Friday, September 6, 2024

The Complete (Rebooted) Mega Man RS Universe Timeline Part 3

The Maverick Era: Maverick Evolution (2158 - 2161 AD):  A year after the Repliforce Incident, Maverick Crime had risen and Sigma has gotten 8 new Beastloid Recruits.

Saul Kumarobo,Japanese Weapons Dealer, is renamed Slasher RingKuma. Irish Pirate,Duff O'Whalen, is renamed Tidal Whalord. Ex-Maverick Hunter Adler Squidman is renamed Voltage Kraken. Disgraced Repliforce USA Scientist, Dr. Izzy Hotarunicus becomes Flashing Firefly.
Vampire lord of the Independent Film Scene, Count Necro becomes Darkness Necrobat. Disgraced Member of Repliforce Canada's Air Force, Captain Helios Pegacion renames himself Tornado Pegasus..
Pyro-Terrorist, Matt T. Rexx becomes Flame Dinorex. And British Street Punk Prince, Axel Radrose renames himself, Spiked Radrose. 

The Maverick Hunters Also gain new reploid members. Dr. Cain creates Signas, a 2nd Son And New High Command of the Maverick Hunters. When Nana gets transferred to the LAPD as a dispatcher, The Hunters hire Alia Fields, a former Researcher as their Chief Navigator. 

Leading the R&D is Douglas, an Expert in Mechanics and Technology. Signas gets rid of The Units in favor of Ranks. S,A,B,C,and D. X and Zero are S Rank. Marino and Massimo are an A Rank. 

The Mechanaloid Fighting Circuit grows in popularity. As that is happening, a Rival Underground Maverick Hunter Group forms, Red Alert, lead by Ash "Red" Mitchum, a part-time Mechanaloid Battler and his Electric Meercat Mechanaloid buddy, Kinkachu.

Other members of the group are made up of Gary "Green" Orchid, Lisa "Blue" Katchit, and Ciel "Yellow" Chopin. These 4 Reploids are dangerous, because Unlike the Maverick Hunters, Red Alert doesn't care if they destroy property or hurt innocents, because to These "Maverick Killers", all that matters is terminating the target. These Reploids are considered to be Maverick by some.

They've clashed with the Hunters a couple of times. Another reploid dude who causes trouble is a Texan/New Age Cowboy Mercenary named Lance Dynamo. He has 2 Plasma Side-Arms, a Plasma Lance, and a Ride Chaser that resembles a horse.

X finds 2 more Light Capsules on his missions, Both containing Special Attacks - The Giga Crush and Nova Strike. Sigma strikes again, this time by hijacking a small Space Colony called "Eurasia". The Hunters go to the Colony to lead an evacuation and to stop Sigma. As soon as he is defeated by the Hunters in the Master Control Center, Sigma destroys the Console, causing the Colony to lose all power and slowly fall to Earth. Sigma escapes, as do the Hunters.

The Hunters find out the best way to stop the Colony is with their Enigma Cannon, however the cannon needs special energy and to power it up - The Newly Discovered "Plasnium V". Signas reveals the 8 locations where they can get the Energy. Hr then reveals that the Colony will crash on Earth in just 2 days. The Hunters head out on their mission, now on a clock.

During their missions, the Maverick Hunters not only run into Sigma's 8 New Maverick Commanders,who are Also after the Plasnium, but also Red Alert. The Hunters eventually get enough Plasnium to power up the Enigma Cannon.

The Cannon's blast was a success and the Eurasia Colony was destroyed...with 1 day to spare. The Hunters eventually find Sigma's base and go to stop him..hopefully once and for all. Douglas gives them a container that can capture Sigma's "Spirit Form"

at Sigma's base, the Hunters face off against various members of Sigma's Organization, including Vile, who's been upgraded into a Mark IV body, which is Black,as opposed to the previous forms Red color. After defeating them, They meet up with Sigma, who has occupied a Giant Battle Body.

The Battle is tough, but the Hunters prevail. Sigma's Spirit tries to get away,but is captured and,later, sent to RepliMax Prison. With Sigma finally captured, His Organization is on the fast track to extinction. In fact, they go into hiding.

6 Months Later, We meet Alia's Twin Brother,Gate,a Reploid Researcher and a Professor at The University of Greenwich in Connecticut. Along with Gate is his assistant, Dr. Issoc, Who is a big fan of Dr. Wily's work. 

