Friday, December 30, 2022

Street Fighter X Zero

 Arc 1: Thanks to information given to him by a Monitor Cyborg, Bison finds out about a 'rosemary's baby' type child (krista gabrial) with incredible power and plans to capture her. while at the park with her parents the child wanders off on her own. Bison kidnaps the child and takes her to his headquarters in Shadaloo. When it's time to go home. the parents look for their daughter, but fail to find her and start getting worried.

Hours later at Bison's HQ, Bison decides to clone the child, so that he can have 2 super warriors to his lab,bison's scientists clone the child ,but the original{said to be the clone}was christ-like and the clone{said to be the original} was totally psycho. Bison than tells Zangeif to bring the girl back to her parents while he trains the psychotic one. 

The wrestler asks why,and Bison tells him that the good child is useless to him and that he doesn't want her parents to suspect anything. After Zangief Leaves, Bison hopes he hasn't made an error of letting the child live.

Zangief takes the her back to her parents house {a medium sized mansion},ring the bell and goes back to Shadaloo.the butler answers and tells his employers that their daughter has come home,the parents{the gabrial's} are really happy to see their daughter back.while the Gabrial's continue to raise their daughter{the task is a bit easier this time},bison trains and raises the evil child whom he names, Calli.

Some Years later, Krista is living out her everyday life. Guile visits the Gabrial family,and notices krista's abnormal strength. Meanwhile bison is continuing training Calli. During his visit,guile talks to the gabrials about krista's power,and tells them that if she's trained properly she can be a great help in the war against evil , he than asks if he can train her.the parents argue with guile and tell him that it's a bad idea,krista comes in and tells them that she want's to learn to be a great fighter and to save the world,the parent's ask her why,and krista tells them that God's calling her to be a defender of truth and justice as well as to be the greatest fighter alive. after thinking it over,her parents still say no,guile says it's a shame and he leaves. meanwhile,back at shadaloo, bison is giving calli her first injection of psycho power{via a machine}and claims that calli will be his ultimate warrior and that with her ,he will enslave the planet in no time.

Krista and her family are at the beach,krista is playing in the sand,the parents are sun bathing and talking to each other,and bobby is surfing. at bison's HQ,bison is giving calli{who is wearing a purple m.bison outfit} instructions for her 'power test' mission...her mission is to kill the gabrial family. bison gives calli a scouter so she can find her targets,calli takes the scouter and leaves for her mission) back at the beach, guile meets up with the gabrial family and asks them if they changed their mind about krista learning to be a fighter,the parents tell him that he answer is still no.

Krista comes over to say hello to guile and asks him about the training,guile appologizes and tells her that her parents said no,krista gets angry. calli locates her targets on her scouter and arrives infront of her victims,guile asks the child who she is. everyone is shocked to find out that the girl looks just like krista,calli introduces herself and tells the group about her mission .after words between the good guys and calli , calli strikes like lightning and kills krista's mother than her father.everyone but krista is shocked..krista is saddened and angry.

Calli laughs and says she's enjoing this,just as she is about to kill bobby,krista attacks her.calli curses at krista and attacks her,but krista vows to make her pay and uses an enegry blast that almost destroys calli. krista faints and calli escapes vowing revenge. hours later back at bison's HQ,bison is yelling at calli for getting only half the mission done,he than scolds her for getting beaten by a weak little girl,calli snaps back and tells him that krista was stronger than they both realized)bison gets mad and leaves. at her parents funaral,krista asks guile if he would train her,and Guile says yes,)bobby than announces that he will be joining the US army,guile gives him a thumbs up.

In the Gabrial's back yard,Guile is training Krista. At bison's hq, bison is training calli and after the training bison sends calli to finish krista and guile. Back at krista's backyard,krista continues her training with guile,minutes later calli arrives and threatens the heroes and attacks, guile and krista both fight calli.calli manages to beat guile and after a few rounds of fighting krista beats calli with guile's 'sonic boom'.calli vows revenge and teleports away using her teleporter belt.krista checks on guile and he's ok they than talk for awhile about how the battle against evil will be much more difficult than before, krista tells guile that she's up for the challenge and that if bison and his guys want a fight than they shall get one,she than tells guile that she's really hungry. guile laughs.
Arc 2: 7 years have past and krista is now a teenager. While going for a morning jog,when she see's a group of african american girls beating up on a white christian man while cursing at him,calling him names and dissin' jesus.krista goes over to them and trys to reason with them,but that fails and the girls attack. krista beats the girls and their leader quin arrives.quin's team explains that krista interfered with their work,quin gets angry,introduces herself and attacks krista. after a long fight krista beats quin,quin vows revenge and leaves with her gang.

