Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Complete (Rebooted) Mega Man RS Universe Timeline Part 4

The Super Android X Era  (2167 - 2170 AD):       

News of X's Super Android was pretty low, but that was about to change. The 1st Reploid Master's Fighting Tournament is announced and X, Zero, Layer, and Axl have entered as fighters. Massimo and Marino have volunteered to act as Security detail. Rock hears about the Tournament and decides to enter too.

Out in space, Lumine, Ra-Moon Jr.'s Harold informs his master that Earth is their next target. Ra-Moon Jr. is determined to succeed where his Father had failed. He gathers his Gang and they head to Earth. 

On Earth, Luka (rs over-1) overhears this and leaves for Earth to warn the people. Luka arrives on Earth and tries to warn the World Leaders of Ra-Moon Jr.'s coming, they don't listen. So he goes to the Maverick Hunters to warn them...but they have already left for the Tournament, so Luka goes there and signs up as a last minute entry.

In the audience is X's biggest fan, a small child, Amber,who is also with her family. At the Tournament everyone is impressed by Luka's skills. During intermission, Luka warns the Hunters about Ra-Moon Jr.'s intentions. The Hunters (and rock) promise to stop him. Rock is very interested in fighting these Alien Robots.

The Semi-Finals has X v. Zero and Rock v. Luka. X, as always, holds back tremendously due to fear that his awesome power will hurt innocent people. Rock beats Luka and X beats Zero. In the Finals it's X v. Rock, Brother against Brother. Something Rock had been looking forward to.     

Just as the match is about to start, Ra-Moon Jr. and his minions invade Earth and crash the Tournament. Joining RMJ is his Brother, NovaStar,Lumine the Herold, and The 4 Aster-Roid Sisters - Juno, Vesuvia, Pallas, and Celes. 

Ra-Moon Jr. challenges X,because he's the strongest. Luka battles The Herold, Rock fights NovaStar, while Zero, Axl, Layer, and Marino battle the 4 Aster-Roid Sisters. Massimo handles evacuation, however he is stopped by Ra-Moon Jr., who wants an audience to witness his power.

The Ra-Moon Empire is very strong and is giving Luka, Rock, and the Maverick Hunters a tough time. With the civilians still in attendance, X is forced to fight Ra-Moon Jr. with suppressed power, which doesn't help.  

Ra-Moon Jr. wonders why X is suppressing his power? X explains it, but Ra-Moon Jr. calls X a "sentimental fool" and eventually defeats him. With Earth's Strongest defeated, Ra-Moon Jr. grows more arrogant, claiming that No One can stop him and that he can do anything he wants. He kills most of the audience, including Amber's parents. He then tourtures and kills the little girl and laughs hard about it.

Witnessing this, X grows sad and angry, he knows if nothing is done Ra-Moon Jr. will ruin Earth. His sadness and anger, turn to rage, which transforms him into a Super Android. X tells Ra-Moon that He'll Never Forgive Them for what he just did.

Ra-Moon and his Followers are shocked at X's transformation, as is Luka. Rock is thrilled. X easily destroys The Aster-Roid Sisters, Lumine, and NovaStar. He then destroys their remains, so than no one from Earth can use them.

Ra-Moon Jr. is furious, but that fury does him no good, as Super Android X outclasses the Evil Alien in every way. X is able to focus his great power as a Super Android and it helps him destroy Ra-Moon Jr. He also destroys his remains, Again, so that the POS researchers of Earth can't use them. 

Hours after the Tournamen, Luka says his good-byes and flies off into space.

The Ra-Moon Empire is Officially Dead!

News of X's Super Android transformation grows worldwide, with a Majority of Humans disapproving of it. In fact,at Amber's funeral, X was booed by the, mostly Human, audience. And heckled by Protests by Members of Both the Unarm The Machines Union And The Human Dominance Guild.

The Majority of Reploids approve, as does Dr. Weil, mainly because should X screw up, Dr. Light's Legacy will be Greatly Tarnished. Maverick activity across the US has dropped greatly, due to the Maverick Bots now fearing X.