Gate is someone who considers Logic above anything. He gives a lecture about Reploid Evolution and deeply believes that it's time Humans become extinct, since it's only logical for them to die out ,so that Reploids can become the next Master Race.

His speech draws high criticism among both Human's and Reploids. It also gets him suspended from the University. Gate takes this opportunity to work on "Agenda: Evolution", a 2-stage project in which he uses special toxins to exterminate Humans, while powering up Reploids using his newly created "Soul Enhancer"Machine,which will give Reploids enhanced Powers by manipulating their Digital Sole...It's kinda like Gene Splicing for Reploids.

Joining Gate, besides Dr. Isocc, is High Max, a normal Reploid who was the first of Gate's "Soul Enhancer" experiments. Gate also recruits the 8 Animaloid Reploids, who he also enhanced. These 8 are -   

Mechanaloid Battler, Mark Yammark,now known as Commander Yanma, Former-Bodyguard,Sheldon Bivalve, now known as Barrier Bivalve. Disgruntled Robotics Professor, Iggy Mijinion, aka Multi Mijinion.
Former Agriculturist ,Carravagio Turtloid,now known now as Downpoar Turtloid. Master electronics Repair Man, Jaws Scraplayer aka Steel Hammerhead. Disgraced Archeologist, Prof. Scarab Dungbeet, know known as Earthrock Scarab. Volcanics Expert, Pyro Heatnix aka Blaze Phoenix. And Arctic Investigator, Talbot Wolfang, know known as Freeze Wolfang.
Gate has his 8 Minions set-up Toxin Machines thought the Biggest Cities around Globe to exterminate Mankind. Gate also has them stand watch over the Machines, because he knows that the Maverick Hunters will get wind of his plans somehow and Will try to stop him.
Sure enough, the Hunters Do find out, thanks to reports,and leave to investigate the Mavericks. During their Battles,The Hunters run into a Young Austrailian Cyborg Vigilante, named Axl,who wants to be a Maverick Hunter, so he helps them out.
Later, Axl reveals that he was the once a Human, who got into a fight with some Mavericks who killed his Parents, Mathew and Rhea Greese, Austrailian diplomats to the U.S. And that he was so damaged that he almost died, but his Aunt and Cousin, both Cyberneticists, saved him by making him into a Cyborg.

Axl then reveals that can turn himself invisible and undetectable.
The Maverick Hunters and Axl destroy Gate's Minions and Shut Down the Toxin Machines. Gate knew this might happen, so he reactivates them remotely and the Toxins start spreading thought the World, making everyone within a 50,000 mile radius, gravely sick.
The Hunters raid Gate's secret Lab, which Alia revealed to them. They encounter High Max and destroy him. They then battle Issoc, who fights them in a mech, reminiscent of Dr. Wily's Wily Machines. After destroying Issoc's Machine, they confront Gate, who is making modifications to his "Soul Enhancer".
Gate reveals that the Humans effected by his Toxins have only a few days to live. Gate is proud of his plan and reveals that He used his "Soul Enhancer" Machine to power-up his Own Soul and can now beat the Maverick Hunters with ease.
The Fight Begins. X, really pissed at Gate for what he did to the Humans, just One-Shots him with The Nova Strike.

Beaten, Gate wonders what went wrong? And that by his calculations, he Should've easily won the battle due to the correct modifications he made to his Soul. 

X gives Gate a harsh verbal bashing. Alia arrives and talks to her Brother about his views and how he's wrong and that logic without conscious or heart is just evil.
After the chat, Gate starts to rethink his position. He gives Alia the toxin formula, so she can reverse engeneer it and make antidotes.X destroys the Soul Enhancer.

Gate and Issoc are arrested and taken to RepliMax Prison. As the clock strikes down for Humanity, Alia and Douglas manage to reverse engineer the Toxins and make an antidote.

The Antidote is distributed. Some are cured, for was too late. Axl is made a Hunter-in-Training by Signas.

1 month later,a Giant Robot, called Illumina awakens and attacks. Illumina was created by Prof. Iggy Majinion and was activated via Mijinion's Computer if the Professor didn't check in for a month.

The Hunters fight "Her" in a big city. X stops Illumina by breaking into "Her" and shutting her down from the inside.

