first Great World War happens, Greedy Comnazi"s vs. The Heroic Super Allience. The Comnazi's want World Conquest, and the Allience wants to stop them. 

The War is waged via Wrestling Contests. Which the Comnazi's lose. Defeated, the Bad Guys disband and give up their ambitions.

TV is invented.

In the late 1950's, Lon Bonne has a Son with his lover, a boy named Don. Barret Caskett and his wife give birth to Twins, Winston and Matilda. 

Eugine Voulnutt and his wife give birth to a Son, Thomas.

In the 1960's, The Bonnes upgrade their tech to become more formatable. The Dig-Outers also upgrade their tech.

In the 70's, Reaverbots, Robots to help Mankind are created. In the mid 70's, The Bonne Family grows with the birth of Don and Bonny Bonnes 1st child, Teisel. 

Explorers,Xavier and Matilda Caskett give birth to their first born, a son named Bruce.

In the Late 70's, The Voulnutts,who are also explorers, give birth to a Son, Robert "Rock" Voulnut. Just 1 month later, The Casketts welcome their 2nd Child, Roll. And 3 3/4 weeks later, the Bonnes give birth to their 2nd Child, a girl named Tron.

In the 80's, Cybernetics are invented. And Tron displays her niche as a mechanical prodigy. Roll also displays this to.

The Casketts and Voulnuts are lost in an exhibition and are presumed dead. Rock, Blues, and Roll are taken care of by Barrel. 

In '89,Barrel loses his left eye during a Dig-Outer mission and gets it replaced with a cybernetic one. The Loathe Crime Family rises, but are countered by the Global Police Force, lead by Commissioner Cliff Marmalade and his daughter Chief Sandra Marmalade.

In 1990,The 2nd Child of the Marmalades, Denise, soon joins.

Note: The RS versions of the Marmalade clan are black. Just thought you'd like to know.

In 1991,The Bonnes create their first Airship, The Gesellschaft. Mr. Regal, a multi-millionaire and former Dig-Outer, starts Regal Industries, a Tech Company. Regal plots to take over the World though monopolisation.

In 1992, Robert "Rock" Voulnutt aims to be a master adventurer. The Casketts create their first Airship,The Flutter. 

In 1993, Bruce runs away to be a dig-outer and make his fortune. The Bonnes Parents go off on an adventure, but not before giving birth to a 3rd child, a boy named Bon.

Teisel is left in charge of the Bonne Pirates.

In 1994, The Bonnes create Mech-Suits called Bonne Armor. They also create a line of Ride Armors called The Steiner Series, with Tron's personal Ride Armor called The Gustaff.

In 1995, Tron creates The Servebots, aka The Kobun-100 series, a series of robots of all shapes and sizes, though all share the same basic design (the legends design).

Lightanium is discovered, though in limited supply. Roll creates Data, a robotic monkey.

In 1996, the Bonnes and Casketts meet for the first time during an Dig-Outer exhibition.

The 2 families become Rivals - Adventurous Heroes v. Pirates.

Bon Bonne is given a Mech-Suit for his 3rd Birthday.


The Halcyon Era: A World of Adventure (1997 - ???? HD):

In Early 1997, Rock Voulnutt is hit by a truck. He could've died, but thanks to being outfitted with Cybernetics/Bionics, he not only survived, but also gained enhanced abilities. 

As a Bionic Super Human, Voulnutt is able to do his Dig-Outer jobs much more efficient.

In Mid-1997, The Voulnutt Team have their first big adventure, where they search for the Mother Load, a treasure made up of rare metals and stones, worth Billions. The Bonnes also are after it and that leads to confrontations between the 2 sides.

In a Non-Canon Event, The Bonne's go back in time to get Lightanium Rods for Lex Loathe, but Team Voulnutt gets wind of this plan and goes back in time to stop them...which that did. 

In Late-1997, Mr. Regal sends his 2 Henchmen, Hans and Frans, to steal from The Dig-Outers And the Bonnes, becoming a problem for Both. 