Sigma and His Army are also scared and gain a defeatist attitude. Sigma, in a crazy stunt that could erase him and this Timeline,  travels back in time (using an experimental time machine) to help Dr. Wily win. Sigma doesn't care if he Does ruin the Timeline, because he wants X gone.

Sigma brings with him plans and tech from this Era, in hopes that Dr. Wily will destroy Mega Man with it. When Sigma returns, nothing has changed. Dr. Wily Still fails. The Experimental Time Machine falls apart.

In 2168, Sigma decides to unleash his "Final Solution", Using The Worlds Nukes to Blow Up Everything. While in "Soul" form, Sigma managed to stealthfully steal the plans for a "Mega Nuke" from the Iranian Weapons Database, while he had his minions steal the materials needed.

After having the Missiles constructed,Sigma announces his plans and warns that if All Humans don't kill themselves within 24 Hours, he will launch the Mega Nuke Missiles.

Alia finds Sigma's base and X leaves on a Solo Mission to stop Sigma...which ends up being an easy mission, thanks to his Powers. X destroys the remains of Sigma's forces and then Sigma's new body. Sigma (in soul form) escapes in fear. X disables and destroys Sigma's Missile Launch controls. He then disarms the missiles and throws them into space.

X destroys Sigma's base and leaves. Watching from afar is the sinister spirit of Mega Man Shadow.

X encounters Mega Man Shadow in his dreams. Shadow intends on hijacking X's body and using it in his mission to destroy the Multiverse. X manages to defeat Mega Man Shadow. He escapes X's subconscious, swearing revenge.

Mega Man Shadow finds and meets Sigma, who's in hiding. The 2 hatch a plan to destroy X and the World. With Shadow's help, Sigma upgrades his new Body. After that's done,Sigma and Mega Man Shadow challenge X. 

X accepts the challenge and is beaten, thanks to Sigma being able to go Super Android, thanks to Mega Man Shadow possessing him. X is saved by Rock, who is annoyed that Mega Man Shadow had returned.

Rock tries his hand at fighting Sigma/MMS, but is also defeated. Rock decides the only way to win is to fuse with X using Fusion Crystals, crystals discovered by Dr. Light and Dr. Cossack that can temporarily fuse together 2 machines to create an even more powerful machine.

Rock is sickened by the fact that the only way to win is with this method. So, using the Crystals, Rock and X fuse into a Warrior that's "Neither Rock Or X, Just The One Who's Gonna Destroy Sigma".

The Fused warrior destroys Sigma,though both Sigma's Spirit and Mega Man Shadow escape. The fusion breaks and the Brothers go their separate ways.   

As the months go by,Anti-Reploid riots start to arise. One big riot, backed by the Human Dominance League, demands X be destroyed, before he turns on humanity. 

A few months later,during a sparring session in a thunderstorm, X and Rock's combined power unintentionally cause a rift between dimensions and they end up in a Distopian Version of their World. This Is the Realm where Giga Man hailed from and is the "Mirrorverse" version of Earth.

As they try to find a way back to their Universe, X and Rock are confronted by and battle the Emperor of the World's forces. The Bros. Also meet Zero's Counterpart, One, a blue armored, red haired psycho. One was the final creation of Prof. Asmov, Dr. Dark's heroic arch-foe turned evil.

They also have to deal with Alia, Marino, Massimo,and Axl's counterparts too. Halt, the mature mercenary. Malono, an Evil Pirate Queen. Empress Aria, Evil Redhead,Emperor Infinity's wife,and co-ruler. And Minimo, a cowardly weakling, who serves as the foot-man to Empress Aria.

They also meet some friendly faces, including General Cigma, Sigma's counterpart and Leader of an underground resistance, with a mission to bring peace to the World. Though very Very few in number,thanks to Emperor Infinity killing their forces. The Bros. meet 2 of Cigma's right hands - Valor, Vile's counterpart and Coil, Dynamo's Counterpart. They also meet 2 more members of the resistance - Good Witch Valencia,Berkana's Counterpart and Zephyra, a navy armored female warrior, who is Ferham's counterpart.        

The Light Bros..well, X does anyway,agree to help General Cigma save their World. Rock just wants to fight Emperor Infinity.

