Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Complete (Rebooted) Mega Man RS Universe Timeline Part 5

The Weil Era: Rise of Weil (2177 - 2182 AD):  

Zero is eventually fixed. As the world is healing, Dr. Weil's popularity grows. He comes up with solutions to rebuild and advance the World. With Omega and Alpha's help, Dr. Weil is now officially "The Savior of the World"

The complete rebuilding of the World takes from 2177 to 2181 (5 years),and by then , Weil has become a "God" to many. Zero smells a rat.

Besides helping with the Global Reconstruction efforts, Dr. Weil also gives speeches about Unity wherever he goes. His speeches are adored by most. Reploid/Human tension drops by 89% thanks to him.

In 2182, Using his powers of friendly persuasion, Weil convinces the Leaders of each nation to Unify the World by having a single Global Government. The Leaders agree to this and ask Weil to be the Leader of this New Centralized Government. Because to them it makes sense, since Weil helped rebuild the World and has proven himself to be a great leader.

Weil accepts.


The Weil Era: Heil Weil (2183 - 2195 AD): 

Dr. Weil helps the Global Leadership establish a One-World Government. As this is going on, Zero, investigating Weil,finds where his secret lab is (by dumb luck) and discovers Dr. Weil's true intentions. Zero knew it and plans on showing the World.

Zero is then assaulted and decimated by Alpha, who then destroys the Lab to eliminate the evidence.  Zero is now lying dead, broken underneath the remains of Weil's Lab. Zero's death is made public by Dr. Weil, who also recovered Zero's body. X is devastated when he finds out about Zero's death.

Weil decides to give X a full pardon, just because he feels that X has paid his debt to society. 

(the truth is, weil only set x free, so that omega and alpha can have a chance to humiliate him on the worlds stage. as a "take that" to dr. light. he Is the reincarnation of dr. wily, after all.)

X has a memorial service for his Best Friend, Zero, which, Rock also attends.

Dr. Weil is soon elected President of the World. Most voted for him, others didn't.

In the year 2184, The Single Government begins construction. Dr. Weil establishes Giga Arcadia,his huge Presidential Palace, in New York State. The U.N. is disbanded, due to not being needed anymore, since, thanks to Dr. Weil, the World is at peace. Plus, Reploids and Humans learn to live in harmony under his leadership.

In 2185, Dr. Weil establishes other Arcadias for the other World Leaders, who'll be working under him. By 2187, Weil's New World Order is finished and he begins his rein as Master of the World. 

X adopts a human baby girl,who was delivered to him by a mysterious deliverer. X names the child Ciel. Ciel exhibits some advanced intelligence for her age and X wonders how she could be so gifted. Rock, who's visiting senses a familiar and comforting spirit within her. 

Ciel is the Reincarnation of Dr. Light, their father, just as Weil is the Reincarnation of Dr. Wily. This revelation shocks X, but not Rock as much. 

In 2186, Weil establishes a Slum Zone outside each Big City and creates barriers separating the areas. These Slum Zones are for people who oppose his presidency. X and Rock are 2, so they are forced to move into those Zones.  

Dr. Weil had officially establish a "Class System". He defends it by saying that those who voted against him are also opposed to progress. That BS works.

He then establishes The Pantheon Army, A global military made up of Reploids and Humans...and some Beastloids.

The Pantheon armor suits resemble X's. With different colors depending on the Specialty.

In 2187, X builds his own lab/home hybrid after a year of living in a shabby apartment in the slums. The home is completed late in the year. Dr. Weil begins mass-producing the Andro-Mutation chip.

Rock continues his journey to better himself as a fighter. 

The Slums slowly become prosperous as the Slums can become.

Due to this Dr. Weil creates a Slum Task Force, to make sure the Slums aren't Too comfortable.

In 2188, Ciel, at 3 years old, begins doing complex math problems. X is so proud. X continues to raise Ciel, while working on various new projects. 

Dr. Weil raises taxes on the populence to fund a brand new Project - A Super Weaponized Space Station called Ragnarok.