In 1998, The Bonnes and Team Voulnutt vacation on the 5 Islands. But their vacation turns to adventure when they learn that a rare Energy Fractals hidden in the lost ruins the islands. Both sides want to get them. And, as always, Mr. Regal also wants them.

In Late-1998, Tron is kidnapped by Lex Loathe's assistant, Glyde, who wants Tron as his lover, as well as get the Bonne's fortune and tech. Teisel and The Volnutt's are forced to team up to save Tron from Glyde and his army of Toribots. The mission is a success and Glyde is arrested.

In 1999, Roll and Rock get a mysterious package, containing video logs from their parents, documenting their Adventures and Expeditions. The Logs end as soon as they talk about landing in The Kalinka Mountains on Kalinka Island. 

This makes Rock and Roll wonder if their parents may still be alive. So, Team Voulnutt head for the Kalinka Mountains and finds the Sky Ship, but no sign of their parents. They Do find a pre-recorded transmission from a panicked Matilda Caskett, asking for help and that the Gremlin, the Kalinken Government Soldiers, are after them. 

Team Voulnutt head to Kossack Kosak, the Government Building of Kalinka, to ask for the freedom of The Voulnutts and the Casketts. The President of Kalinka explains that the Explorers were trespassing on their land and that they secretly locked-them up for life.

Team Voulnutt is allowed to visit them. Matilda reveals to them that reveal that were lost in the mountains for a year, then secretly captured by the Kalinkan Government for trespassing. In the next cell is The Bonnes, who were arrested for theft.

Team Voulnutt wants the Voulnutts and the Casketts Freed. They also take pitty on the Bonnes, so they ask for their freedom too.

The Kalinkan President,Vlad Drakoviski, decides to let the 3 Families go free...If Team Voulnutt wins a Dig-Outer contest against Kalinka's best Dig-Outers. But should they loose,they will be imprisoned too.

And so,the Contests begin,it's close, but Team Voulnutt manages to win. Drakoviski is forced to free The Voulnutt's, The Casketts and The Bonnes. 

In Late-1999, The Casketts and Voulnuts decide to leave for another Great Adventure.

In 2000,Bruce Caskett returns with his Own renegade Dig-Outer team,known as The Ruin Raiders,who causes trouble for The Bonnes, The Regal Duo, And the Casketts. 

Bruce's gang is made up of a team of Robots called The Break-Bots (small robors who resemble breakman), His girlfriend, Aero, and his weasel sidekick,Tinker. There's also Shade, Aero's pet Bathog (hedgehog/bat hybrid). 

In Late 2000,the Rock-Roll-Tron Love Triangle begins.

The Adventures of Team Voulnutt, The Bonnes, And The Ruin Raiders continue on the Peaceful Earth. In space, however.....Peace seems like a Fairy Tale.


The Great Conflict In Space (???? - ???? HD):

Rucifel, Great Satan of the Universe, is ready to secure each Planet for himself. He send his Arremers, Gargoyle-like Aliens with various Powers and Abilities to do that.

Note: Rucifel is a RS-Version of Lucifer/Loki/Rushifell from The Ghosts and Goblins/Ghouls and Ghost Franchise. And The Arremers are alien versions of Firebrand from that same series.

The Cosmic Enforcers answer the call. Leading them is a young Android Space Ranger with limitless potential, She is Selene aka Mega Woman Cosmos. Armed with the Cosmo Buster, Selene is ready to dish out some justice.  

Mega Woman Cosmos proves to be essential to the Enforcers, as she single handedly defeats The Arreamers and even copies their Powers. She's also the first "Mortal" to Defeat Rusifel in battle. 

Mega Man Shadow reemerges and tries to corrupt the Celestials into destroying the Universe. He fails...miserably, due to the Celestials being of a higher species than humans. Mega Shadow escapes before the Celestials "erase" him.

Impressed with Shadow's previous work,summons him for a face-to-face. Rucifel meets with Mega Man Shadow and offers him a position as His Enforcer. Mega Man Shadow agrees and Rucifel gives him a physical form. 