The Bros. eventually meet The Emperor, known as Infinity Man aka Emperor Infinity, who reveals himself to be the Last Creation of Dr. Wrong aka Dr. Dark. He's also X's counterpart in that Universe. The Emperor intends on invading and conquering X and Rock's Universe using a Portal Generator that he had his scientists create for him.

The Bros. fight as Super Androids, and after a tough fight, X manages to destroy the Evil Red Armored Emperor, much to Rock's disappointment (he wanted infinity alive so that he could fight him again).

The rest of the resistance manage to overtake the Emperors minions and claim his palace. After finding the Dimensional Portal Generator, the Bros. say good-bye to their allies and head back home. 

A few months Later, Dr. Weil begins manufacturing the Andro-Mutation chip in his secret lab and has Omega distribute them to various reploid criminals. This is all part of his plan to fan the flames of chaos.

Once installed, the Chips make these Reploids super strong, almost as powerful as Rock. Those Reploid criminals can now transform into a "Kuro Mode" and then an "Andro-Mutant" Form.  

Rock encounters some of these Super Thugs and recognizes it as "a Memento of Dr. Wily's handiwork" and after beating these Thugs, he goes warns the Maverick Hunters, who are already aware of the situation, but have no Idea where these Thugs are getting their power. 

Rock agrees to help. The International Repliforce also helps. After the threat is stopped, Anti-Reploid protests and riots take place, demanding All Reploids be dismantled. There are counter-protests from The Man/Machine Unity Engine group, as well as from The Unarm The Machines Union.    

Due to all of the backlash, X decides to retire from the Hunters and Fighting. He intends on going into his fathers work - Robotics Research.

In 2169, Alia, Gate, and Dr. Doppler are figuring out a way to destroy Sigma's Soul. Dr. Dopler has an idea of fighting Digital Soul with Digital Soul, but with a twist - A DigiSoul that can not only erase Evil Souls , but also, somehow, Help Mankind.

However, he has no idea How to create it. Alia and Gate reveal that they likely could...If they were a single entity with the Mega Computer brain, like what their Father intended.

Rock,who was just hanging around, has a solution - Fusion Crystals. Gate is unconvinced, but Alia is willing to give it a shot. Rock hands the Siblings the Crystals and tells them when they become one, they're talents and strength will combine, though only for a short while.

Alia and Gate fuse together and temporarily gain a Mega Computer Brain, which allows them to develop a powerful digital entity, known only as - The Mother Goddess.

They also create a De-digitizer, to bring their creation to the "Real World". 

In 2170, Rock achieves Super Android 2 via Training. Meanwhile, in Canada, a former Repliforce Canada commander, turned terrorist, General Redips has taken over the country in an attempt to show the World the "Power of the Reploid Race".

Repliforce Canada requests help from the Maverick Hunters. Everyone but Zero is busy. Rock volunteers to join Zero, just to see how strong Redips' forces are.

Rock and Zero head to Canada and get to work. Their first stop is Toronto, where they battle Jango the Bobcat aka Wild Jengo, as well as the 1st of Redips' enforcers, Botos. After defeating them, Members of Repliforce Canada arrest them.

Rock and Zero's next stop is Ottowa, where they meet Botos' Twin Brother Borock and Silver Horn, a reploid based loosely on a Triceratops. After defeating the Mavericks and watching them get hauled away by Repliforce Canada, Zero gets a call from Colonel R, Repliforce Canada's commander, telling them that their Chief Scientist, Dr. Gaudile has been abducted by Professor Psyche, an ex-member of Repliforce Canada, now working for Redips.

R tells Rock and Zero that he's being held in Psyche's fortress in Montreal, which is too fortified for the Repliforces. Zero agrees to save Gaudile. The 2 head to Psyche's Fortress in Montreal. Where they meet Dr. Psyche And his creation, a Giant Sea Snail, Mad Nautilus.

After destroying Nautilus and beating Dr. Psyche, the Duo rescue Dr. Gaudile, a Platypus Beastloid. It is revealed that Dr. Gaudile created Cinnamon and was once a friend and partner to Psyche. The Repliforces of Canada arrive to wrap things up. Rock and Zero head to Saskatoon next.