In early, 2159, Dr. Cain passed away. A huge funeral is held for him, though is crashed and vandalized by Anti-Reploid Rioters. The Group is The Human Dominance Guild.

X stops them and they are arrested., Convicted of Data Theft.

6 months later, 8 Criminals break out of RepliMax...With Sigma, who promised to reward them greatly. These 8 Criminals are -

Rock Kongor aka Warrior Stonekong, convicted or Armed Robbery. S. Flyfish aka Diver Warfly, convicted of Robbing 2 Cruise Ships. Jack Hyenard aka Flaming Hyenard, convicted of Repeat Arson. Prof. Antonio Ariquick aka Sniper Anteator, convicted of Data Theft.
Van Gunderoo aka Vanishing Gungaroo, convicted of Assault. Boarski Hogg aka Hellrider Boarski, convicted of being the Leader of the Road Hogg Biker Gang. Hans Debonion aka Voltnado Tonion, convicted of Kidnapping. And W. Karastinger aka Wind Crowrang, convicted of Air Terrorism.
These guys were taken in by The Maverick Hunters a Year-and-a-Half ago,and Will be jailed by The Maverick Hunters Again. However, Red Alert is Also after these crooks, and intend on destroying them. This time, Red Alert has a Brand New Member, Ai "Pink" Fuji, the 2nd Female Member and the Youngest. 
The 8 Escaped Criminals head to the Hidden Maverick Base, per Sigma's instructions, and return him to his minions. Sigma is set free and takes over a Brand New Bottle Body, that Serges has made for him.
Sigma pays the 8 Criminals and allows them to rest there. A Day Later, the, 8 Criminals return to their various criminal lives. The Hunters each track one down, but are always interrupted by a Red Alert Member. The same happens when they battle the Other 3 Criminals.
Lance Dynamo Also joins in on the hunt for the Criminals, as he intends on collecting the High Bounty on each of them. The Hunters and Red Alert refuse to let That happen.
Long story Short, The 8 Criminals are Destroyed 4 by The Hunters, 4 by Red Alert, much to Dynamo's annoyance. 
Axl is made a full-fledged Maverick Hunter after this.The Hunters know that Sigma is Still on the loose and Will strike again soon.
3 months later, after a Strong Falling out with Sigma, Vile (mk. 4) leaves Sigma's Org. and goes out to create his own Army. He recruits 8 Beastloid Mavericks, each wanted criminals - Antony Gravant aka Gravitation Antonion, a former Space Researcher. Sunny Flora aka Laser Sunflora (female in RS), a former Training Partner of the Maverick Hunters.
Yettinger the Yeti aka Avalanche Yeti (looks like an actual yeti in RS), former Security Guard for an Arctic Lab. Slythe Kamakil aka Darkslice Mantis,a B-Rank Assassin. Prof. E. R. Trilovich aka Crystalrock Trilobyte, a Disgraced Archeologist.
Ken Kokoker aka Flaming Roostar, a former Scrapyard Incinerator. Chan Pan-Dao aka Rocket Pandamonium, a former Missile Loader at a Chinese Army Base. And Zippy Dograkin aka Gigavolt Jellyfish, a Wild Troublemaker.
Vile upgrades himself into a Mk. V form, which is green and more militaristic. X receives another Light Capsule, this one allowing him to Charge Up his Weapons.  
Meanwhile, an arrest warrant is issued to Red Alert for interfering with The Maverick Hunters and the various Damages and fatalities they made during their existence.
X and Zero are sent to deal with Vile and His Army, while Marino, Massimo,and Axl find and deal with Red Alert. X and Zero destroy the Army and defeat Vile, who escapes. Meanwhile, Axl, Massimo, and Marino find Red Alert's base and arrests them after a battle.
With Red Alert in Prison and Vile's Army destroyed, peace has been restored.....for now. 
A Year later in 2161, the Equality gap starts to widen greatly between Humanoid Reploids and Beastloids, due to various reasons, especially the Maverick attacks. So a growing resistance made up of disenfranchised and despondent Beastloids forms. They are called The Beastloid Movement, Fighters for Beastloid Equality.
This group is lead by Chimpelle aka Docu Chimpelle, a Female Chimpanzee Beastloid that can Copy Abilies by downloading an Opponents Data. Joining her are 8 Beastloid's who hate Man and Humanoids as much as Chimpelle.
Tento T. Mushi aka Bullethell Tentomushi, Younger Sister of Blademerang Kuwagamushi and Black Hole Kabutomushi. Skip Dewgonger aka IceCold Sealeo, Younger Cousin of Icestorm Walrus. Kiki Kokong aka Bomber Monkween, a Female Monkey Beastloid who is an Explosives expert.
Dino Greyman aka Flameblast Saurus,a Dinosaur Beastloid who is the Cousin of Flame Dinorex. M. W. Kappa aka Geiser Kappar, a Kappa Beastloid with Water Powers. H. S. Hogg aka Hurricane Hogger, a Huge Pig Beastloid with Strong Wind Powers.
Hooktail Panthroar aka Strike Panther, a Hooktailed Panther Beastloid. And Manticor Chimerah/Plasma Chimera, a Plasma/Electric-Elemental Chimera.
The Maverick Hunters gain 3 new Members. Layer is a Navigator and Fighter Analysis Expert. She's also great at Capoeira. Cinnamon,a Young Nurse,is Lifesaver's New Assistant, And Palette, Douglas' Young Cousin,helps him in the R&D Lab..when she's not on the Mechanaloid Battle Circuit. 