Rucifel tries his plan again, only this time with More Arremers and Mega Man Shadow. Selene has more trouble this time, thanks to Mega Man Shadow.

Seeing that they need help fast,and realizing that the only one capable of beating Mega Man Shadow was Rock "Mega Man" Light. After using a digital seance to summon Rock's "spirit" from the Cyber-Afterlife (fka androd-hell), Duo and the Cosmic Enforcers build a powerful body for him.

Rock, in his new body, helps Selene destroy the Arremers and goes one-on-one with Mega Man Shadow. Fighting Shadow makes rock realize that Shadow himself was his greatest opponent all along, and Not Zero.

Rock senses that within Mega Man Shadow, is the spark of his previous life,fighting for control. That spark is The Original Mega Man RS. Because of this, Mega Man Shadow begins to struggle. Eventually, the Mega Men fight to a stalemate. Rucifel is defeated by Selene. 

Rock promises to free the Original Mega Man RS.

Rucifel creates a Super Arremer and sends both him and Mega Man shadow to destroy Cosmic Enforcer HQ.

As Selene is fighting the Super Arremer, Rock faces Mega Man Shadow. As they fight, Mega Man Shadow begins to struggle again,all thanks to the remaining spark of The Original RS Mega Man left inside him.

Rock urges His Original counterpart to fight and take back the body that was stolen from him. This almost works, but Shadow is able to suppress the "spark" and continue fighting.

The Battle is, once again, a stalemate. Though, Selene manages to destroy the Super Arremer. Mega Man Shadow escapes, but not before destroying Cosmic Enforcer HQ, killing everyone within..including Duo and Luka.

Rock decides to take the fight to Rucifel, just to see how powerful he is. Rock challenges,fights, and defeats the Great Satan. Satisfied with the challenging fight, Rock leaves. Watching from afar is/was Mega Man Shadow.

As Selene and Rock are morning the deaths of their Enforcer friends and colleges, Rucifel and Mega Man Shadow are arguing about what to do next. Rucifel wants to continue terrorizing the Universe, while Mega Man Shadow wants to destroy it.

After a heated debate, Mega Man Shadow fights and kills Rucifel. He then transforms into the New Great Satan. Mega Man Shadow is now known as Mega Man Satan. What little existence of the Original RS Mega Man is now gone, Mega Man Satan is now 100% Fully-Evolved Wily Virus.

Mega Man Shadow/Mega Man Satan wastes no time in assaulting Selene and Rock. Rock is shocked to find that the "spark" of his counterpart within Mega Man Shadow is gone now. 

With his new power, Mega Man Shadow/Satan crushes both Rock and Selene. The 2 heroes are forced to retreat. Mega Shadow/Satan makes plans to not only destroy this Universe, but find a way to destroy the Entire Mega Man/Rockman Multiverse.

Rock is saddened by the loss of his Original Counterpart and wishes things were different, wishes that there was a way to bring him back. The reason is obvious - So that he can fight Mega Man RS and get the Ultimate Battle.

Rock believes that if Mega Man Shadow was a Good Guy, he'd get a way better fight out of him. And that he Always believed that Heroic Fighters were way better than Evil ones.

Rock and Selene are soon visited by Band, the Guardian of the Mega Man/Rockman Multiverse, who heard Rock's cry. Band tells them that Mega Man Shadow/Satan has grew way too powerful and that he's now as strong as the Celestials...maybe even stronger.

He then tells our Heroes that the only way to stop Mega Man Shadow/Satan now is to eradicate him from existence. And, he knows how to do just that. And that if this plan works, not only would Mega Man Shadow/Satan be erased from existence, but the Original RS Mega Man will return too. But warns Rock that his plan also means erasure of this Universe And it's residents too...including Rock. 

Rock is hesitant, and decides against it, because he wants to survive to fight the Original RS Mega Man.  Band calls Rock selfish, but will see if the Mistress of the Omniverse will grant him special immunity, as a reward for saving his World countless times..for selfish reasons or no.