In Saskatoon, the Heroes meet and battle Mach Jentra, a Swallow Beastloid and the next of Redips' enforcers, Shadow. After defeating them, Zero and Rock head to Edmonton and confront the next members of Redips' Army, Incentis, a Scarab-based Beastloid with Multiple Elemental Powers and an Ancient Egyptian design.

With him, is Scarface, the next of Redips' Enforcers. After a tough battle, Rock and Zero defeat the Mavericks and head to Calgary to take out the next members of Redips' forces. They meet Depth Dragoon , a Seahorse Beastloid, who's bottom half is a Sea Serpent. And Duckbill Mole, a Wild Duck Beastloid with Drills.

The former enemies beat the Mavericks and leave them for the Repliforce. They then head back to Repliforce Canada's HQ in Vancouver for information on where to find Redips. When they get there, Colonel R. tells the Duo that he's found Redips' base in Halifax.  

Suddenly, Colonel R. is under attack by Spider, Twin Brother of Redips. Spider, unlike his brother, is themed after a Gambler. Spider is a Hit Man, who was hired by his Brother to assassinate the Colonel. Zero and Rock manage to defeat him and he's arrested.

The 2 then head to Halifax to stop Redips. The break into Redips' fortress and their first battle is with Rafflesian, a Female Humanoid Reploid with a flower-theme. After defeating her, Rock and Zero meet up with General Redips.

But, before they get a chance to face off against the Maverick Leader, Rock and Zero must deal with Redips' Bodyguard, a Powerful Multi-Tailed Fox Beastloid named Ninetales. Super Android 2 Rock makes quick work of Ninetales.

The 2 fight General Redips, who reveals to be equiped with an Andro Mutation Chip. He starts the fight by Transforming into the Kuro Mode (which turns the users armor black). Super Android 2 Rock manages to overpower him.

Redips then transforms into an Andro-Mutant (which is a monsterous form taken by the user). Zero and Rock's combined power destroy Redips. Later, The Duo are honored by Repliforce Canada.   

2 Months Later,The Mother Goddess is complete and de-digitized. Sigma's Soul takes control of the World Banks Computer. The Mother Goddess heads to The World Bank and faces off against Sigma. The Battle ends up in the real world, where The Goddess destroys Sigma's Soul.

And with that, Sigma is no more..but the next big War is about to start.


The Global Chaos Era: The Man vs. Machine War (2171 - 2173 AD):    

In 2171, RepliMax Prison is destroyed by a huge bomb, taking Everyone inside. Mavericks, Guards, and the Warden...All Dead!!!! The culprits - The Human Dominance Guild, now with Military Grade Weapons, Armor and Vehicles. (how they get them?...don't ask!!)  

X and Alia are out on a date,where X asks Alia to marry him. But tragedy strikes as a Sniper (a human) kills Alia, which enrages X. The sniper taunts X and has a camera man to film his aggression against them.

X transforms into a Super Android and confronts the 2 Evil Humans, but doesn't kill them, just threatens them. They reveal that they are the Sons of the President of the Human Dominance Guild. X lets them go, but destroys the camera man's camera.

The HDG Leader, Sage, makes a global announcement, declaring War on Reploids. In a shock twist, The HDG has teamed-up with The Unarm The Machines Union AND The Safety Life Alliance to form a new group called - The Human Alliance Armada.

Soon, Anti-Reploid violence grows widespread all over the world. The Maverick Hunters and International Repliforces are in a conundrum, since they can't harm or kill Humans. Rock, however has no issue with this and fights the Anti-Reploid Extremists..though he Does pull his punches and Doesn't go Super Android.

President Abigail Desmond decides to disband the Hunters, blaming Them for most of the Maverick Activity And for the growing Anti-Reploid sentiment. She instructs Congress to adapt legislation. A funeral is held for Alia, but is ruined by members of the Human Alliance Armada.

The Human Alliance Armada greatly grow in numbers and set up international chapters. Having no choice, the Maverick Hunters and the International Repliforces are forced to fight back against the New Human Militia.

X stays out of the fight and peruses more scientific methods to end this war. He works with Gate, Alia, and Dr. Doppler to come up with ways to improve The Mother Goddess so that she can disable weapons and vehicles. 