X finds another Light Capsule, this one giving him the Ability to produce a Quick and Temporary Energy Barrier.

The Beastloid's make there move and so do the Maverick Hunters. The Maverick Hunters defeat the Mavericks and arrest them, instead of destroying them (a request by signas, who feels like the FBE isn't truly evil, just misguided, something X agrees with). They then head to FBE HQ to battle and arrest Chimpelle.
Chimpelle is a tough opponent, knowing All of the Maverick Hunter Teams moves, thanks to her downloading their personal files from the Public Database and uploading them into her brain.
X is able to defeat Chimpelle, using his powers. Chimpelle is arrested and order is restored. 

X and Alia begin dating.
The Dangerous Future Era  (2162 - 2166 AD):      
The Human Dominance Guild increase their Numbers,all thanks to the growing distrust of Reploids by Humans.
Mysterious assassinations have been happening to various important people around the world. This is the work of a brand new Maverick Group, The Reploid Assassin's League, who make their living being contracted to do "Hit Jobs" by various clients. They get paid very very well. 
The Group is lead by Epsilon,the arrogant, prideful, and powerful Reploid Fighter. Joining him are the other Members of the Group - Garath and Lio-Kaiser, a deadly knight and his Lion Mechanaloid. Geemel, a Ninja Like Repliod Warrior with a Psychotic streak. Zain, an armored Warior, who's Sword Skills are some of the best. Techno, a sneaky Mechanaloid Battler. Berkana, a bewitching ex-Maverick Hunter who can disable Anything electronic. And Ferham. 

The Hunters run into the RAL from time to time, but they always escape. Sigma's forces ramps up attacks, but are foiled by The Repliforces of the various nations they're attacking.
X finds 2 more Light Capsules, one gives him a "Kamehameha Wave"- like Energy Attack (called hikarihameha) and the other is a "Healing" factor.
A 35-year old genius has dreams about being an evil scientist, he consults a famous Llama about it and it is revealed that he is the reincarnation of Dr. Wily. The man decides to embrace it and makes plans to conquer the World in his own image. However, he plans on doing things Very differently from Dr. Wily. He intends on observing the World and waiting for his time to act.
His name is William Albert Weil, and he is the Future Dictator of The World!!! Weil finds Dr. Wily's secret lab and raids it. He takes Zero's plans,as well as the Andro-Mutation Chip. He then retreats back to His own secret lab to begin his plan.
In Mid-2162, Rock Light finally awakens from his near 90 year sleep. Rock is happy to be he senses a bunch of "Strong Guys" he can fight. But first, he decides to find X to see how he's doing. He takes a Red Light Capsule that was hidden within the Light Labs and takes it to X.
The 2 brothers reunite and Rock meets the Maverick Hunters. He and Zero have a confrontation. Rock remembers Zero as his last opponent and was evil. Zero can't seem to remember Rock ,but does remember his evil past and rejects it outright. He even apologizes for the trouble he caused. X assures Rock that Zero is a Good-Guy now.  Rock accepts it.
Rock presents the Red Light Capsule to X. The Capsule unlocks the full potential of X's Zenkai Chip. After the reunion, Rock wants to see how strong X has gotten. X accepts the challenge...but only in a location very far way from people and buildings.
X and Rock spar on a mountain far from civilization. X is so strong, that Rock needs to turn Super Android to keep up. After an awesome fight, Rock leaves to eat and rest, then seek out more great fighters.
As all this is going on, The Spirit of Mega Man Shadow re-emerges and observes the World. 
In Late 2162,Will Weil, now going by Dr. Weil, begins observing the World from his hidden lab,via his Batonbone Spy bots. With him is, Omega, a reploid Weil created using Zero's blueprints. Weil's goal is to dominate though Trust and World approval, not fear and destruction.
He wants to see the World burn, so that when the people cry out for a Hero, He will be That Hero and rebuilt everything in his image and, eventually, be elected World Leader.