According to Weil, The Ragnarok will be designed as a duel Mini-Space Colony and Anti-Meteor/Anti-Comet Weapon.

(for once, the evil dude is sincere. He can't continue dominating the world if a Meteor or a Comet destroys it).

90.4% of the World approves of this project.

In 2189, X is finished with his latest invention - A Plasma Generator that will power the Slums for years. That way they won't need to rely on the Citys power and get taxed beyond taxed for it.

Dr. Weil finds out about this, via Slum Task Force, and is annoyed. He decides to wait to see if it's successful. If it is, he"s gonna have it destroyed and fine X millions.

X also creates new farming robots to help grow food. While this is going on, Weil's Ragnarok Project is going smoothly and should be done in a few years.

In 2190, X and Weil's Slum Task Force get into a fight, when the Force destroy X's Plasma Generator, which was succeeding.

Weil wants the Slums as miserable as possible...especially since X lives there.

(any creation of dr. lights, is a mortal enemy of his)

Ciel creates her own mechanical toys using spare parts her father had. A 4-Year-Old Super Genius.

X designs a defense system for the slums,to protect it from Weil's interference. A system that won't be completed or set up for years.

Rock starts to show his age and mods himself accordingly. He now resembles an older man. X mods himself a bit to make himself look older.

In 2191, Weil continues his tyrannical ways, as X tries to live his life and raise his daughter,Ciel. The denizens of the slums are constantly harassed by Weil's men. Progress for Ragnarok is coming along smoothly.

In 2192, Weil's support grows among Elites, Media (which are now government own), and the General Public in the Cities, but sinks to great levels among the people of the Slums. Ciel gains a best friend, a reploid girl named Alouette.

Weil's Project Ragnarok is now 50% complete. Weil has his men sabotage every project that could help the People of the Slums..especially ones made by X.  Weil's tyranny is kept secret from the Public thanks to the Media and Academia. No one knows the truth, except for those in the Slums.    

In 2193, Unable to take it much longer, some Slum denizens pledge loyalty to Dr. Weil in exchange for a life in the City. X opposes this sentiment.  Weil's propaganda machine grows stronger.

In Late 2194, Dr. Weil finds out that X's child, Ciel, is the Reincarnation of Dr. Light. 

2195, At Ciel's 10th Birthday party, Celebration turned to tragedy when Dr. Weil's Pantheons, lead by Alpha, destroys the party and kills all of the guests..including Ciel's best friend, Alouette. X fights back but is beaten down by Alpha. 

Ciel is then captured by Alpha. Rock arrives, but he's also defeated by Alpha. Alpha takes Ciel back to Giga Arcadia, where she is interrogated by Dr. Weil personally. Weil reveals to Ciel that he Hates the Lights and Everything they stand for and will not stop until Light's Entire Legacy is Wiped Out.. 

Note: Dr. Weil's Hatred for the Lights stems way back from his days as Dr. Wily (remember, in This universe, weil is the reincarnation of dr. wily)..

X and Rock team up to save Ciel. with their mission complete, the Lights family head home. 

Weil spins the Light's rescue mission, into a terror attack. Of course, the Public believes him 100%. 

At the funeral services for the victims of Ciel's Party, Ciel wants to make Weil pay. So X decides to teach her to fight.

Reploid sisters, Rouge and Jaune, join X's lab as assistants. Meanwhile, the Ragnarok Space Colony/Ultra Weapon is complete and is launched into Space.


The X-Underground Era (2196 - 2202 AD):

In Early 2196, Weil makes X and Rock Public Enemies. Weil is still beloved by the Elites, mostly loved by the Public, and hated by the Slum Denizens.  

X trains Ciel in martial arts. Rock lives as a Nomad.

In 2197, X forms a resistance against Dr. Weil, called "The X-Underground". Weil's minions continue to harass the people of the Slums, but this time they are fought back by the X-Underground. Weil isn't concerned about the X-Underground due to their low numbers and popularity.