Meanwhile, Mega Man Shadow/Satan confronts and assaults the Celestials, believing that they have the power to travel the Multiverse and that he wants to copy those powers. He senses Band and decides to copy His powers instead.

Using Inter-dimensional Tech,Band and Rock construct a Machine that can travel though Space-Time (which is illegal and an afront to the Omniverse code). This Machine combines Time Travel with Multiverse Travel.

Mega Man Shadow/Satan arrives Rock fights off Mega Man Shadow/Satan, as Band and Selene complete the Machine. The Machine is soon completed.

As the 2 Mega Man fight, Band and Selene travel though Space-Time to the year the Original RS Dr. Wily Created the Virus. Mega Man Shadow finds out what the 2 Heroes are planning to do and tries to stop them..but it's too late, they're already in the Space-Time stream.


The Previous RS Universe - The Wily Era - Year 5 (2098): 

Dr.Wily is busy creating a new type of Android,which will be powered by Zeronium. He begins work on a new virus that corrupts machines.

Band and Selene arrive stealthily by using special belts that make them invisible. Band uses a special "Mind Wipe" touch to make Wily forget about the virus.

He then deletes the Evil Energy, which is the base for the Virus, from existence using his "Evil Energy Destruction Fist", which destroys Low-Level Evil Energy and Evil Viruses. Selene finds the unfinished Erasuretron and destroys it.

With their job done, Band and Selene return to their Time-Space vehicle and leave the Timeline/Universe. 

This sets off a chain of events that deletes Mega Man Shadow/Satan and by extension,the Rebooted Universe.

Dr. Wily returns to his normal life, with no recollection of the Virus Or the Evil Energy. 


In the Rebooted Universe,Mega Man Shadow has beaten Rock and is about to finish him, when he screams out in extreme pain and starts fading out of existence.

Rock is happy that the Band and Selene succeeded, but since they did - This Universe is about to be deleted.

Rock is deleted, followed by The current Universe.

Soon, The Old Multiverse is restored. 


Rock finds himself in a mysterious realm, confront of the Ruler of the Omniverse. By his side are Band and Selene.

The Ruler of the Omniverse welcomes the three to the Realm between Multiverses. She explains that She has given Band her blessing to Alter Space-Time, due to Mega Man Shadow being too powerful for his own good.

She also explains that now that the "Old" Rockman Reality had been altered in a big way, such as preventing Dr. Wily's Evil Virus, the "Current" Rockman Reality ceased existing and that the "Old" Rockman Reality was restored - a Reality where Mega Man Shadow never existed.

She then laments that the "Inafune/Capcom" Original Rockman Reality has been restored too. Again, thanks to Mega Man Shadow Not Existing Anymore.

She thrn explains that she has spared Rock and Selene from deletion, because she has new purposes for them.

As a reward for protecting Earth in the past, she has decided to make him Band's Assistant and will remain with him for training. She then promises Rock that he Will eventually get his big battle with his Original Counterpart.

She then tells Selene that because of her infinite potential, it would've been a waste to let her be deleted with her Universe. So The Omniverse Ruler makes Selene a XenoCop, A Law Enforcement Officer that protects the Multiverse from malicious outside forces.

After granting them their new positions, The Omniverse Ruler sends the Heroic Trio on their separate ways. 



With the "Old" Rockman Universes restored, all of the damage that Mega Man Shadow has done to the Prime Universe, has now been undone. Rock, Roll, and Blues still live their happy lives and Dr. Wily still plots to take over the world.

As for the Future of that Universe? It goes on as Capcom intended (unfortunately!) 

Selene proves herself to be an awesome XenoCop, saving the various Mega Man/Rockman Multiverses by taking down any and all wicked invaders. 

Band is still watching over the Mega Man/Rockman Multiverse.

Rock is doing well as Band's assistant, though he's kinda restless. And he Still is awaiting his battle with his Counterpart, the Original RS Mega Man.

RS Dr. Wily never did attempt to recreate the Virus, thus leaving Zero without it.

And as for RS Mega Man?...He continues to fight for Justice, along side his Sister Roll and His Wonder Dog Rush.    

The End! 

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