In 2172, The War intensifies, with The Human Alliance Armada acquiring more dangerous Armor, Weapons, and Vehicles. The upgrades to the Mother Goddess are complete. Cyber Elves,semi-sentient digital entities ,are created using the Mother Goddess's data and were made to assist her. The Mother Goddess can control them telepathically if need be.

Among the Elves abilities are - Machine and Weapon disabling, Machine control, and Machine repair.

The Law that would disband The Maverick Hunters (the extreme safety act) passes congress and is signed by the President.The Law will go into effect the next year. While watching the War from his Lab, via spy cameras, Dr. Weil proudly declares the Dr. Light's dream of Man/Machine harmony is Officially Dead!

The Mother Goddess and her Cyber Elf Children manage to disable every weapon and vehicle the Human Alliance Armada has. And by 2172,the HAA is officially defeated and arrested by the World's military.

The Man v. Machine War is Over...but a brand new Crisis is about to begin.


The Global Chaos Era: Project - Savior (2174 - 2176 AD): 

In 2174, Thanks to the Extreme Safety Act,The Maverick Hunters are forced to disband and X is arrested for being a danger to the public (according to the president).

Dr. Weil is visited by Mega Man Shadow, who offers to help Dr. Weil if he makes him a new Battle Body in return. The deal is made and the 2 start their plan to throw the World into deeper chaos.

Mega Man Shadow possesses The Mother Goddess, turning her into the Evil Demo-Goddess, and begins terrorizing the World using the Cyber Elves. 

Feeling that they may need X's help, the US Government sets him free and has him take on the Demo-Goddess. X and Rock reunite to take her down. Rock soon realizes that Mega Man Shadow is possessing her. 

Even as Super Androids,the Brothers can do nothing, since the Drmo-Goddess/Mega Man Shadow aren't physical beings. Suddenly, Dr. Weil appears and uses a "Data Deletion Blaster" of sorts to vaporize the Demo-Goddess...though MMS escapes before he is destroyed.

The Light Bros. and Dr. Weil meet for the first time and Rock senses something familiar about him (he is the reincarnation of rock's old enemy, dr. wily.). Without the Mother Goddess, the Cyber Elves stop working, just waiting for their new direction.

Dr. Weil destroys the Cyber Elves and is hailed a Hero.   Dr. Weil volunteers to help rebuild the World. X is imprisoned once again by the Government.

In early 2175, The World is slowly being rebuilt,thanks to Dr. Weil. Zero is suspicious of Weil, as is Marino.  

One evening, Omega carries out a surprise attack on the World and manages to undo much of the progress of Dr. Weil and the others. X is let out of prison to help deal with the crisis.

(omega's attack is all part of weil's project - savior.)

Omega is extremely powerful and he manages to wipe out the International Repliforces in a blink of an eye. He also manages to kill Layer, Axl,Marino, and Massimo. He then manages to cripple Zero. Rock and X manage to give Omega a fight, with Super Android X )defeating Round 1!!!!

Omega transforms into his Kuro Mode (yup, weil gave him an andro-mutation chip), and is on equal ground with Super Android X. Dr. Weil appears with his Protocol Disrupter and uses it on Omega, turning the Powerful Robot to become docile and Obedient to Dr. Weil.

(weil never uses a protocol disrupter, it's just a toy, this is just a ploy - all part of project - savior).    

Omega agrees to help Dr. Weil repair the World. Zero remains a cripple due to lack of resources, thanks to Omega's attack. In His free time, Dr. Weil is in his lab designing and building Mega Man Shadow's new body. By early, 2176, the body is completed.

Once Mega Man Shadow enters the body, he becomes entrapped and unable to do anything, he then feels his consciousnesses slip. Soon Mega Man Shadow becomes a slave to Dr. Weil. Weil figured that Mega Man Shadow's plans to eradicate the Multiverse would run counter to His plans for Global Conquest, so he encoded the circuits in the body to enslave the Evil Soul.

Mega Man Shadow's new body resembles X, just as Omega resembles Zero. Mega Man Shadow is now - Alpha.

X and Zero hold memorial services for their fallen comrades and friends.

To Be Continued!!

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