In 2198, Many People make their move up to the Ragnarok Space Colony/Ultra Weapon. Rock starts showing his age. The battle between Weil's Forces and The X-Underground wages on, and would continue for years to come. The X-Underground obtains various weapons from fallen Pantheons and members of The Slum Task Force, as well as making their own.

In 2199, At 14,Ciel becomes a master of martial arts and eventually joins the X-Underground as both a Fighter And a Scientist. 

In 2200, In need of new recruits, X has a morbid plan to resurrect his best friend, Zero. After unearthing Zero's corpse,one of X's assistants, Cerveau, creates a copy body for him and transfers his mind into it. Zero's soul also returns and he is officially resurrected. 

With Zero's help, the X-Underground manages to be a credible threat to Weil's administration.

In 2201, on Ciel's 16th B-Day, X gives her a robotic Dog named Passy. X and Ciel create an alternate eberggy called Cielium X, named after both father and daughter. Dr. Weil ramps up his attacks on the X-Underground and vice versa.

In 2202,Zero becomes the new leader of the X-Underground,due to X's duties as a scientist and a father. 


The New Zero Era: The Next Generation (2203 - 2210 AD):  

In 2203, X creates his first child,a daughter named Harpuia..

Note: Harpuia is female here in the RS Universe, so that we can have 2 genders each on the team.

Later in the year, X creates Fefnir, his first Son. Then a few months after, he creates another son, named Phantom. And finally 7 days after Thanksgiving, he creates a 3rd daughter, Leviathan.

The 4 Light Siblings were created by X to give Ciel siblings, as well as to help fight Weil's Forces. They are recruited by Zero. One thing to note is that each of the 4 is equipped with a Zenkai Chip, which Ciel produced by memory, thanks to her past as Dr. Light.

The 4 discover their own unique abilities. Harpuia ban fly fast and agile, Fefnir is athletic (and a bit of a dumn jock), Phantom is a natural at Ninjitsu, and Leviathan can to swim with great speed and agility. The 4 are also given Armor and Weapons.

Harpuia is donned in Green Armor and is equipped with the H. Daggers, twin plasma daggers that can produce Wind Attacks.

Fefnir chosen to wear Red Armor and is equipped with The F. Blasters, twin blasters that can produce Fire Attacks.

Phantom equips himself with Black ninja-esque Armor and equips himself with the P. Shuriken, a big plasma shuriken. He has no elemental abilities  

And Leviathan equips herself with Blue Armor and equips herself with a Staff that can produce Ice.

The 4 Light Siblings prove helpful in the battle against Weil.

In 2204,The New Cielium X Power Plant is created, which Weil's forces try to sabotage. 

In 2205, Boom Kongor, an Ape Beastloid, former adviser for Weil, tired of the weak treatment and neglect of the Beastloid Population,starts a group called New Beastloid Revolution, which advocates for Beastloid rights. 

In 2206, The New Beastloid Revolution turn violent after feeling that peaceful means were ineffective. These attacks become so bad, that Weil establishes his Own Maverick Hunter group. Leading the group is Kraft, a Reploid with prior military credentials. 

Kraft saves a human Reporter named Neige, who he falls for. The feelings mutual. 

Zero and the 4 Light Siblings become the main guys of The X-Underground. Neige interviews the Underground and symathises with their cause, as an indie journalist, she's not a fan of Weil and his "State Run" media. .

In 2207, Weil's Maverick Hunters begin to abuse power and start prosecuting and killing Innocent Beastloids. Kraft begins questioning Weil's intentions.  He eventually betrays Weil when he is refuses to terminate Neige for doing positive reports on the X-Underground.

Kraft is killed by Alpha, who is now Weil's personal hit man,as he was protecting Neige. Now a fugitive herself, Neige runs away and joins the X-Underground. Leviathan takes interest in Science (this will be play out later).

In 2208, The 4 Light Siblings quit the X-Underground to become payed mercenaries. The reason for this is because they felt that there talents were being wasted, plus they wanted to get paid. X is saddened by this, but knows his children will return someday.