Later that day,inside a werehouse,the girls and quin are talking to the rest of their gang ,when their leader, Jarred Bullba arrives and blasts quin's team for losing to that girl and making the entire gang look bad.quin apologizes,and bullba tells her that she must go on a solo mission to redeem herself. quin asks what kind of mission ,and bullba tells her that her mission is to kill the pope,while he is here in america)quin excepts the mission,and leaves.bullba than tells his team that if quin fails this,he will kill her. quin is walking alone in the park thinking about her past and how she joined bullba's gang. She came frome a broken home and wanted love and respect,so she joined Bullba's Gang.

After having her flashback ,she wonders if joining a gang was a bad idea..a notion she's been wrestling with this for awhile.  quin sees krista jogging,gets angry,and confronts her.quin tells krista that she wants a rematch,krista asks quin what her problem is,quin tells her that her pride has been hurt and killing her will ease the pain. krista tells her that she has a problem, but accepts her challenge..

Krista defeat's Quin, but refuses to finish her. Quin asks why? Krista tells her that she's a christian and it's the christian thing to do. Krista believes that Quin isn't evil, but a victim of it. 

Bullba arrives and calls Quin a weakling. He attacks her. Krista saves Quin from being finished off,and fights bullba herself. After getting beaten, Bullba vows revenge and than retreats. Deejay arrives and tells the girls that he saw the fight, krista tells deejay that quin is badly hurt and needs medical attention.

Deejay and krista take quin to the hospital. deejay tells krista that he might train quin when she gets better,and quin tells them that she would like that.back at his hideout bullba vows to destroy krista gabrial.

While on his mission to kill the pope in rome,jarred bullba is noticed by bison.after bullba kills the pope with his psychic powers,bison appears and offers bullba and his gang a job.and after bison tells them about it ,bullba and his gang except the offer.bullba and his gang leave for shadaloo with bison.meanwhile,quin is living with deejay and is being trained by him.

Bullba's gang is being trained to become bison troopers and calli becomes jealous when bison starts to favor bullba more.bison sends bullba and his gang{bison troopers in training}to hunt down and kill the street fighters,starting with guile and krista.guile and krista are sparing in the park ,when bullba and his gang attack,after a few words,the fight begins.after a couple of rounds the bad guys loose and retreat.back at shadaloo hq,bullba is getting pumped with psycho power with bison watching and saying that bullba's loss was just a setback..and that bullba's natural psychic power makes him a valuable ally,and that he,bullba and calli will make an unstoppable team , he than laughs evilly.

Krista ,deejay,quin ,and guile go to china to stop a sex-trade ring owned by wo-fat. while looking for some leads on finding the rings hideout, they meet up with a teenage boy who looks like chun-li,who was also looking for the sex-traders.after introductions are over,the boy{chun-wa aka walter}tells the team that his mother knows where those sex-traders are,and that they can talk about it at his house where his mom is.chun-wa leads the team to his house,he calls for his mom and she comes out,the team is shocked to find out that his mother is chun-li)chun-li invites them in ,and tells them about how she met her husband{an [caucasian]american missionary who came to china}, chun-wa's birth, how her husband was killed by wo-fat, and how she started training chun-wa}.

Guile asks if she knows where the sex trafficker's hideout is.After chun-li tells them where the hideout is, the heroes {chun-li and son included}leave to go the sex traffickers hideout, the gang is taking calls from customers who want to buy their prostitutes{kidnapped girls 14-20 locked up in a cell,until they are bought}. outside,just as one of the thugs is about to bring a young girl to his boss,the heroes come and beat him up,the girl thanks them and leaves. the heroes bust in ,fight ,beat up and capture the villains, they than free the girls. later,while the police are taking the sex-traders to jail, guile complements chun-wa and tells him that his mom trained him well, chun-li thanks the heroes for their help.krista asks the others if they know of a good place to eat

While the new pope is talking to a jam-packed crowd at the annual world youth day, a teenage warrior{ryan clover} beats the him to death and quickly escapes. inside the gabrial home,krista and guile are watching the news report about the popes murder.Guile than gets a call from Interpol telling him that he must stop a warrior who keeps killing Religious figures in america,and that his recent attack was on the pope,they than tell him that he has sent the whole street fighter team on this mission and that they are scattered around the country scouting the streets,waiting for the villain to show himself.