A bit convoluted, but he will be working on a New Protocol Disruptor to brainwash those important people who disagree with him. And it's a lot better than using Terror Tactics.
(RS Dr. Weil and RS Omega are here) 
In Early 2163, Dynamo and Vile (in a new upgraded mk. 6 body, thanks to dynamo's "connections") team up. They are fought and defeated by the Hunters, and eventually sent to RepliMax Prison.
Out in space, Ra-Moon Jr. and his Brother, NovaStar are building their own Empire. They are opposed by Luka (rs-over-1). Joining Ra-Moon Jr and NovaStar are Lumine, the Herold and the 4 Aster-roid Sisters, Juno, Vesuvia, Pallas, and Celes. 
Growth in distrust for Reploids is continuing and groups like The Human Dominance Guild are gaining strength. But there are also 2 New types of groups are gaining momentum - The Anti-Maverick Hunter Groups,The Pro-Reploid Groups, and the Reploid Disarmament Groups.

The Biggest Anti-Maverick Hunter group is called "The Safety Life Alliance", which advocates for the disbanding of the Maverick Hunters, due to their belief that the Hunters are the cause for the rise in Maverick Activity. They would rather see the Hunters join either the Military or the Police Force instead. They are constantly pushing the Legislation to get make their goals a reality.
The Largest Pro-Reploid Group is called "The Man/Machine Unity Engine", their goal is close to Dr. Light's dream of having Humans and Robots living together in peace. 

Then there's the Largest Reploid Disarmament Group "The Unarm The Machines Union", which wants All Reploids weaponless. And want to make it illegal for Reploids to be created or equipped with weapons. They're basically the anti-2A fanatics.   
Weil is thrilled at the coming of these new groups.  X and Alia are enjoying life as an official couple. Layer peruses Zero, who isn't interested in a relationship,not since Iris died.And Palette and Cinnamon via for Axl's affections.  Marino and Massimo begin dating.
New Maverick Groups start to appear World Wide. The Maverick Hunters (with the international repliforce's) are able to destroy or capture them before they could grow 

X's growing power begins unnerving many Humans, which causes the Anti-Reploid groups to grow even faster. The Anti-Reploid side soon becomes dead even (numbers-wise) with the Pro-Reploid side.
The Reploid Assassin League continues to do their thing and evade the Maverick Hunters and International Repliforce. Mega Man Shadow continues observing the World, waiting for his chance to strike. Dr. Weil continues to observe, as well.
In 2164, Sigma's Forces launch a new attack on the World,this time by using a machine that reprograms Humans, turning them violent and strong. This puts the Maverick Hunters and International Repliforces in a situation where they can't fight...especially X, who swore to protect human life. 
Sigma's goal is to force the Hunters and Repliforce to be unable to do anything. Rock sees this and decides to join in. Rock, unlike X, has no qualms about fighting Humans, as he sees Humans and Robots/Reploids as being equal. Though, he Does hold back when fighting them.
After finding out where Sigma's base is, Rock leaves to raid it. He confronts and defeats the Mavericks and then Sigma. After defeating Sigma, Rock destroys the Machine that was mind manipulating the Humans. With the Machine destroyed, the Humans return to normal.
Rock leaves the base.untouched. The Blue Bomber continues his journey to improve himself as a fighter. 