Dr. Weil gets a surprise challenger for his position as Master of the World - Elpizo Epis, a pretty-boy Reploid, savvy at speeches and charm. The reality is, Elpizo, wants to eradicate humanity and make a World just for Reploids, but he keeps that agenda hidden from the public.

Weil agrees to have a special election in November of 2211.

In 2209, Just one year into their Merc work, The 4 Light Siblings run into Rock, who Weil had hired to kill. Rock beats them and criticizes their Fighting styles and decides to train them himself - They are Family, after, he needs someone to pass on his knowledge too.

He takes the 4 to his place to prepare. Elpizo hits the campaign trail and campaigns until the Election.

The Pro-Weil media take a big disliking to Elpizo and want to see him crushed in the Election. 

In 2210, Weil and Elpizo have their first debate, the Media is Not friendly toward Elpizo.

Meanwhile The X-Underground continues fighting Weil's army..including his Maverick Hunters, now lead by Sabeen, a female reploid,who is similar to Vile, in both looks and personality.

Meanwhile, The 4 Light Siblings have improved as fighters, and as people. Harpuia went from being too serious to learning how to have fun. Fefnir went from hot headed jerk jock to being less of a jerk that can control his temper. Phantom went from serious,no-non sense loner to a team player who has learned the value of teamwork and family. And Leviathan went from arrogant and prideful to a less arrogant and more respectful.

Rock reveals to them that he doesn't have many years to live and he intends on passing on his knowledge to them before he goes...that and have one more fight with Zero,who Rock considers his Greatest Opponent.

He also wants them to become Super Androids. Weil sends out 4 Super Enhanced Assassins after The 4 Light Siblings for failing their mission. Each assassin is equipped with Dr. Weil's "New and Improved" Andro-Mutation Chip, as well as powers that are strong against the 4 Lights.

Gaia, the leader, with the power of Earth. She is uncaring and cruel. Posidon, with the power of Water. He is the most tranquil and focused of the 4. Spirit, a Native American-themed warrior with a sense of teamwork and spirituality, has the power of Light. and Rhea, with the power of Lightning, she's the most homicidal of the group.      .

The 4 Light Siblings each battle these 4 Assassins and have a tough time. Harpuia battles Gaia, Fefnir battles Posidon, Phantom battles Spirit, and Leviathan battles Rhea.

After deeply assessing what they're fighting for. (justice for Harpuia ,fighters pride for Fefnir, protecting his family for Phantom, and ,since she's the most morally ambiguous of the 4, simple pride and her own future for Leviathan).     

The 4 Light Siblings become Super Androids and destroy their enemies. Meanwhile, during his day-to-day duties, Alpha is slowly starting to realize who he Really is.  


The New Zero Era: Days of Shadow (2211 - 2216 AD): 

In 2211, Weil and Elpizo have their 2nd and final debate. Rock continues to train his Nephews and Nieces,while The X-Underground continues top fight against the Communistic Regime of Dr. Weil. Cielium X becomes Thee Energy Source for the Slums.

In November, The Votes are in and Dr. Weil wins the election against Elpizo. A landslide victory, thanks to the media catching Elpizo on a "Hot Mic" talking about his plan to eradicate humanity. Pissed, Elpizo transforms into his 'Kuro Mode' and attacks Dr. Weil. He is countered by Omega. Rock, watching this event, sends the 4 Light Siblings to battle Elpizo as a test of their abilities.

The 4 Lights Siblings arrive and battle Elpizo. Omega escapes with Dr. Weil. Alpha stays behind to watch and to finish off the survivor. Watching the Super Androids and Kuro Mode Elpizo fight awakens something in Alpha. He slowly begins to override the suppressive programming that has entrapped his Soul. He leaves to sort out his thoughts.

Elpizo is defeated and transforms into a Hulk for Round 2. With strong teamwork, the 4 Light Siblings destroy Elpizo.     

In Early 2212, Alpha finally frees himself from Weil's Soul Suppression and becomes Mega Man Shadow again. He attacks and kills Dr. Weil and throws his body off of the top of Giga Arcadia. Omega attacks Alpha/Mega Man Shadow for killing Dr. Weil, but is taken out early and reprogrammed.