Guile tell Krista that he may need some help with the mission and invites her to come. Krista accepts the invite.

Inside an abandoned castle,the sorceress,eden is congratulating ryan for killing the pope,and that his next mission is to kill gordon roberson,president of the christian broadcasting company,ryan leaves with out questioning the order.eden tells herself that her evil plan {to rid the america of christians},and that with ryan under her spell no one can stop her,not even the street fighters. on the streets of virginia, Cammy is scouting the streets for ryan,she sees him going into the cbc building.

cammy contacts Interpol and tells him  ryan is at the cbn building and is going in after him. inside the building,ryan is beating up the security,cammy enters and follows him, inside a studio,gorden robison is interviewing a guest on his tv show,when ryan busts in and just as he is about to kill gordon,cammy enters and attacks ryan,she than tells ryan that he must fight outside,ryan agrees.outside the building,cammy is fighting ryan...after a few rounds ryan beats cammy,and just as he's about to finish her,guile and krista arrive and fight him. 

krista beats ryan, eden appears and introduces herself. eden challenges krista to a fight.Krista defeats eden, eden transforms into her true self{a demon}and continues the fight. After krista kills eden,eden's corps turns to ashes and ryan is freed from her control. While krista and ryan talk about what happened,the cops come and take ryan to jail. ryan thanks krista while he's being carted off by the cops. cammy thanks krista and guile for saving her.after a few words,the team goes home.
Arc 3: While training in deejay's yard,quin tells deejay that she's gonna join pro-wrestling to make some extra money,{deejay's rich because of his world famous dance workout studio}.after they talk about it,deejay allows her to become a wrestler. in krista's backyard,guile is sparing with krista,krista calls guile's training too easy for her and that she want's a training challange. Guile tells krista that his friend has a gym where the training is harder. krista asks him where the gym is,and guile gives her a card that tells has the gym's adderess and phone number.

krista leaves {by using her natural ability to fly}and tells guile that she will be back soon. krista arrives at the gym and enters it,and sees no one there. as krista walks and looks around,she is greeted by sakura,the gym's co-owner. sakura introduces herself and asks krista who she is, krista tells her that she's here to be trained by a woman named rose. sakura tells krista that rose isn't excepting students,krista tells sakura that her trainer,guile sent her to get advanced training. sakura challanges krista to see if she's strong enough for rose's training. after a couple of rounds krista beats sakura.rose comes in,introduces herself, and asks krista why she has come.

krista tells rose that she want's to be trained by her, rose tells her that she must battle her,and if she does well...she'll train her. after a long hard battle krista wins and rose keeps her word to trains her.after eating krista begins her training under rose..starting with the gravity chamber.rose sets the gravity{via gravity machine}to a low level and the difficult training officialy begins.

During the Annual fighting street tournament an evil woman arrives and kills the participants. She is Alita,her fight and kill the strongest fighters on earth and prove her superiority. Meanwhile,krista is still training in the gravity room,while rose is reading the bible just outside the room,wondering if krista has what it takes to save the world and sakura is coaching the other members of roses gym as they train hard.

During their vacation at thier country side resort,karin,her husband,and their sons are attacked by Alita. She kills everyone,karin gets upset and fights Alita and loses. Alita picks up a high power reading on her scouter and leaves to find that power. back at rose's gym, rose feels an evil presence and moments later,Alita shows up,and picks a fight with the gym members.

After the villainess beats up on the gym members,she senses rose on her scouter and goes to her. when she gets there, Alita has a small conversation with rose and than challenges her to fight.Alita beats rose. krista arrives and saves rose from being finished off. Alita sees krista's power level on her scouter, krista gets mad and challenges her to a battle outside. Alita and Krista battle outside. Alita defeats krista and promises to kill krista and rose later. she than leaves to search for more worthy opponents to kill.

At the gym, rose and krista are talking about the previous fight ,when sakura tells rose to teach krista the flash body technique, rose says that krista is to young to use it,but after arguing about it rose teaches krista the flash body, a technique that produces a flashing aura that temporarily boosts the speed and strength of the fighter. Krista and Rose begin the training.

Meanwhile, Alita is continuing her killing spree on powerful warriors. While on her break she get a power reading on her scouter she leaves to check it out. Ken and his family are in the local park. Alita attacks and kills Ken's family. a devastated ken fights her and loses.

Alita than gets an even bigger power reading on her scouter, and leaves to check it out. Alita arrives at rose's gym and is surprised that she's been lead back there. She declares her scouter to be broken. Krista appears and after some some words, the 2 fight and after a few rounds krista kills Alita using the flash body. krista faints from the fight and rose carries her back into the gym telling her that she did well.