Maverick activity gets worse. In fact, due to territory disputes,Sigma's Forces get involved in gang war with The RepliMafia and the Yakuzoids (the reploid yakuza). The Maverick Hunters,The International Repliforces, and Rock team up to fight them. 
Meanwhile, The Reploid Assassin League continues their work. They manage to assassinate the President of the United States,under contract by a Mysterious Group. 

This war costs many many lives (both human and reploid), but it ends after The Maverick Hunters and Repliforce destroy and capture most of the RepliMafia and Yakuzoids. Sigma and his men still escape.
A Month Later, America gains a new President after a Special Election - President Abigail Desmond, who's fully Anti-Maverick Hunter and Pro-Reploid Disarmament.     
Months later, Palette enters the Mechanaloid Battle Tournament. The RAL's Techno also enters. Palette and Techno battle in the finals, which Palette wins.
In 2165, X gets involved in charity work and even visits sick hospitalized children. Gate is released from RepliMax on good behavior, much to the outrage from the public. To atone for his crimes, Gate seeks his Sister,Alia's, help.
It is revealed that Alia and Gate are twins,with gate being older. They were originally were supposed to be 1 Reploid with a Mega Computer brain, but all of that RAM/Rom couldn't fit into a single brain. So instead of creating a huge Reploid, Dr. Fields created 2 normal sized Reploid brains and put them in 2 Reploid bodies, which became Alia and Gate.
When teamed up, Alia and Gate can realize the full potential of the Mega Computer,by solving nigh-impossible problems. However, the siblings personalities came into conflict most of the time. Alia being practical and Gate being logical.

So the 2 went their separate ways, though both becoming Researchers/Scientists. Gate and Alia go on a retreat of self discovery, where Gate learns to have heart when using logic. He becomes an ally of The Hunters soon after.
Throughout the year, Sigma possesses a multitude of machines in an act of Cyber Terrorism. The Hunter manage to stop him. Dr. Doppler, Alia and Gate band together to try to figure out how to destroy Sigma's Soul.
Dr. Weil, is enjoying what he sees out of the World and believes that it won't be long now before he can enact his plan "Project - Savior".   

In 2166, Rock and Epsilon have a chance meeting during one of the Reploid Assassin's Jobs. Rock prevents the assassination and battles Epsilon. Epsilon is very strong and skilled, so much so, it forces Rock to use his Super Android form. 
The fight ends in a draw, with Both men satisfied. Rock appreciates Epsilon's passion for battle and tells him that X is much stronger than he is, and that if Epsilon enjoyed fighting him, he'll love fighting X.
Epsilon decides to take Rock up on it and leaves to train for his fight with X.  
Days later, Epsilon brings the Core Members of his Reploid Assassin League to Maverick Hunter HQ, to watch his fight with X...and after that, kill the rest of the Hunters and destroy their HQ. 
The RAL arrive at MHHQ,where Epsilon challenges X to a battle. X accepts, knowing that if he beats Epsilon, he can put him away forever. Since MHHQ is within The City (new york city), X holds back his power.  
The rest of the RAL have fights too. Garath and Lio-Kaiser battle Massimo. Marino fights Berkana. Layer (using capoeria) battles Ferham. Palette v. Techno in a Mechanaloid battle. Axl v. Zain and Zero v. Geemel.  

Epsilon wants to know why X isn't fighting at his best and that he expected the "Ultimate Challenge". X reveals that he always holds back when he's fighting in an area with innocent lives, so as not to accidentally hurt or kill them.

Epsilon finds this interesting and knows how to "solve" X's "Issue". Epsilon then brazenly destroys the surrounding area using a powerful energy wave. He then tells X that his problem is solved and now he can fight at full power.

X, saddened,enraged at the loss of life, transforms into a Super Android (gold armor,gold aura), to the shock and surprise of those who just witnessed it.
As a Super Android, X is able to focus his powers and use his full power without worrying about hurting others. X demonstrates his power by destroying Garath and his Lion. Next he obliterates Zain and Geemel.  He defeats Ferham and Berkana. He then crushes Techno.

X tells Epsilon that he will Never forgive him Or his minions for their disgusting deeds and promises him Hell. X then fights and destroys Epsilon. After the battle, Ferham and Berkana are sent to RepliMax Prison.
The Reploid Assassin League is Dead. But, there are more threats still out there and Sigma is still on the loose.

To Be Continued...

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