Alpha/Mega Man Shadow is ready to take command of his destiny..which is to End All Destiny. He then proclaims himself The Great Satan!!. Omega is now Alpha's puppet. Alpha and Omega invade The Ragnarok Space Colony/Weapon and kill everyone for fun.

Alpha/Shadow announces his plans to the World - To Destroy It with the Ragnarok's Cannon. The Cannon meant to destroy Meteors will destroy Earth instead.  X and Zero decide to team-up one final time to stop Alpha's demented plans.

The 2 head into space to save Earth. They board the Space Colony and eventually fight Alpha and Omega. The Former Hunters are outclassed. X's need to protect his family allows him to transform into a Super Android 2.

X destroys Omega and the controls for the Cannon, shutting it down. Alpha/Shadow escapes. News of Weil's death reaches the World, some saddened, others are jubilant. Alpha takes command of Weil's forces.

In 2213, Under Alpha/Shadow's leadership Chaos reigns and many many suffer because of it. some are killed. The X, Zero, Ciel, Rock and the 4 Light Siblings raid Giga Arcadia to End Alpha/Shadow. After battling though the minions and Pantheons, they face Alpha/Shadow.

Rock is the first to challenge his old nemesis, because he insists on seeing how strong Alpha/Shadow Really is. He shocks everyone by transforming into a Super Android 3. Unlike with the previous 2 forms, SA3 is kind of similar to Andro-Mutation. Rocks face changes, his eyes go completely green and menacing, his armor changes a bit, and his golden aura gains some silver.

Super Android 3 Rock is on equal ground with Alpha/Shadow. Due to his age, Rock gets exhausted and can't hold the form. Alpha/Shadow transforms into a Super Android. Super Android 2 X and the 4 Light Siblings (in super android form) step in and fight Alpha/Shadow. Zero also joins in. It's a 6-on-1.

Ciel gets in some shots too. Outnumbered and outclassed, Alpha/Shadow goes Super Android 2 and beats everyone. Seeing no choice, Rock tosses fusion crystals to X and Zero, Harpuia and Leviathan, and Phantom and Fefnir, and tells them that fusion is the only option now.

They use the crystals and fuse into powerful warriors. Xero (for x and zero), Levuia (for harpuia and leviathan), and Feftom (fefnir and phantom). The Fused warriors are powerful enough to destroy Alpha, forcing Mega Man Shadow to escape. 

The Fusion breaks and everyone is back to normal. Soon, things start to go back to normal.

In 2214, Keith Inafune Jr. wins a special election and becomes the new President of the United States. With Weil dead,The Nations of the World come together to decide Weil's successor. 

The 4 Light Sibling's training with Uncle Rock is complete. The 4 decide to go their own path. Leviathan wants to be a Researcher like her Dad and Grandfather. Harpuia aims to be a Defender of the Earth and The Innocent. Fefnir aims to be a Professional Fighter. And Phantom wants to Open Up a Ninja Acadamy, maybe Start a Family. 

The X-Underground is hired by the American President to help fix the World. The Ragnarok is decommissioned and dismantled. And the Class System Dr. Weil put in place is eventually phased out. Negotiations on which of the Lesser-Leaders will take Weil's place continue.

In 2215, Rock is ready to have his final battle against Zero. The 2 have an epic fight on the Moon. While fighting, Rock begins recalling all of the past battles he's been in. The battle ends in a Draw. Rock dies shortly after. Zero takes Rock back to Earth to give him a burial.

Everyone of the Light Family and Zero attend Rock's Funeral. It was a beautiful ceremony. 

In 2216, The Class System is officially dead and Peace was being least, for a few months. Mega Man Shadow appears before The President and convinces him that Negotiations for Power are stupid and that the only way to decide Who gets the World is with War.

The President takes Shadow's words to heart. Mega Man Shadow leaves to visit the other Leaders.

To Be Continued..    

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