Dr. Ami Henderson,a mad scientist,creates a storm machine to destroy the world and soon after,rebuild it in her own image. Guile and the others think the storm  just natural, but krista doubts it due to it being so strong, she sees a device in the air and she believes that the device is causing the storm, she tries to destroy it but fails.krista tells guile that a device in the sky is what's causing the storm. krista destroys the machine,but the storm continues.

She than notices a few more machines,she destroys them and the storm stops, Guile than brings one of the destroyed machines to Interpol. Interpol recognizes the machine as one of Dr. Henderson's creations,  He is ordered to find and Bring Henderson to justice,while the other Street Fighter Team Members destroy the rest of her machines that are scattered all through out the Globe. They finally give Guile the location of her Lab. They tell Guile that Interpol agents have tried to infiltrate the lab and have failed, but that maybe Super Human's can do what Normal agents couldn't.

Guile, Krista and Cammy raid Dr. Henderson's lab and meet up with her. They tell dr.H that they know that she created the weather machines, the heroes try to reason with the villainess, but it fails. Henderson calls for her battle suit, gets in it and fights the heroes.

They fight Henderson and defeat her. The Suit overloads and exploads,taking the scientist with it.  Soon after,the Heroes blow up Henderson's Lab with their energy attacks. The Street Fighter Team destroy the rest of Dr.Henderson's Machines and the worlds weather is back to normal.
Arc 4:  Ryan clover gets out of jail and joins the UFC; quin finishes her training with deejay; bison gives bullba a titanium-zero cybernetic head peice to increase his psycho power;calli is almost finished mastering her powers;ken and ryu start their own dojo in america's countryside..taking the book of akuma {a forbiden book}with them.....not only that but months later they choose 2 students of exact opposits,a hispanic boy named carlos and an asian boy named lao;guile is on vacation;cammy is teaching arobics at a new jersey gym

E. honda is teaching sumo wrestling in japan;karin is working as the president of her father's Billion Yen business;sakura is away..visiting her granchildren; chun-li and her son are still fighting corruption all over the world;blanka is living peacefully in central america;t.hawk has quit the street fighters and now is raising a family;r.mika has also quit the street fighters and pro-wrestling, she now is an amature body builder;fei-long and dan are still making kung-fu well as fighting corruption;juli and juni are living a peacful normal life ;and finally krista has begun mastering her training   

Krista,ryan,quin,chun-wa,chun-li,and, cammy participate the fighting street tournament and are 6 of  8 participents{they each made it through the preliminary battle royal})krista and friends meet carlos and lao{the other 2 participants}and find out that they are ryu and ken's prized students. ryu and ken tell the others about how they met carlos and lao and took them on as their students{ryu and ken where on a scouting mission to get 2 special students,until finaly they found the 2 that they were looking for, one was carlos: a trouble maker and was lao: a shy pacifist type.

Ryu and ken trained carlos and lao for years and during that time the boys started to change their ways, carlos gave up his trouble-making lifestyle and lao learned how to be a brave fighter for good, who will never shy away from a fight}. the m.c. than announces to the crowd that the fighting street tournament will begin in t- 2 minutes in counting, the heros hear the announcement and leave the locker room area for the ring)

The first first round fight is: cammy white vs. chun-li xiang, after a long fight cammy ends up winning; the second first round fight is: ryan clover vs. carlos silvio, after a long fight carlos ends up winning; the third first round fight is: Walter Xiang vs.Lao Sung Pak,after a long fight lao ends up winning; the forth first round fight is: krista gabrial vs. quin janus, after a long fight krista ends up winning )the m.c. than announces that the semi-final round battles will begin in t- 10 minutes in counting.

The first semi-final round fight is: cammy white vs. carlos silvio, after a long fight carlos ends up winning;the second semi-final round fight is: lao sung pak vs. krista gabrial, after a long fight krista ends up winning. carlos vows to get even with krista for his friends loss. the m.c. announces that the finals will begin in t-10 minutes in counting.

Carlos and krista fight in the finals and after a long hard faught match, krista becomes the fighting street champion and she and carlos become friends. later on carlos,ryu,ken,and lao say goodby to our heroes and go back to the shotakan dojo.

Bullba and his gang rob the lab of dr. murry,the famous robotics scientist. dr.murry comes in and sees the gang take his most important documents,bullba kills the doctor,the doc's daughter ,iris sees the murder and bullba threatens to kill her later after he delivers the documents to dr.greg henderson{bullba's not very smart telling iris his plan}. the gang escapes with the documents and iris crys over her dead father.

Meanwhile bullba and his gang are inside dr, Greg Henderson's lab giving him the stolen documents,Henderson tells the gang that he needed the plans to get revenge on the street fighters for killing his wife,ami. after bullba and his gang get paid,they leave talking about killing iris, the only witness to dr.murry's murder. while iris is walking home from the funeral{the funeral parlor is not that far from iris' house}.

Iris barely escapes a drive-by-shooting by bullba's gang. iris uses a near by pay-phone and calls the police,but the line is busy.she than realizes the people who just did the drive-by were bullba's guys. Bullba's guys attack iris. Krista and Cammy arrive from out of nowhere and beat up the gang,the gang gets back into their car and drives off, vowing revenge.

After iris expresses her thanks,the heroes take her back to Interpol,where iris explains everything. Interpol asighns cammy and krista to be iris' body guards until bullba's gang is captured,they than assign guile and blanka to go to Dr. Greg Henderson's lab and get back those documents. After Interpol finds the location of the hendersons lab, blanka and guile leave for their mission in their jet. meanwhile, cammy and krista walk iris home. while the heroes are walking her home,iris tells them about her past  When the heroes reach iris' home,they find bullba and his gang waiting for them.

After making threats and telling the heroes how he found out where iris lived, bullba attacks..along with his gang. after the heroes beat the gang , the gang retreats but bullba stays and mocks the heroes, iris vows vengence and bullba beats up on her, krista gets mad and beats up bullba. 

Bullba vows revenge and leaves, the heroes take iris inside her house so that she can rest up, krista comments on how durable iris is and that she should get some fight training. guile and blanka raid dr. hendersons lab and get the documents back, Henderson arrives and tells the street fighters that it's too late and that he has already made copies of the document.

Before blanka and guile could place dr. henderson under arrest, the mad scientist teleports away with all of his import documents..including the copy of Dr. Murry's. Hours later at hq, Interpol congratulates the heroes for a job well done, cammy volunteers to train iris and to let her live with her, Iris is happy and thanks the heroes, krista tells everyone that she is going to join the US hopes of finding a challenge.
Arc 5: After krista tells rose and sakura about her decision to join the american millitary, she hugs them goodby and leaves for the local army acadamy. at the army acadamy, krista {along with 12 other people}fills out an entry form and than is given a physical, after krista passes her physical she gets fitted for her uniform.

Later, Sargent Steve 'Mongo' Mc Michael is welcoming krista and the other new recruits,after his short speech about army life he tells them to run 20 laps around the academy's track. at the track, the sargent {as well as the other new cadets}gets a surprise when krista finishes the 20 lap run in just 1 minute , after his breif shock, the sargent tells the new recruits to get ready for hand-to-hand combat training.

After they finish their lap, the sargent than asks for krista's name,krista tells him and he asks if she is related to liutenent bobby gabrial, krista says that she is, the sargent than tells krista to rest up for the hand-to-hand combat training. meanwhile,at rose's gym, cammy is training iris, rose and sakura are amazed at how well iris is learning from cammy.

Back at the military academy, krista and the others are ready for hand to hand combat training , krista beats everyone in the sargent's combat training .the sargent is impressed and tells everyone to prepare for the obstacle course. at the obstacle course,krista aces the obstacle course while the other cadets don't.

The sargent leaves the area to a private place and calls general briggs at the pentagon on his cell phone. the sargent tells general briggs that they might have their own super soldier, in the form of krista gabrial, the general says that he'll be right over. the sargent returns to the cadets and tells krista that the general of the US division of the A.N. military is coming to see her, the other cadets are shocked and krista is surprised.

The general arrives at the acadamy and greets sargent mcmichael ,who is with krista.general briggs asks if krista is the so called"super soldier", sargent mcmichael answers with a yes. general challanges krista to a series of contests to see if she really is a super soldier and if she wins them all he will instantly promote her to sargent of the the a.n. millitary,but if she doesn't pass them all she will remain at the acadamy, krista tells the general that she will try her best.

The generals first test is: leadership training {krista must train the new cadets and than lead them in a mini-war game, where the group is split into 2 teams}. krista passes the first test and gets ready for the second: running the ultra obstacle course}.krista passes the obstacle course and is ready for the next test, so for the final test general briggs challenges krista to a battle. krista wins and the general promotes her and calls her a real super soldier.

At the shotakan dojo,carlos and lao are training with ryu and ken, when calli appears and steal the book of akuma saying that with her psycho power and akuma's fighting style she will be invincible,when ryu and ken try to stop her..calli kills them both.

Carlos and lao get sad and angry and attack calli and lose, calli laughs and leave. carlos and lao mourn their teachers death and than arrange a funeral. back in china, chun-li and her son are in the middle of busting a military arms ring{the weapons are stolen goods},

When bullba appears and tells them to mind their own damn business and to leave his gang alone, chun-li refuses and fights bullba,she loses and bullba kills her, walter gets angry and fights bullba. after walter loses bullba and his men escape to bison's fortress with the remaining millitary weapons, saddened and angry chun-wa vows to get even with bullba.

Back at bison's fortress bison congratulate bullba and his gang for successfully selling most of the weapons,and that they can keep the profits for them selves, bison tells bullba that he has a special solo assignment for him, kill the rest of the street fighters one by one starting with guile.

Bullba gets excited and tells his mentor (and unbeknownst to him, father) that it gives him a warm and fuzzy feeling when he kills people, bison hugs him and calls him 'son', afterwards bullba leaves for his assignment. at roses gym, iris is sparring with cammy, when calli arrives to fight the heroines.after calli taunts the good guys, the fight begins and calli ends up winning.

Calli laughs and tells the 2 warriors that she can finish them off any time she wants, calli than leaves. krista and a visiting guile{the army let him visit krista because he is a close friend, and a well known ex-colonel} are talking and eating lunch at a U.S. military academy, when bullba appears, tells them the reason he's here and attacks the heroes,krista and guile fight him. bullba kills guile, and krista is devastated, gets saddened and pissed, she than beats bullba to a pulp.a battered bullba escapes back to shadowloo city, krista vows to destroy bullba, she than leaves to arrange a funeral for her dead mentor. 3 funerals where arranged that day, 1 in china for chun-li , 1 in the countryside for ryu and ken, and finally a military type funeral for guile.

2 days after the funeral, at a.n. hq,in new york , the general gives krista a mission to raid the shadowloo organization{bison's fortress} in shadowloo island and get the stolen weapons back ,he than tells her that she will be promoted to colonel if she is successful, krista tells the general that she's ready, the general assighns 2 rookie cadets to help her out: the vernon sisters{sabrina and kelly}.

Meanwhile, The A.N. gets a new commissioner, Morgan Steiner,who becomes a friend of the Street Fighter Team. Krista and her 2 partners leave for bison's fortress in a military carrier jet. In bisons fortress, calli is in a secret area reading akuma's book, bullba is chilling with his gang in the back room ,and bison sences krista coming and figures out that she might be after the stolen weapons, he than tells {on his p.a. system}his troops to get ready for a battle, calli and bullba get excited and can't wait.

When the heroes arrive at bison's base, zangief and some bison soldiers attack them. after the ladies beat zangeif and the soldiers, they enter the fortress, krista tells sabrina and kelly to find the weapons while she stops bison and his goons.after kelly and sabrina leave to find the weapons, krista moves on to find bison.

Bison watches krista via security camera, and says that she's stronger than he realized, he than sends soldiers to stop the vernon sisters from finding the weapons, and vows that he will win. krista arrives in a strange arena-like room,where bullba appears and challenges krista to a 1-on-1, krista tells bullba that he will pay for killing guile, bullba laughs and tells her that 1 more white guy dead, means the closer blacks are to owning the world. 

Krista gets pissed and fights bullba. krista wins and bullba escapes, with bullba out of the way krista is able to move on, until finally she reaches the outside of bison's chambers, calli appears. after some words, krista and calli fight, calli loses, and tells krista that they will meet again and next time she will win, calli than leaves.

Krista enters bison's chambers and the evil mastermind is their to greet her, bison tells krista that he's impressed with her power and offers her to be his right hand woman ,krista tells him that she is god's right hand woman and would never betray him for anything or anyone.bison calls her a foolish bitch and that if she doesn't live as his servent than she will die, krista tells bison that he's the one that's going to die. bison and krista fight,and after a few rounds...krista loses.

The vernon sisters find the weapons and get attacked by bison injured krista, continues to battle bison, and with the power of well as a flash body at 2x the power, krista beats bison, as krista starts to celebrate her win, the vernon sisters{on the comunicator}tell her that they have neted the stolen weapons and are on their way out of the fortress, krista congradulates them and tells them to wait for her outside.

Before leaving , krista tells bison that she will spare his life and that he should give up his sinful ways, bison tells her to go to hell, krista chuckles and tells him that that's where he will be going if he doesn't ask jesus for forgiveness and give up sin. krista tells bison that he can give up his evil ways and live a better life. after she tells him to think about it, krista leaves.

An hour later bison is still in his chambers, vowing to kill krista if it's the last thing he does, bullba enters and is pissed at bison for losing to a christian, bison tells him that he will not make that mistake again,he than tells bullba that he failed to beat krista more than once,and that he's no better than him.

Bullba gets ultra pissed, calls bison a stupid white guy and kills him, some soldiers run in and bullba tells them to take the bison's body outside and burn it, the soldiers do just that.after bullba calms down, he uses the p.a. system to tell everyone that bison has died and that he will be taking over the organization and renaming it 'bullba incorperated' he also announces plans for  bullba inc's first creation: a flying mini-fortress with a big lasar cannon known as the 'brotha ray'.

He also tells them that all of bison's henchmen and soldiers are officially fired, and his gangs will become bullba troopers: m.p.'s that will work for bullba inc. he than tells everyone that he will be scouting the globe for some new super human henchmen. at the military academy, krista is being honored for being successful in her mission and is being promoted to colonel of the a.n. military in a graduation-type ceremony..everyone krista knows is there, the general even gives a speech. meanwhile, in a wasteland a portal opens and a woman,holding a championship belt,steps out,and begins her search for the strongest evil power in the world 
Arc 6: Bullba travels the globe and finds 6 of the fiercest super humans ever. back at bullba inc scientists have halfway completed the brotha ray mini-fortress. krista meets AN commishiner morgan steiner for the first time ever{thanks to general briggs}.

At rose's gym, Krista teaches her teammates flash body,and the team teaches her some of their attacks. the mysterious woman's search for the strongest evil power in the world continues, she than remembers m.bison as the strongest evil power in the world and leaves for shadowloo island  to meet him. in shadowloo island, the woman arrives at bullba inc. 

Bullba troopers approach the woman and she asks where m.bison is, the troops tell her that bison is dead and jarred bullba is now in controll, the woman asks the troopers if bullba is strong and evil ,the soldiers tell her yes, the woman asks the troops to bring bullba out to her, the troops ask her what business she has with their boss, the woman gets mad and kills one of the soldiers.

The woman tells the living soldier to get bullba and to be quick about it, the soldier leaves to get bullba, the woman checks her scouter for more strong powers, she finds some, bullba comes out and meets the woman)the woman reads bullba's power on her scouter and is impressed, bullba asks the woman who she is and what she wants,the woman tells bullba that she would like to go someplace where they can talk in private, bullba suggests his personal quarters, but the woman warns him that she is much stronger than he is and that hitting on her is a very dangerous thing.

Bullba than asks her where she would like to go,the woman tells bullba that they will go to the local wastelands. bullba and the woman fly off to the wastelands,once there, the woman introduces herself as rei hero,the street fighter champion and feared intergalactic Fighter, she than tells bullba that she wants someone powerful to hold the title for her while she's doing her thing {she can't defend her title and dominate intergalactic fighters at once},

Note: According to a new rule,as long as you have proof of title ownership,you will be recognised as matters not how you become champ.

rei than asks what happened to bison, bullba tells her that he killed him for losing so many times.rei asks bullba if he is worthy of holding the title of street fighting champion while she's away, bullba says yes and that he is a well known gang master,bison's prized student, and new leader of bison's organization.

After bullba gives rei a briefing on his achievements, rei crowns bullba as the new SF champion,gives him her championship belt,and tells him that one day she will return to reclaim the title, she uses a pocket device to open up a portal and leaves through it)after the portal closes, bullba decides to work on his next plan: blackmail the world with the aid of the brotha ray, a huge blaster cannon that will hover high in the sky and will activate via remote control.

At his base in Thailand, Bullba announces to the world [via satellite broadcast] that he has recently become the new Street Fighter Champion and will be holding the Next Tournament this Saturday in Thailand at 2PM. He then switches into dictator mode and threatens the world. He tells the A.N that he wants the world and will get it by any means necessary. He tells them about The Brotha Ray and threatens to use it on the World if the A.N. does not submit the Nations to him.

He also tells The A.N. that he has one of their Finest as a hostage and will kill him if anyone interrupts his plans. He concludes that he'll be gathering signatures of the the World leaders Tomorrow during the Annual Peace Conference. He warns that He'll use his weapon to destroy the Nations who's leader refuses to sign it.

Krista and her team watch and hear Bullba's threats and make plans to intercept him at The A.N Peace Conference. The Next Day,at the Peace Conference, Jarred Bullba and his Attack Wolves arrive, with the hostage. After Making his speech,he presents the World Leaders with a Contract stating his demands AND legalizing his rule over the earth. 

Before anything gets signed, Krista, Iris, and Walter barge in. Bullba warns Krista if she or her friends attack,He will Kill his hostage. Krista is shocked to find that the hostage is her Older Brother, Bobby. Bullba tells The Street Fighters to leave in peace or Bobby Dies. And as a bonus, destroy the United States with the Brotha Ray.

Bulba takes out the controller. Frightened, The Leaders Sign the Contract,despite Krista's Objections. Once Bullba has the signed document,he leaves with his henchmen and hostage.Krista decides to Enter the tournament to put Bullba out of commission, while the others have Interpol scan the Globe for the Brother Ray,so that it can be put out of commission.

Krista reveals her plan to Commissioner Steiner and she agrees with it. After doing a scan of Earth herself, she Fins a Large Cannon hovering far up in the sky. General Briggs enters and interrupts. He warns Krista that the World Leaders forbid her and her group to do anything,fearing that it might escalate the Problem.

Krista disagrees and tells Brigs that she won't let the world fall under Bullba's control And She wants her brother back And the Brother Ray must be destroyed. Briggs agrees but tells her that The A.N. is in control and they say do nothing. Failing to obey will result in banishment from the A.N. military And possibly jail time.

After the General leaves, Krista tells her team that they will save the world and compete in the tournament,despite the A.N's wishes. Commissioner Steiner gives Krista her blessing. Back at his compound, Bullba is turning Bobby into a brainwashed Psycho Soldier (just like bison did to ken in the street fighter animated movie).

The Heroes train for the tournament and their mission to destroy the Brotha Ray. The leave for Thailand to participate in the tournament. While Krista,Carlos,Lao,and Walter enter. Quin, Ryan, and Iris decide to search the skys for Bullba's weapon and destroy it. Bullba soon arrives with his attack Wolves and Bobby,who's concealed under a cloak. 

All of the Fighters take part in a Battle Royal,with first 8 winners becoming Tournament Participants. Krista and her crew win and enter the tournament. Bullba is surprised to see Krista and her team here. He decides to let her participate. Krista and her team win their respective Tournament matches. The Semi-final Matches are as follows: Krista vs Lao and Walter vs Carlos. Carlos and Krista win their matches. Lao and Walter leave to find the Brotha Ray. 

Meanwhile, The Other Street Fighters are flying through the Sky having no luck finding the Brotha Ray. Back at the Tournament, Krista battles Carlos and wins. Carlos leaves to find the Brotha Ray. Back at the A.N.,The World Leaders decide to take a break and watch the Fighting Tournament, They are shocked when they see Krista there. They call General Briggs and tell them that Krista has disobeyed orders and wants him to retrieve her. 

In the Sky, The Street Fighters Reunite and have found the Bother Ray. They Power Up their greatest attacks and destroy it. Back at the Tournament, Bullba congratulates Krista on getting this far. The A.N. Military arrives with General Briggs to arrest Krista. Bullba tells the General that it's alrgiht and that he's letting her participate. The General leaves, but wans Krista that she'll have hell to pay after the Tournament.

Bullba decides to give Krista an exhibition bout before facing him. He sends his Cloaked warrior into the ring. Krista is shocked to find out that the warrior is Bobby, brainwashed and psychotic. Krista demands to know what Bullba has done to her Brother. Bullba tells her and orders his slave to beat and humiliate her. With no hesitation, Bobby attacks his Sister. Krista tries to snap him out of it,but fails.

Krista is forced to fight her own brother. She defeats him and that seemed to knock some sense into him. Irritated at his minions weakness, Bullba kills Bobby and faces Krista himself. Enraged at her brothers Death,Krista fights and defeats Bullba.

Being The Black Brat that he is at heart, Bulba decides to destroy this Arena using his Brotha Ray. He takes out his controller,moves the joy pad and Pushes the fire button.......nothing happens  Bullba is shocked. Krista tells Bullba that the Street Fighters must have found and destroyed his Brotha Ray. Upset, Bullba attacks Krista Again, and this time, he's defeated for good.

Not only is The World safe, but Krista Gabrial is the New Street Fighter Champion.

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